
Joined: September 18, 2011
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user id: 219329
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Quotes by WittyGirl_xoxo97

Sticks and Stones can't break my bones, but names will break my spirit
My best friend just texted me and asked me if I was gay. After two years of hiding the fact that I'm bisexual I've been waiting for this moment because I have been too scared to tell her. But now I wish she would have never asked. I don't want to lie to her and I couldn't, even if I tried. But if I tell her then I could ruin our friendship. I don't know what to do.


He asked me out by buying me a ring and going down on one knee <3
I finally found him <3
Trust; I guess you just dont know the meaning.
I guess I’m just an awful friend...
So me and my bestfriends boyfriend met for the first time three weeks ago. We have a lot in common and have become really good friends really fast. Apparently that's wrong so now my bestfriends are mad at us and my boyfriends mad at us. My bestfriend doesn't want us to be friends anymore and my boyfriend wants to beat him up. (my boyfriend and her boyfriend are bestfriends too). So now we have to choose. But the thing is, me and my bestfriends boyfriend still want to be friends. We both ended up crying when they said we had to choose. Now I have no idea what to do.


Please watch this video. Amanda Todd, 15 in Grade 10 took her life due to bullying. RIP.
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