
Joined: August 8, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 323705
Gender: F

Quotes by WhAtNoOnEkNoWs

You're A Legend
Chapter Four

I couldn't help but tear up thinking about that night. I never forgave my father but I can't stay anywhere else. I could feel my face start to burn up a little and my vision got blurry.
"I know you miss her, Kay. But you know that she is going to be right there looking over you at hockey tryouts." Kyle said as he reached him arm out over me trying to make me feel better.
I buried my face into his chest and continued to sob while his had slid up and down my back to comfort me. "It's all going to be okay." He finished. I nodded my head and sat up a little bit so I could hug him.
"Thanks Kyle." I whispered softly. And his embrace got tighter when he said "Anytime, Kaylee."
After hugging for about 45 more seconds, I heard a voice from the end of the driveway.
"Looks like someone could go for a taco right about now!" Nick said as he help up two bags of Taco Bell. I laughed and pulled away from Kyle. "Kyle, this is my friend Nick. Nick, this is my neighbor Kyle." They did the whole guy handshake and then Nick sat down with us.
"How did you know?" I asked Nick as he took out all of the tacos he had gotten.
"Well I guess you left your phone at the kitchen table because I texted you and you didn't answer. So I texted you again to make sure you were okay. And when you still didn't answer, I called. And one of your brothers answered and told me what happened. I asked if I could come over, he said yes but you were with your neighbor, and I remembered how you wanted tacos earlier. So, I got them for us and made my way here." Nick said as if it was obvious.
After we all ate our tacos like total weirdoes in a drive way, I realized that all this time, my make up was smudged all over my face.
"Sorry, I probably look like a raccoon." I said trying to wipe away anything that was under my eyes.
"It's okay. You look like a cute raccoon." Nick said smiling at me. I felt my face get hot and a huge smile spread across my face.
"No," Kyle cut in. "She's a beautiful raccoon." He finished as he put his arm around me. I could tell the smile on Nicks' face dropped without looking at him.
I smiled at Kyle too. But something just made me want to move.
"Why don't we go inside?" I said trying to make things a little less awkward.
"I would love too, but I actually have to go home." Kyle said as he gave me a hug and then walked back to his house. I looked at Nick and smiled.
"You want to come in?" I asked, trying to get the smile back on his face.
He nodded and we walked in. He was quiet at first but we ended up going to my bedroom to watch a movie. In the middle of it, Nick finally spoke.
"So, is Kyle your boyfriend." He asked looking down at his hands. I laughed a little but then realized he was serious.
"No! I mean. he's a nice guy and all but I have known him my whole life and we just ended up in the friend zone I guess." I said looking back at the movie on the screen.
After that it was silent again for the whole movie. When it ended, Nick got up and grabbed his stuff.
"It's kind of late and we have school tomorrow."
I nodded. "And hockey tryouts!" I said with a huge smile. He smiled too.
"I'll walk  you out." I said getting up towards him.
When we reached the door, Nick turned to face me.
"Thanks for having me over." He said with a smile.
"Thanks for the tacos" I replied returning the smile.
He kissed me cheek softly and then walked out leaving me with nothing but butterflies and a smile.

You're A Legend
Chapter Three

*Two Years Ago*
"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked when I saw my mother crying her eyes out at the kitchen table, sitting across from my dad.
"Kaylee, go upstairs. Your mother and I need to talk about something very important." My father said looking at me with harsh eyes. I hugged my mom and pretended to walk out of the room. Instead, I turned around the corner and listened.
"How could you do this? We have been married for 19 years, and you have four kids!" She cried out, trying to hold herself together. Hearing my mother like this hurt me. She was my best friend! I told her everything. We just had a special relationship that wasn't just mother and daughter.
"I just don't love you anymore." My dad said in a hard and strong voice.
"And when did you decide this?" My mother asked just as sharp. "Before or after sleeping with 4 other girls?" I could tell my mother had tears streaming down her face still. But she was strong so I knew she would be okay. My dad had no answer.
My mom snorted a little. "I need to go for a drive. Looking at you makes me sick." I heard my mother move from her chair and get her keys. I quickly moved from where I was standing.
"Mommy! I want to go with you!" And now tears were flooding down my face.
"Kaylee, honey, I need you to stay here, okay?" She said softly. It amazed me how she managed to put a smile on her face even though tears were falling from both of our eyes.
I gave her a big hug and she kissed my forehead.
"I love you, Princess. Don't forget that." And with that, she walked out the door.
I turned around, still crying to find my father looking back at me.
His eyes looked sorry. But I shook my head. "I hate you." I spat at him. And walked to the living room where I stayed up all night waiting for my mom to come home.
The time was 1:56 when the doorbell rang.
I sprung up, running to the door ready to hug my mother again and comfort her.
But it wasn't my mom. It was her sister, Tess. And she was crying her eyes out.
Before I could say anything, my father and three brothers all ran to the door to see who it was as well. She came in and hugged me.
"Tess, what is it?" My dad asked getting aggravated.

"Her car flipped." Was all she could choke out. "She's dead." And she cried harder.
My knees gave out and I sank to the ground crying. Everyone was quiet except for Aunt Tess and my sobs. After about 2 or 3 minutes, I stood up.
"YOU!" I said as I pointed to my dad. "YOU DID THIS!" I said still bawling my eyes out. It was so hard to get those words out.
"Kay, it's not Dads' fault." Dylan said looking lost.
"Yes it is! I heard him talking to Mom before she left! He slept with 4 other people! So she got in her car and drove away!" I said feeling angry.
Gavin walked over to me and tried to wrap me in a hug. I pushed and screamed to get away from him while still crying. After a second or two, I gave up and let him hold me as I sobbed into shirt. I felt him crying too. And I hated my father ever since then.

Feedback? If anyone is reading, that is haha.
If you read, can you comment please?

You're A Legand
Chapter Two

"Dude, what is wrong with you? You have been smiling at your phone for 7 minutes straight!" Gavin asked trying to look over my shoulder.
"What?" I replied snapping out of my day dream. "Oh. I just saw a bunch of funny tweets." I lied. And I think they all knew it was a lie because they all said "Yeah, okay!"
When we got home, I finally replied to Nick's text.
Me: Hi yourself(:
As I started my homework, I got distracted every few minutes while texting Nick. But we didn't know what to talk about so we said a bunch of randoms things.
Me: I could really go for a taco!
Nick: A taco sounds pretty good right now.
Me: I know right?

I didn't get an answer after that. After about 45 minutes, I was done with my homework. The next thing I knew, I was being called downstairs for dinner. Dinner at my house was always awkward since the accident.
"How was school?" My dad asked trying to make small talk. My brothers all answered with a short story. Then my dad looked at me.
"How about your day Kay?" He asked me as I stabbed the food onto my fork. At first I was slow to answer.
"It was okay." I said still not making eye contact.
"Anything special happen?" My dad was relentless. He didn't know when to stop and it really bothered me that he never understood me.
"Well, not that you care, but practially the whole school knows that I'm going to be the first girl to try out for hockey." I said looking down at my plate.
"Well that talk will end after tryouts." He said finally looking away and going back to his meal. But I paused and glared at him.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked wanting him to explane more.
My father placed his fork down and looked at me. "Sweetheart, you're a freshman. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't make the team this year."
"Dad?" Ethan said trying to get my dad to lay off. But I ignored Ethan.
"Dylan made the team his freshman year." I said trying to defend myself.
My dad just shrugged his shoulders.
"It's just because I'm a girl and you think that I should just be doing a sport for girls. Honestly Dad, what do I have to do for you just to watch one of my games. Just to see me play."
He still had no answer. Then I mumbled to myself "Mom would support me."
I looked back down at my food losing all hunger. Then my father finally spoke. "I miss her too hunny."
I laughed to myself. "You cheated on mom 4 times! So don't try to b*llsh*t me saying you miss her! If you could have just learned to keep it in your pants, maybe I wouldn't be so messed up! I would have parents who cared about me and supported me." And before anyone had a chance to answer, I stormed out of the house and to the drive way.
Me and Dylan had a hockey net in it so we could practice. I started to shoot slap shots.
"Hey Kaylee." I turned around and saw my neighbor, Kyle, walking down the side walk.
"Not in the mood Kyle." I answered continuing to shoot. But he came over anyways. Kyle was a super nice guy and lived next door to me my whole life. He is a year older than me and plays hockey too. So he picked up another stick and we did passes that lead to slap shots.
After about 20 minutes, he asked "So what's wrong this time?"
He knew that I only actually used this net when I was angry, hurt, or upset.
"My dad is just terrible as always." I said sitting down in my driveway.
"What's his problem now?" He asked taking a seat next to me.
He just doesn't support the fact that I play hockey. And then he tries to pull the total BS line that he misses my mom too." I rolled my eyes. He was just unbeleivable.
"You don't know though. He could really miss her." He said trying to get me to look at him.
"He cheated on her four times. He was practically the cause of her death."

You're A Legand
Chapter One

By the end of last period, I had counted that 26 more people had asked me about hockey.One guy even gave me his number and I have no idea who he is! It got really annoying after a while. It made me wonder how bad things might get if I actually make the team!
Gavin, Ethan and I we're waiting for about 15 minutes after school was let out by Dylans car. Dylan was usually late but never 15 minutes! It was more like 5 at the most.
We had all called his cell phone at least 3 times each and he didn't answer a single call.
"Will someone just go inside to try to find him already?" Gavin asked getting annoyed.
"I'll go. I left my English book in my locker anyways." I said walking away from my brothers.
As I was making my way to my locker, I was looking in between the halls looking for Dylan.
When I reached my locker, I heard something that sounded like footsteps. I took my book and slid it into my bag looking down the hallway to find a male figure.
"Kaylee?" He asked still walking twords me.
"Dylan? Where were you? We were waiting outside for 15 minutes!"
As the figure got closer, I realized it wasn't Dylan.
"Come one Kaylee. I know I'm handsome and all but really? You don't know the differece between me and your brother?" He said, finally stepping close enough for me to see who it was.
I smiled and blushed a little when I figured out that it was Nick. But it luckily madaged to go away before he noticed.
"Sorry. Dylan was supposed to meet me and my brothers at the car 15 minutes ago and he didn't show so I came inside to look for him." I said looking down at my feet, avoiding all eye contact.
When Nick was about to say something, a different voice cut in.
"Talking about me?" Dylan said as he came over to me and Nick.
"Yeah, actually, I was! Can we go home now?" I whined to my brother.
"Yes, ma'am. You need a ride?" Dylan asked turning his attention to Nick. I was nervous about his answer but I was hoping he would say yes.
"Nah, I'm okay. I was going to walk home." Nick said as all three of us walked out of the school.
"Come on bro. I've got nothing but time and I'm sure a car is a lot faster than walking." My brother insisted. Nick looked at me and I did a little half smile.
"Okay, thanks." He said to my brother doing that weird handshake that every guy knew, even if they just met. When we got to the car, Gavin called shot gun so I was squished in the middle of the back seat between Ethan and Nick. Dylan had the radio blasting and all of the windows down. We were all singing along to the radio like total idiot, including Nick.
It felt like I had known him my whole life when we were messing around in the car, yet I had only met him today. I leaned my head back for a second or two while I laughed. But when I looked back up, Nick was holding out his phone for me to put my number in his phone. I smiled at him and punched the 10 digits into his phone. He smiled back at me and took his phone back.
After about 5 more minutes, we were pulling into Nicks drive way. His house was smaller than I expected it to be. He almost looked embaressed. I smiled at him anyways and he said he would text me as he climbed out of Dylans car.
"Thanks again for the ride man!" Nick said giving my brother the head nodd.
"No problem. But come here for one second." Dylan said motioning for Nick to come back.
Dylan put his mouth close to Nicks ear and said something so soft that I couldn't hear it.
But when Nick pulled away, he was smiling and just said "I won't."
And before I could ask any questions, we were pulling out of the drive way and before we had even turned off of the street, Nick had texted me. The biggest smile spread across my face.
And I stared at the text the rest of the ride home.
Nick: Hi there cutie(:



Hi!!! So i know like... two people read this but i hope that as i keep going, i get atleast 5 readers haha(: well anyways, I know this is a little boring but i promise, its only the begining!! if you read this, feedback please? even if you hate it? THANKS(: