
Joined: July 17, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 318175

Advice for Anyone

Hey. This is the account I post random tips on. They might be about
beauty, school,realtionships (with friends, guys/girls, family members, etc.),
or anything else I decide to post. 


*Info on question/answer posts*
Feel free to leave me a question on my profile or any of my quotes.
If you want, I can write your username on my answer quote or just
leave it anonymous and delete your comment once I see it. Just make
sure to let me know which one you want or I'll just make it your username.

Questions can range from serious to silly. :)

Keep in mind my answers are based on whatever my experiances have taught me.

Thanks! :D

~Anonymous Answers from an Anonymous Writer


Quotes by Tips

Tip #5

Planners WILL help you, especially in school. It may seem like
a pain at first, but after you get used to writing your assignments
in it, it'll make your life a little easier. And you'll never again have
to worry about second-guessing yourself on whether or not you had
homework in a certain class.


Tip #4

Eat breakfast. It'll help you cut back on calories by getting your
metobolism going. Plus, you'll feel less hungry during the day.


Tip #3

Laugh. It reduces stress hormones in your body.


Tips #2

Never let your friends borrow money.
 You usually won't get it back.


Tips #1

If you're worried about not remembering something, make a note.
It will free up space in your brain and allow the pestering thoughts
to slip away. Just make sure to put it somewhere you know
you'll see it.


Advice for Anyone

This is the start of my new advice column. If you need some advice, or just want
to ask me any random question, feel free to comment on my profile or quote.

Questions may range from serious to silly. Thank you! :)

Read my profile for more information.