
Joined: September 5, 2009
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  Tutorial: How to make a good quote!

Are you tired of your quotes not getting any favorites?
Are you new and need help with quote making?
Or do you just want to have a good looking quote?
Well here is the guide to help you out!

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1. People favorite quotes that they relate to. So if you want favorites, and you ramble off about your cat eating a pickle, no one will favorite it. The most relatable topics are :  love, boys, music, & school/drama.
Example of what NOT to do: 
No one can relate to your cat eating a pickle, and quite frankly, no one cares. You could get a lot of  favorites for it being so randomely funny though (:
Example of what you SHOULD do: 
A lot of girls can relate to this, because a lot have been through break up, so this is a good quote to use!

2. Have good editing. If you have a sloppy quote, then no one is going to like it. You should make your quote look clean cut.
Example of what NOT to do: 
The text is all over the place, and un-even.
Example of what you SHOULD do: 
Everything is in a neat order, and it has a better presentation!

You can even add in a few arrows and hearts. It makes it prettier and more likeable. Coming soon: A quote with extras to add to your quote

3.. Have good colors. Ok. So sad fact is, people usually only favorite because your quote looks pretty. So a good thing to use is pretty fades. Not ugly colors like green and orange together, try blue to pink, or orange to pink. Be creative.
Example of what NOT to do : 
The colors are ugly, and it makes the whole quote un-likeable
Examply of what you SHOULD do: 
The fades are really pretty, and they go with the light gray font.

If you don't know how to make a fade, please visit our fade tutorial.
( coming soon )


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