
Joined: August 27, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 28444

Quotes by VanWinkle123

when did you stop loving me...
We WeRe MeNt To Be ToGetHeR i Am JuSt
~WaItInG~ 4 u 2 NotIce ThAt 2 <3
U HaVe A beSt FrieNd But
Can You TrUst HeR nOt To
Tell HeR BoYfRieNd.
GiRls HavE to ManY cLIqUEs
HAnG wId Da BoyS!
Friends DonT Let
FrieNDs ChEeRLead!

No affence to anyone!
Why do your
Friends HavE
To FigHt AnD PuT
YoU IN tHE mIdDlE!
nevEr compare yourself To OtHeRs
ComPare YourSeLf To ThE BEsT you've DoNe!

Me and Nicole Made that totally original.
It's not how bad you are
Its how bad you want it
(Unless you really SUCK)