
Joined: December 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 248088

Are you bullied and need support/ advice?
Were here to help and remind you that your not alone

Youtube Help Account (click on underlinded words to go to link)
OovoO account for help:
Email for ASAP help:
Or my personal email :
Leave comments on this account
Or post annomously on our formspring and we will give advice through that



Quotes by TheBullyingStopsNow

jacijo16 here (REPRESENT!)
Okay, it's serious time.
Someone please go to my personal Witty account (jacijo16), and if you are bullied, please comment on my page with your story. I will then make a Youtube video JUST FOR YOU and send it directly to your account. Bullying needs to stop.♥
Feed your soul, starve a bully, stand GRAND. Together we WILL make a difference.
Hey guys!
I'm Jaci. (jacijo16)
I'm here to help those you have been bullied in the past or are currently being bullied. There's help wherever you look, and this is one of the places♥ So feel free to comment on this page about your story, and we'll help right away!
Have a GRAND day! :)

To save a life

My name is Jacie and I would have been turning 16 on March 1, 2011

What you are about to read are my old journal entries.Each entry contains bits and pieces to an explantation that my family,friends,classmates,teachers, and maybe even strangers would like to know. Maybe if somone had read these sooner they would have known that everytime I smiled it wasn't real and everytime i said " I'm fine" it was just a plain old lie.My life may have been short but people could learn from it.Thats why I left my journal by my side the day I died , so that way maybe one day someone could save a life.

Entry one: Hey waz happin journal ?? This is my first entry since Mom thinks writing out my feelings would be good for me since I refuse to see a therapist. So how about in this entry I just telll you a little bit about myself?

I am currently 14 years old and today was my first day of highschool. I was so nervous for this day just because Middle school was not the best personally for me. Last july I moved from Cali to New York because my parents got a divorce.I am happy that we moved because back in Cali, I was bullied everyday . I would come home crying everyday and lock myself in my room. So when we moved to New York I made myself get skinny, changed my hair style, bought some new outfits and was even able to get my acne to clear up .If it hadn't been for the past experainces with bullying I probably would have never changed but I didnt want New York to turn into Cali.

So back to today being the first day of highschool!! it was an amazing day , I made tons of new friends and talk about cute seniors,haha. I can't wait for tomorrow i really think my life could be turning around. Clearly these changes I've made have given me a new chance at loving life and enjoying every minute I get to live it."New York where dreams are made."


Are you bullied or know someone who is?
Well we are here to give advice and support

we are a group of people (mainly girls), We will give you advice and support you through it. Everyone deserves a bully free happy life and we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to have just that. Some of us have been bullied before or know people who have been are main goal is to let any victim know they are not alone and together we can beat this WORLD WIDE PROBLEM.
So if you need advice/support here are your options
Youtube account : TheBullyingstopsnow
and comment your story or message us and we will post a video responce to give you advice and support asap.
Email the ASAP ACCOUNT : or my personal email for advice aswell
Leave a message on this account
& we can either give you typed advice or a video via youtube and u may request the advice or support either way
Message our Formspring
& we can get back to you via that way or video again.
You may leave your story annonomously and recieve the help we dont want people to feel awkward about coming for advice , we will accept it either way and will always be here to help!

Please pass on the word about this account in hopes that it can help someone

Are you bullied or know someone who is?
Well we are here to give advice and support

we are a group of people (mainly girls), We will give you advice and support you through it. Everyone deserves a bully free happy life and we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to have just that. Some of us have been bullied before or know people who have been are main goal is to let any victim know they are not alone and together we can beat this WORLD WIDE PROBLEM.
So if you need advice/support here are your options
Youtube account : TheBullyingstopsnow
and comment your story or message us and we will post a video responce to give you advice and support asap.
Email the ASAP ACCOUNT : or my personal email for advice aswell
Leave a message on this account
& we can either give you typed advice or a video via youtube and u may request the advice or support either way
Message our Formspring
& we can get back to you via that way or video again.
You may leave your story annonomously and recieve the help we dont want people to feel awkward about coming for advice , we will accept it either way and will always be here to help!

Please pass on the word about this account in hopes that it can help someone

Are you bullied or know someone who is?
Well we are here to give advice and support

we are a group of people (mainly girls), We will give you advice and support you through it. Everyone deserves a bully free happy life and we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to have just that. Some of us have been bullied before or know people who have been are main goal is to let any victim know they are not alone and together we can beat this WORLD WIDE PROBLEM.
So if you need advice/support here are your options
Youtube account : TheBullyingstopsnow
and comment your story or message us and we will post a video responce to give you advice and support asap.
Email the ASAP ACCOUNT : or my personal email for advice aswell
Leave a message on this account
& we can either give you typed advice or a video via youtube and u may request the advice or support either way
Message our Formspring
& we can get back to you via that way or video again.
You may leave your story annonomously and recieve the help we dont want people to feel awkward about coming for advice , we will accept it either way and will always be here to help!

Please pass on the word about this account in hopes that it can help someone

Are you bullied
or once have been or know someone who is ?

Well here is the deal I'm doing a psa for my documentary in my media class.
Its called The Bullying Stops Now.
I recently started account through sites to show victims of bullying they are not alone
So heres the deal : if you have ever been bullied or know some one who has then tell the story and how it has affected you. Each story is another step of making people aware of the problem with bullying and why it must stop now.
If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment & check out the account on witty dedicated to helping bullied victims

Are you bullied
or once have been or know someone who is ?

Well here is the deal I'm doing a psa for my documentary in my media class.
Its called The Bullying Stops Now.
I recently started account through sites to show victims of bullying they are not alone
So heres the deal : if you have ever been bullied or know some one who has then tell the story and how it has affected you. Each story is another step of making people aware of the problem with bullying and why it must stop now.
If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment & check out the account on witty dedicated to helping bullied victims

Are you bullied or know someone who is?
Well we are here to give advice and support

we are a group of people (mainly girls), We will give you advice and support you through it. Everyone deserves a bully free happy life and we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to have just that. Some of us have been bullied before or know people who have been are main goal is to let any victim know they are not alone and together we can beat this WORLD WIDE PROBLEM.
So if you need advice/support here are your options
Youtube account : TheBullyingstopsnow
and comment your story or message us and we will post a video responce to give you advice and support asap.
Email the ASAP ACCOUNT : or my personal email for advice aswell
Leave a message on this account
& we can either give you typed advice or a video via youtube and u may request the advice or support either way
Message our Formspring
& we can get back to you via that way or video again.
You may leave your story annonomously and recieve the help we dont want people to feel awkward about coming for advice , we will accept it either way and will always be here to help!

Please pass on the word about this account in hopes that it can help someone

Are you bullied or know someone who is?
Well we are here to give advice and support

we are a group of people (mainly girls), We will give you advice and support you through it. Everyone deserves a bully free happy life and we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to have just that. Some of us have been bullied before or know people who have been are main goal is to let any victim know they are not alone and together we can beat this WORLD WIDE PROBLEM.
So if you need advice/support here are your options
Youtube account : TheBullyingstopsnow
and comment your story or message us and we will post a video responce to give you advice and support asap.
Email the ASAP ACCOUNT : or my personal email for advice aswell
Leave a message on this account
& we can either give you typed advice or a video via youtube and u may request the advice or support either way
Message our Formspring
& we can get back to you via that way or video again.
You may leave your story annonomously and recieve the help we dont want people to feel awkward about coming for advice , we will accept it either way and will always be here to help!

Please pass on the word about this account in hopes that it can help someone