
Joined: August 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 202845



One Direction.<3
Hi, I'm Victoria, and I'm the ultimate Directioner.
Since they first began, and until the day forever ends.

Quotes by VRMstories

If you could take your own life,
without your family being sad, and none of your friends knew.
As though you were just completely forgotten,
Would you do it?


Chapter 2
~Richie’s POV~
It was cold out, so I wore a thick jacket.
I hated walking home, to a place I wasn’t welcomed to.
Being an orphan was the shittiest thing ever.
No one wants a 17 year old guy that resents the world for everything.
I heard a car stop behind me.
Sure enough, it was probably just going to enter the house closest to them.
But then I felt a tight grasp on my shoulder.
Then two more on my left arm.
There was a shock entering through my body, as I fell to the floor.
The concrete hit my face, in embarrassment on how I didn’t even put up a fight.
My body was weak and numb, I tried telling myself to scream, but nothing would come out.
As my vision went black, the last thing I heard was “Take him to car, this is the one.”
I woke up, looking around my surroundings.
The walls gray, my hands cuffed to the metal chair I was attached too, along with my legs duck tapped around the chair.
No response.
“Is anyone here?”
The more I asked, the more I knew I didn’t want anyone to be here.
What if they knew about everything?
What if they were coming to take me back?
This can’t be happening again.
Suddenly I heard a door open and close.
Two men walked into the room.
One was tall and buff, the other short but still buff.
They both were wearing black suits, with their hair slicked back.
“Do you know why you’re hear Richie?” The tall one asked.
“I-I don’t know.”
“Of course you know, you’re the super Richie, you know everything.” The short on spitted back to me.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
I lied, I did know.
I knew what they wanted.
“Don’t play dumb with us Richie!” The tall one screamed. “We know who you really are, we know everything.”
“I’m Richie Rambardy. I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
They both looked at each other and laughed.
“You’re really going to keep this up?” Man, this short one was annoying.
“Listen guys, I think you’ve got the wrong person.” My position shifted.
I was uncomfortable, and wanted to leave.
The tall one walked up to me, close to my face.
“We know who you are, we know everything. Agent Matt Reed.”
They know.
How could they though?
That was all in the past, a secret, how did they find out?
How do they know? 


Chapter 1
The shore looked to calm and serene.
With each wave crashing on the sand, I stepped a little bit closer.
A sweet melody sang in my head, “Home is in your eyes”
There was tension all around me, unspoken words clouding the sky.
I was alone, on this sandy surface, no one surrounded me.
But voice echoed throughout the beach, where were they coming from?
I took another step, the water close to crashing on my feet.
Then the cool water touched me, and entangled me.
Something grabbed my foot, pulling me, dragging me across the sand.
I tried to shout but nothing came out.
The sky turned to a deep blood color, the ocean into a twisted eerie maroon shade.
I kicked struggling to get out.
The water quickly engulfing me, leaving my last breathe as a gulp of water.
My eyes closed to the stinging water, and the fear of seeing what grabbed me.
Trying to swim away, but failing I kicked hard.
I opened my eyes for a small glimpse, seeing nothing but death around me.
But then I saw Dean.
My reaction was to swim towards him, gab him and bring him back to the shore.
“Dean!” I attempted to shout, but it all came out as bubbles.
Losing breathe, I grabbed out my arm at one last attempt to save him.
Then something grabbed him, he was gone.
“Lakota, Lakota!” A hissing voice screamed.
I jolted upwards, only to see all my peers staring at me.
“Glad you could join us in class again, next time try not to nap in my class.”
I scanned the area.
Safe and sound, sitting in Mrs. Richard’s history class.
The bell rang, and I gathered all my stuff quickly, leaving the class.
“Hey! Lakota, wait up!”
Bryson was signaling me to walk with him, but I want in the mood.
He cheated on me for the 5th time last night; I still don’t know why I was with him.
A hand grasped my shoulder, turning around to see Bryson.
“What do you want?” My snippy tone screeched.
“Listen babe, I’m sorry it won’t happen again”
His hand wrapped around my waste.
“That’s what you said the last 4 times; get off of me you pig.”
“Come on babe.”
He grabbed me again, but I pushed him off.
“We’re through!”
I walked down the hall, with a smile spread across my face.
Exiting the building as a free woman. 


Help and come aware of Joseph Kony.
Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4MnpzG5Sqc
Share it with friends and family.
Make him FAMOUS
Fight with us!
Stop Kony!.
KONY 2012

              Me: I feel like I should change for him 
              My Best Guy Friend: 
The only thing he should change about you is your last name

There was never much to my life, just the typical teenage life.
I had grown into a family of riches, my father being the owner of popular business and all.
Sports were a major part of my life, along with my friends.
My grades had always been high, showing off my academic knowledge.
But soon enough my life had changed.
I was being watched.
With every step and move I made, it was recorded.
There was a new kid that came to my school, who took much interest in my life.
His name is Richie, mine is Lakota.
Funny name for a girl, right?
Well anyways, he was mysterious.
I, being the curious girl, wanted to find out what his deal was.
The shocking truth would break me forever.
“You can’t handle the truth!”
That is true, I couldn’t.
Because I’d find out that he was one of them.
The people that were always watching. 


To all my readers:
I'm currently putting my story on hold.
Most of you will probably not care, or just unfollow me.
I just dont have time, along with the stress I'm under.
I'll try my hardest to post chapters whenever i get time,
But please dont get your hopes up.
I'm truly sorry.
-VRMstories. xx

County Girl 

Chapter 24
The wind blowing made my hair fly back to move with breeze.
I’d been going out a lot, but not with friends.
Just by myself, I needed some alone time.
Finally reaching my destination I pulled open the door.
I took a seat at the Café, the booths were worn out, but still comfortable.
The woman who owned the small shop was Darcy.
She was about my grandmother age, they were best friends.
Every now and then I come here alone to catch up with her, ever since my grandmother passed away in late fall.
 She’s been lonely.
So I’ve just been trying to fill in that wanted friendship she lost.
“Well, hello there darling!”
Darcy took a seat in the booth across from me.
She looked tired, she always does now.
Last month my mother told me that Darcy is just too old and worn out to have that need to live anymore.
“Hey Darcy, how have you been?”
“Err, tired. You caught me at a good time, I was just coming back from giving flowers to Raymond and Nathaniel’s graves.” Her expression dropped from a weak smile, to a loss of connection to the world.
I’ll never forget the story she told me about that night.
“Darcy, how come you don’t have kids like my grandma does?” My innocent young voice asked.
“Well, I use to.”
My interests got higher.
“What happened to them?”
She looked up at me, “I’m not sure this is a appropriate story to tell you.”
I looked up at her with my best puppy dog look, “Pleeeease!”
“Errr, fine. You see 20 years ago I use to have a beautiful 8 year old boy, with a wonderful husband.”
“Well, were are they? Did they go away?”
I always interrupt.
“Kind of, one night my son, Nathaniel wanted to go out for icecream. My husband Raymond volunteered to take him. They got into a car accident. They’ve been with God ever since.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, if I had known I would had come later.”
“Oh no sweety, its fine, I love your company. You’re just like your grandma.” Darcy said in a pitiful tone.
I gave her a smile.
One of her workers came to our table in a panic.
“Oh Darcy! We burnt 5 orders already! The grill just keeps burning them!”
Darcy looked up at me, “Listen, be at my house tonight at 5, I’ll cook dinner. That way we can catch up.”
“Okay, I’d love that.”
Just like that, I was alone again.
The thought I’d been wanting to get rid of came back, once again.
“No! Shut up, I don’t care about that stupid city boy!”
I screeched, only realizing the whole café was looking at me.
Did I seriously just say that out oud?
Darcy came out of the kitchen, “Are you okay?”
Even she heard it?
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
I ran out of there as fast as I could.
Running into him. 


City Boy.

  Chapter 23
-2 weeks later-
Grace and I hadn’t had an actual conversation in quite some time.
She hurt me, and there just wasn’t enough strength in me to get over it.
Usually I hurt the girls; they sit there and cry over me.
Now it’s the opposite way.
On the other hand, she seemed happier.
The way that Grace was smiling now and going out with her friends all the time.
Me on the other hand was teaching her little brother about ‘how to be a man.’
“So when I grow up am I going to have to dress like you?” Lucas said in a negative tone.
“Well no, but if you move to the city I’d advise you too.”
He gave me this curious look.
As though I had a secret of some sort.
“Does my older sister have cooties? Or do those go into the sky and rain only on girls in my school?”
This sentence made me give a loud chuckle.
“Unfortunately, that statement is true lad.”
“Why does Grace look at you funny?”
How did this conversation end up about her?
That’s the last thing in the world I wanted to talk about.
“Like what?”
“Well she looks like she just ate a birthday cake all by herself and a sodapop!”
Boy, was he so naive.
“Listen kid, your sister doesn’t want anything to do with me; so let’s just drop the subject.”
He looked at me with those big brown eyes like Grace’s.
Man, I was a sucker for brown eyes.
“I’m sorry Lucas, I’m just frustrated.”
“Don’t worry; she likes you almost more than I like the Power-Rangers. And that’s a lot.”
“How do you know this?”
His hand waved to come closer to him.
He cuffed his hands around my ear preparing himself to tell a major secret.
“I read her diary” Lucas said in a low whisper, “But don’t tell my mom, she’ll take away my train set.”
I pretend to give him a shocked look.
“I wouldn’t dare to tell anyone bud.”
Just like that, discovering Grace maybe was faking this whole time.
Maybe she misses me?
Maybe she regrets hurting our friendship.
But then again, maybe she wasn’t.
*as you can tell I’m losing interest in this story. But I’ll keep it going for you guys!  


Country Girl 

Chapter 23
The tension in the air grew with each word spoken.
A fake ‘wedding’ was the last thing I expected to be doing.
Watching a movie was the first thing I really wanted to be doing tonight.
But then again this wasn’t too bad.
“You may kiss the bride!” A high pitched voice announced.
Only now I realized just how zoned out I really had been.
Not even taking into account what Zach was wearing or how he had that goofy smile on his face.
The more I thought about it, the long I portrayed myself as a stupid naive girl.
There it was, seeing how me, the most untricked person in the planet, fell for this fake city boy.
How stupid could I be?
While his face was leaning in closer and closer to mine, I took a step back.
“I-I can’t do this.”
He face filled with embarrassment, but then he started laughing, “It’s fake, calm down.”
“No, I-I mean I can’t do us, you’re just some stupid city body on my farm, this doesn’t mean anything. You don’t mean anything.”
Just then the mood dropped, along with his smile.
Turning to Bella I saw her hurt expression too, so then without a choice I just ran to my room.
It had been two hours since my dramatic exit, and the unbearable hurt scene.
There were so many thoughts floating around in my head, did I really mean that stuff?
Or was I just trying to escape my feelings?
The knock on my door startled me, and then a small child entered my room.
She took a seat right next to me on my bed.
 “You know when he told me my bedtime stories he told me about his day with you.”
My face flustered up with a pink tint.
“Zachy told me that you were better than any other princess in a castle, he said he was would fight off any dragon for you. He’s like a Prince but a knight too.” I noticed her grammar was broken up, like how she pronounced her “l” as a “w” noise.
As she finally decided to leave after our long awkward silence she slowly glanced up at me, “I hope this story end good, or else I want my bedtimes back.”
That last remark of her made me giggle.
Just before she left the room I spoke, “Bella wait,” she turned to face me, “thank you.”
Now my feelings were clear.
That I just wasn’t ready to decide how I felt.