Joined: January 25, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 1488
I love all my girls & boys! Muah! Joe- babe i love you so much! Yur the best hun! Muah Yes i love kisses! hehe!

Quotes by XxSwEeTKiSsEsxX

fRiEnDs d0nT LeT fRiEnDs dRiNk & bRiNg HoMe aN uGlY GuY!~
PmS... PeRfEcT MaLe SeNdr0m
WoMaN CoMpLaiN aBoUt pMs.. but.. I tHiNk iTS ThE 0nLy TiMe 0f ThE m0nTh wHeRe i CaN Be MySeLf
I never wanted to say good-bye,

I never wanted to just think of you and cry,

I never wanted to wish, that I could just move on,

I never wanted to accept the fact that you were gone,

I never wanted to stop having fun,

I never wanted to think that we were done,

I never wanted not to feel your touch,

I never wanted to stop loving you so much,

I never wanted you to hate me,

I never wanted any of this, so why can it be?

I never wanted to wish that I'd die,

I never wanted to tell you that stupid little lie,

I never wanted you out of my life,

I never wanted for it to be our friedship that we'd sacrafice,

I never wanted to stop looking you in the eye,

But most of all,

I NEVER wanted to say good-bye.
...SoMeTiMeS I WiSh i CoUlD pReSs FaSt FoRwArD JuSt t0 SeE iF YoUr WoRtH ThE WaiT...
HeLl0! iM iNcReDiAbLy SoRrY BuT aS tHiS m0mEnT (WeLl aS iM TyPiNg tHiS) iM iN tHe Sh0wEr! BuT fEeL fReE t0 cAlL!

Muah.. <3 (your name)
I'm §cA®Ed tO F壣 iN £öVe
..:.åNd Af®åiD tÖ £öVe §o Få§t...
EvE®¥ TiMe i F壣 iN £öVe iT
.:.NeVe® §eEm§ tÖ £å§t...

AlwaYz tElL sOmEoNe HoW yOu F E E L.
...mEaN wHaT yOu sAy aNd sAy....
wHaT yOu mEaN EvEn whEn iTs hArD..
--»cUz OppOrtunities ArE LOst in a blink Of An EyE
*// but r E g r E t s c a n l a s t a l i f E t i m E //*

iLL LoVe YoU tIlL *F O R E V E R*
((aNd i HoPe iT nEvER CoMEs))

*(¨`·.·´`·. ¸.·´*** `·.¸.·´`·.·´¨)*
**`·.¸.·´ *I LOVE yOu!!*`·.¸.·´**
*******(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)*******

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... C r a z y i n l o v e ...
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love has no 'aqe limit - its not like alcohol
or gambling` you don't hafta be twenty
one i mean i was 3' and i lOved my teddy
bear only difference is now my `teddy
seems to be bout 6'ft brown eyes n can walk n talk
[ mayb we shuld all g0 anti / l0ve,.i
mEan ., who needs butterfliez in
their tumMy and their heArt skippin,
that juSs can't be healthy ;-) ]