
Joined: April 20, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 293833
Gender: F
Hey Guys!
I'm Kate.
I blow out the candles on June 24!
I'm 16.
I live in Florida.
Single again....
I play volleyball
I love the beach.
Enjoy my profile!

TheGirlWhoDared's Favorite Quotes

signs he likes you

(3 of 10)

People who make their
living studying human
behavior have noticed
something rather
interesting – men tend to
raise their eyebrows
whenever they see something
(or, in this case, somebody) they like.


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signs he likes you

(4 of 10)

When a woman crosses her
legs it doesn’t mean much
but when a man does such thing he is
actually telling you that he isn’t
willing to open up or let you get close to him.
Crossed arms are also not a
good sign either as that shows he’s
trying to put up a wall and
make himself unavailable to you.  
Pay attention to the
openess of his posture.


f o r m a t   j i m m y 3 6 5  |  l o v e


my sister was lying with her head on my stomach, and my stomach growled, so she goes "Lizzy, I think your abs must be asleep, because they're snoring."
If I ever have a kid

I'm going to raise them in an Amish community and make them believe it is the year 1693. Then when they are 16 I'm going to tell them I invented a 'time machine', and I will send them into the 'future' and watch as they discover a whole new world.

That sad moment when your hair looks amazingly perfect
right before you get in the shower.
I was helping out with one of the preschool classes at my dance studio and this was a legit conversation that went on:
teacher: did anyone see there mommy or daddy watching the inagoration?
kid one: whats that?
kid two: its when you sleep during day
me: thats nocturnal
kid three: arn't bats nocturnal?
kid two: no antolopes are
kid four: nuh uh antolopes a fruit
kid five: i know where babys come from!!
*everyone gets quiet*
kid five: *whispering* cleevland.
entire class: *gasp*
*true story
Flynn Rider:

the only Disney character to ever question why everybody is randomly singing
This quote does not exist.

Standing in the Rain because NO ONE can see the TEARS.

even when i'm happy, i want to die. that scares me.