
Joined: January 20, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 64427

don't go on this anymore



Quotes by XofieldhockeyoX

you ask me XwhyX i dont talk to you
its because im [[slowly pushing]] you away
im glad you are 
finally noticing

all mine c:

face down  
In the dirt, she said,
 doesn't hurt", she said,
"I finally had xx enough xx."
One day she will tell you that she has had enough
It's [{coming round again}].
Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's *going to end*
as your lies crumble down,
a new life she has found.

love this song c:
fav it

a guy&&a girl can be just friends...
but at one point or another,
one of them will fall for the other,
maybe temporarily
[[maybe]] at the wrong time,
maybe too late, or maybe,
just maybe...


not minee but i still love it color and such are mine though c:
fav it

i n 20 y e a r s;
nobody is  gonna care who went the farthest
with their boyfriend or who made out first.
nobody's  going to care about who owned the
most clothing from american eagle and hollister.  
it's not going to matter who was
the  class clown or the principal's honors
student. its  going to matter who made the
most  of what they were given. it will be
about the person who made someone of them
self  and didn't care about what people
thought  about  them. the people who are
going to be the ones that are considered
succesful are the ones who stood up
for what they believed in and didn't
let fear stand in their way. don't
let anybody tell you that you're
not successful, because in 20
years that's what it's
going to be all about.

not minee
fixed it up a bitt
soo noo credit(:
the things that you say
you may think I never hear about them
but word travels fast
i'm telling you to your face
i'm standing here behind your back
you don't know how it feels
to be outside the crowd
you don't know what it's like
to be left out
&&+ you don't know how it feels
to be your own best friend
on the outside looking in

outside looking in
by:jordan pruitt
love tht song(:
fav it all minee

^^^hEy Mr. Dj WilL yA tURn ThE mUsIc Up^^^

haha love tht song..but its kinda old... :]

what is love
baby don't hurt me
don't h.u.r.t me
no more..

haha pepsi commercial lol :]

&&+ i HoLd iT tOgEtHeR
with a smile
because i know
in the end
everything will fall
back into place...

minee fav :]
&& sometimes g o o d b y e
----->is a second chance
for a better h e l l o

half credit
part of the quotes is mine
&&coloring is all mine :]
fave it :]
&+ I Smile A Big Smile
when my friends are talking behind my back
when I feel like crying my eyes out
when rumors are spread
when people hate me cause im not popular
when all hope seems to be lost...
&&the day comes when i want to give up
I Still Smile

got the quotes from some1 else...but basically mine i guess :]
fav :]