Quotes by SoFtBaLl_22

i like this kid, but hes a year younger than me and i thought he liked me back, but on halloween i brought my best friend on my bus with me and all of a sudden he thinks shes hot and im getting the vibe that she likes him back (even tho shes going out with my ex boyfriend). I tried not talking to him until he talks to me because whenever i tlked to him, he didnt want to be bothered, but once i dont talk to him, he decides to talk to me non stop. idk what to do. thanks so much if you read this.....advice???

 That depressing moment when:
Your 11:11 11/11/11 wish doesn't come true.
what is a good website to use if you need a username for something???? because i am out of ideass

I wish I could read minds 
so i can see how
he really feels
about me


Falling for a guy
you know your not right for

but you fall anyway

because you think he might turn out to be different

mine as
far as
i know

One thing i don't miss
about school:

going to do bathroom
with your period

 If a boy flirted with me the whole time at a party, does that automatically means that he likes me? or does it mean there is a chance that he likes me....help

 I'm not addicted to smoking or drugs

But I am addicted to Facebook and Witty


My mom must be so proud

All mine
Sorry its not pretty


Does anyone know
what boys do at
If you know
comment plz
my friends and i
are really curious