
Joined: June 17, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 9868
the B.e.S.t kiNd of fEeLings iin l i f e are the Ones yOu ((can't)) -explain- fAce yOur f e a R s... livE yOur D.r.E.a.M.s iif yOu ((gO)) and l e A v e mee heRe On mii Own* thEn I'll wAit fOr -yOo- a frIend is sOmeOne whO knOws the sOng in yOur heaRt and wiLl sIng it bacK wheN yOu've fOrgOtten the wOrds* dOnt be afRaid of dyiin... bE afraId Of an uNlived liife whAt yOu feeL iis wHat yOu aRe.. And whaT yOu arE iis B.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l

Quotes by Xo_PiNkDaNcEr_Xo


..the niqht aWay«*

make « in font windings
make « 'nd * in black
make Kiss... ...the niqht aWay in hot pink
font for everything but « in Impact size 24

not takin credit! xo
WitH evEry gReaT lOvE
cOmeS a gReaT stOrY <3

xo -kelly
TaKe mUh HanD 'nD hOlD oN tIgHt*

xo -kelly
the way yOu always think abOut ME
*b4* thinkinking Of yOurself
i never could replace y.O.u
[[with sOmeOne e-]-s-e]

not takin credit
\ _ / At The Beach
-= (_) =-
/ \ _\/_
| //o\ _\/_
_____ _ __ __ ____ _ | /o\\
=-=-_-__=_-= _=_=-=_,-'|"'""-|-,_
=- _=-=- -_=-=_,-" |
=- =- -=.--"

put At The Beach n the Sun in orange...
the palm leaves in green
the palm tree part (( | )) in brown..also put the sand in brown
put the water in blue!
*- Ive said what i needed to say
Ive done what i needed to do
Now whatever happens to us..
I guess ill leave it up to you -*

bold -said-
italizize -done- n -you-
underline nd bold -us-
"Look out your window
My sunshines all around"
-"surrender"- ashlee simpson
you know it only breaks my <3
to see you standing in the dark...
i can only take ((so much))
these *t.e.a.r.s* are turning me to rust...
i miss you

put the <3 in red
bold -dark-
*:•. *:•. *:•. *:•. *:•. *:•. *:•.
ii aCt sOo dIffErent rOund yOo
ii gUeSs itsZ bEcaUz ii aLwayz
hEar yOo tAlkIn 'bOout yOur
-d.r.E.a.m g.I.r.l-
'nd ii waNna be hEr
ii trY tOo bE
. . . P E R F E C T . . .
jUzt hOow yOo liKe 'em
ii thInk ii lOove yOo
*:•. *:•. *:•. *:•. *:•. *:•.
yOo thInk yOo knOw sOmeOne
'nd thEn yOo reaLize tHat
yOo nEver reLly kNew thAt
persOn aT aLl 'nd eVerytHing
thAt maTtEred sudDenLy dOesN't
......n e m O r e......