
Joined: August 13, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 120579
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Quotes by WittyProfilesLover13

That best mood
   where you think everything is hilarious. ♥

When we look in the mirror at that huge zit on our face and think "well that's attractive"

And Girls we all


when were  l i t t le

we  act  immature

when  were  pre -

teens  we  act  older 

and when were 

teens it starts all over 


Lost your pen=no pen
No pen=no notes
Nonotes=no study
No study=Fail
Fail=no diploma
No diploma=no work
no work=no money
no money=no food
no food=you get skinny
you get skinny=then you get ugly
Ugly=no love
no love=no marriage
no marriage=no children
no children= alone

Lesson: Don’t lose your pen, you will die
Woah....I find you rather attractive ;)

Fav if..
you've had a guy like you for awhile and never developed feelings for him, but the second hes over you your in love with 


kissing test

1.hold you breath

2.click add a quote

3.copy and past this quote

4.good now if you did it without breathing you are a good kisser

Quote #1848191 was made by WittyProfilesLover13 on 14 Sep 2010 at 17:45:59 and was

No you're not dude don't lie<3

All guys are disgusting. They talk dirty and ask for dirty pictures. But this guy.....yeah this guy's different hes sweet funny and amazing;* Never once in the 3 months we've liked each other has he said one disrespectful thing to me. Then he called me and asked for a naked picture. I just hung up. He then texted me and he said then just on of your a$$ i won't show anybody nobody will know. I had soo much respect for him and that day.... I lost it all.</3
He was different.
He made me laugh, 
and feel a feeling I've never felt before.
He showed respect.
I liked him...and he liked me
But i guess it was only a DREAM<3