
Joined: July 22, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 117574

hello readers :D
my name is _love2write
and as you've noticed,
i love to write stories(:
after you read them
id love to hear feedback!
thaaaank youz!

Current stories:
-Miles and Miles Away

I am writting a new story called A Perfectly Good Heart.
 Don't worry, I'm continuing with Miles and Miles Apart, I just want something new to work on as well(:
Comment and stuff!


Quotes by _love2write

A Perfectly Good Heart(Forward)

Back story:
Nick and Lucy have been friends since they were in diapers. They do pretty much everything together and can complete each others sentences. But on Nick’s 16th birthday, Lucy gives him a surprise that could change them forever.

Lucy’s POV: I cried for three hours. Nick has been my friend since the beginning of time. After everything we’ve been through I can’t believe what I just got us into. I shouldn’t have told him. He was having a great time before I opened my mouth. Not only did I ruin his birthday, but possibly our friendship..
Nick’s POV: Yeah, I guess it was a little heartless of me to stand there and just watch her cry, but I couldn’t do anything. I was in shock. She has to at least give me time to digest this. It’s huge news. I don’t think she realizes how this is going to affect us both. But I do..

Nick Jonas-as himself
Lucy Malone-as Hayden Panettiere

Kevin Jonas-as himself
Joe Jonas-as himself

Erin Malone-as Bailee Madison
Christian Malone as-Josh Hutcherson

[[ Nick Jonas fan fiction ]]
Stay tuned for updates(:


Miles&Miles Away(Part10)

“It’s a long story. I started going out with Jess over a year ago. A couple months ago I found out she was cheating on me, but I couldn’t let her go. So I forgave her. My parents on the other hand, did not. They told me if I didn’t break up with her they would kick me out. They hate when people take advantage of me, so they gave me until today to break up with her,” he explained.
“Oh,” I managed to say. Suddenly, we were interrupted by my mom screaming upstairs.
“Shelbs? You okay?” she asked me.
“Yeah ma, I’m fine,” I shouted back. “I gotta go,” I mumbled and walked downstairs. I saw my mom standing by the door holding my shoes.
“We’re gonna let Bryce and Natalie get to know each other. But I gotta get home and make dinner? Wanna come with me?” she asked. I took my shoes from her and nodded. We walked outside and the salty air filled my nose. I was really getting used to it. I just missed Carina like crazy. Oh my god, Carina! I ran the rest of the way to my house, leaving my mother behind to question where I went. I ran into my room and grabbed my laptop. I opened it and signed onto MSN. Oh my god I had 7 messages, all from Carina.

CarinaMarie: hey!!!
CarinaMarie: shelbsss?!
CarinaMarie: shelbo!
CarinaMarie: I miss you!!
CarinaMarie: where ru?
CarinaMarie: Shelby?
CarinaMarie: ?!?! I NEED YOU.
ShelbyBaby22: CARINA!!
CarinaMarie: jesus Christ Shelby!
ShelbyBaby22: im so sorry,
CarinaMarie: ugh you realize ive been trying to reach u like crazy
ShelbyBaby22: yes and im so sorry. I just had a lot of drama
CarinaMarie: Shelby, you have been there a day. how is there already drama?
ShelbyBaby22: r you mad?
CarinaMarie: yes. kinda.
ShelbyBaby22: okay, why?
CarinaMarie: Shelby..you promised me. that we’d talk everyday. this is the first time we’ve talked since you left.
ShelbyBaby22: carina. im really sorry.
CarinaMarie: whatever Shelby. I realized the first day you’d be busy. but you promised you’d still find time. u lied to me.
ShelbyBaby22: carina, you don’t realize everything that’s been going on.
CarinaMarie: Shelby, I don’t care anymore. find yourself a new best friend
ShelbyBaby22: carina you don’t mean that
CarinaMarie: I do. bye
CarinaMarie is away: sick and tired of being sick and tired over u. at least I have someone! iloveyou(:<3

I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I could barely see. It wasn’t long before tears were streaming down my face. I threw my laptop to the ground and put my face into my pillow. I walked over to the door and as I whipped it open, I saw Miles standing in front of me.
“You just can’t stay away, can you?” I managed to choke out. He laughed.
“Yeah, that’s it. Or the fact that my mom told me to go meet you. Even though we already have…” he told me. I flashed a fake smiled and turned around to wipe the tears off my cheeks.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Um, yeah.”
“Shelby? We’re friends right?”
“Of course, why?”
“Then tell me why you’re crying,” he insisted. I walked over to my laptop and showed him the messages from Carina.
“She’s your friend?” he asked me.
“Best friend,” I corrected him. He nodded and pulled out his phone. He entered a number into his contacts. I looked at him suspiciously.
“You wouldn’t mind if I texted her would you?” he asked. I gave him a confused look. “I wanna help you get her back.”
“Thanks,”  I smiled and watched him type.

Miles&Miles Away(Part9)

By the time I got up the strength to go back to the house, my parents were shuffling around and dressing Bryce.
“Uh, where are you going?” I asked them. They jumped up and turned around.
“Oh hi honey! Get changed, we’re taking Bryce to visit Natalie.
“Okay,” I replied and ran to my room. I grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it over my head. I ran down the stairs and walked outside by my parents. I stuck my hand in my pocket, just to make sure I still had my phone. It was there, so I just grabbed Bryce’s hand and we walked down the street. My mom had what looked like a fruit plate and my dad had flowers. Weird. I thought we were just going to introduce Bryce to Natalie. We knocked on the big wooden door and only seconds later, a woman with bright blond hair that she had tied back into a pony tail.
“Hi! You must be Lynn, Dave, Shelby and Bryce!” she said excitedly. I smiled and shook her hand. She led us into her large house which was laid out exactly like ours. She brought us out to the backyard. I recognized something about the back of the house, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I ignored it and led Bryce to the little girl who was playing with a Barbie doll.
“Natalie?” I asked her. She looked up at me. “Hi, I’m Shelby. This is my brother Bryce.” Bryce sat down next to her and they whispered and then ran down to the beach. I laughed and walked back inside and saw my mom and dad talking to Mr. and Mrs. Percy.
“Sorry to interrupt, but where’s your bathroom?” I asked them.
“Upstairs. First door on your right,” Mr. Percy told me.
“Thanks!” I replied and ran up the stairs. I quickly went into the bathroom and fixed my hair. I quickly washed my hands with these mini fancy soaps, walked out the door and ran into someone. I looked up to see who it was and I was speechless when I saw who was standing in front of me.
“Um, Shelby? What are you doing in my house?” Miles asked me.
“M-my parents c-came over to meet you-your mom and dad,” I stammered. He nodded we stood there awkwardly.
“Do you wanna come in my room?” he asked me. I shrugged and followed him. His room was pretty big. There were two beds which took up a lot of space. Apparently, he shared the room with his sister. I sat down on his bed and looked down at my hands. I began cracking my knuckles like I always do when I get nervous.
“Look, Shelby,” he started. “About earlier…” I cut him off.
“Miles, you don’t need to apologize.”
“Well actually, I do. I didn’t handle the situation very well.”
“Shelby, when I said I didn’t wanna date you I just meant, I wanna be single. It’s not that I don’t want to date you in particular, I just meant, you know.” I nodded.
“Miles, it’s not a big deal,” I told him, even though it sorta was.
“Well, I’m sorry,” he said. I nodded and began cracking my knuckles again.
“So…you’re Natalie’s brother?” I asked casually.
“Yep. And you’re Bryce’s brother?” I nodded and went over to his desk. He had a picture of him and a girl. I didn’t know who it was, but I picked it up and brought it over to him.
“Who’s this?” I asked him. He took the picture.
“Well. That’s me and Jess. I never got the chance to get rid of it.”
“Miles we’re friends right?” I asked him.
“Yeah, why?” he asked me back.
“What the real reason you were out at midnight the first day I got here?” I questioned.
“What do you mean?”
“I was downstairs when your dad was telling my parents how he is out of the military. For good,” I explained.
“Okay,” he sighed.

Miles&Miles Away(Part8)

By the time I got up the strength to go back to the house, my parents were shuffling around and dressing Bryce.
“Uh, where are you going?” I asked them. They jumped up and turned around.
“Oh hi honey! Get changed, we’re taking Bryce to visit Natalie.
“Okay,” I replied and ran to my room. I grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it over my head. I ran down the stairs and walked outside by my parents. I stuck my hand in my pocket, just to make sure I still had my phone. It was there, so I just grabbed Bryce’s hand and we walked down the street. My mom had what looked like a fruit plate and my dad had flowers. Weird. I thought we were just going to introduce Bryce to Natalie. We knocked on the big wooden door and only seconds later, a woman with bright blond hair that she had tied back into a pony tail.
“Hi! You must be Lynn, Dave, Shelby and Bryce!” she said excitedly. I smiled and shook her hand. She led us into her large house which was laid out exactly like ours. She brought us out to the backyard. I recognized something about the back of the house, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I ignored it and led Bryce to the little girl who was playing with a Barbie doll.
“Natalie?” I asked her. She looked up at me. “Hi, I’m Shelby. This is my brother Bryce.” Bryce sat down next to her and they whispered and then ran down to the beach. I laughed and walked back inside and saw my mom and dad talking to Mr. and Mrs. Percy.
“Sorry to interrupt, but where’s your bathroom?” I asked them.
“Upstairs. First door on your right,” Mr. Percy told me.
“Thanks!” I replied and ran up the stairs. I quickly went into the bathroom and fixed my hair. I quickly washed my hands with these mini fancy soaps, walked out the door and ran into someone. I looked up to see who it was and I was speechless when I saw who was standing in front of me.

Miles&Miles Away

my current story is up to part 7!
id love to get more readers!
take a look and lemme know what you think!
thank you everyone<3


Miles&Miles Away(Part7)

I set Bryce down in the sand and kept glancing up to look at Miles. He was hugging her and I didn’t realize it at first, but she was crying. I sort of ignored it and when she ran away from him, I told Bryce to go back to the house.
“I’ll be in a while,” I told him, stood up and walked over toward Miles. He was walking out of the water and plopped down into a chair. He laid back and I stood over him.
“Hey Miles,” I greeted him. He lifted his sunglasses and looked up at me.
“Shelby,” he replied, putting his glasses back over his eyes.
“So uh, what happened there?” I asked him, refering to the girl running off crying.
“I broke up with Jess,” he told me. I couldn’t help it. A huge grin spread across my face as I sat down next to him. We sat sort of in silence while I thought of my next move. His arm was dangling over the chair. This was my chance. I grabbed it. He didn’t look up or smile or anything. But I just held his hand while the warm sun beat down on my skin. He sat up from the chair, dropping my hand.
“I gotta go. My mom’s leaving and I gotta watch my sister,” he told me. He stood up and put on his flip flops.
“Wait!” I said, grabbing his arm and spinning him around. I pulled him toward me and wrapped my arms around his neck. I gently kissed his lips until he pulled away.
“Shelby,” he said staring at me in shock.
“Y-you said you and your girlfriend broke up,” I stammered.
“Yeah. But that doesn’t mean I want to go out with you,” he told me and walked away. I stood in shock for a few moments before sitting down in the chair and sobbing.

* sorry its so short i just wanted to get that part done :D
comments are verrry appreciated!


Miles&Miles Away(Part5)

 I ran into the house and heard my mom talking to my dad.
“I’m telling you. He’s going to be so excited to meet her!” I overheard.
“Who?” I asked, barging in on them.
“Oh hey honey. Well, there’s a girl down the street. Her name’s Natalie. She just turned 7 so I figured we could introduce her to Bryce!” she told me excitedly. I nodded.
“That’s a great idea! He’ll love it,” I exclaimed and kissed them both goodnight. I turned the corner and heard them talking again.
“She seems pretty happy for someone who barely talked the entire way here,” my mom told my dad. I just smiled, ran to my new room and fell asleep. I woke up really early the next morning and ran out to the beach. I saw Miles sitting on a beach chair in front of his house. I ran over to him.
“Hey Miles!” I called to him. He looked up and did the cool “chin up” hello. I sat in the beach chair next to him.
“So I’m glad I finally have a good friend,” I told him.
“You’ve been here a day. You’ll make more.” He seemed really irritated.
“What’s going on? Come on Miles, you can tell me.”
“Aright fine,” he sighed. “My dad’s going back into the military and we barely got to see him after my little sister was born and now he’s just leaving so my mom and my little sister are really upset and I guess I am too.” I put my arm on his shoulder.
“It’s okay to be upset, Miles. I was in tears when I left my friends in Pennsylvania. You can be upset when your dad leaves too.” He turned and looked at me.
“Thanks. I guess you’re right,” he said. “I’m glad I told you.” I leaned closer to him but then something vibrated. I admit, I was going to kiss him. But then, I just awkwardly pulled out my phone.
“Not me,” I told Miles. He took out his.
“Oh sorry, it’s mine.” He picked it up and began talking.
“Hey Jess!” he exclaimed. “Nah, just hanging with my new neighbor. She just moved in yesterday. Yeah, I’ll call you later. Love you too. Bye babe.” He hung up the phone.
“Who was that?” I asked him.
“My girlfriend.” Those words made my heart sink.


Miles&Miles Away(Part4)

ShelbyBaby22: hey carina! i just got in to California a few mins ago. i really miss you so we have to catch up later(: love you<3
CarinaMarie is away: off in dreamland! bye-bye<3 iloveyoubaby<3

I couldn’t wait to talk to Carina tomorrow because by the looks of it, she got a new boyfriend. I couldn’t wait to find out who it was. I shut my laptop and ran down to the beach. Bryce and my mom were in the shallow water. It was still very bright out for 8:30 at night. It was actually really beautiful because the clouds were all different colors over the water. I walked over to a chair in the sand and sat down in it. I looked up at the sun in the distance and the sound of waves slamming against the shore. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to a totally different place. It was dark and I couldn’t see anything. The only light source was coming from my phone in my pocket. I took it out. I had one new message.

Mom: Hi shelbs. You fell asleep, I didn’t wanna wake you. Don’t worry, we’re all inside. Come in when you’re ready. I love you ♥

I quickly sat up and brushed the sand out of my eyes. I was about to go inside before I saw someone in the distance, sitting in the water. I was hesitant, but then ran over to see what they were doing. As I got closer, I noticed a boy who looked to be about my age, sitting in the water with his face in his hands. I ran over to him, but slowed down as I got about 10 feet away.
“H-hello?” I asked, hesitantly. He turned around quickly. I could tell I startled him.
“Um hi? Do I know you?” he asked me. I shook my head.
“I just moved here. I live in that house right there,” I told him, pointing at my new house.
“Oh, I live here,” he said, pointing at the illuminated house behind him.
“Nice. So why are you out here at midnight?” I asked him, checking my phone to make sure I was accurate.
“I was gonna ask you the same thing,” he told me.
“Oh, ya know. Just exploring,” I explained. He nodded.
“Oh, I see,” he said. “Well, my family’s just having a situation and I don’t wanna go back in there.”
“What’s wrong?” I asked him.
“No offense, but we just met. I don’t know anything about you, let alone if I can trust you,” he told me.
“Well. I’m Shelby,” I introduced myself, holding out my hand for him to shake.
“Miles,” he answered, taking my hand.
“Nice to meet you,” I grinned.
“You too,” he said, letting go of my hand. “I better go.”
“Wait,” I started. “Can I have your number? We can hang sometime.”
“Yeah, give me your phone.” I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled it out. He entered his number and I entered his and then we switched back.
“See ya round,” I said, smiling.
“Later,” he said and walked towards his house. I opened my phone and glanced at his contact. I laughed when I saw what he named himself. ‘Miles; my love’I smiled and stuck my phone back into my pocket. I don’t think I loved him, but I definitely was attracted to him.

Miles&Miles Away(Part3)

A vanilla milkshake with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles was waiting for me.
“Milkshake!” I screamed and began to drink it.
“I want,” Bryce whined to me.
“Ugh,” I sighed and handed him the milkshake. I gave him everything he wanted. You could pretty much say I was the best sister anyone wished they could have. He finished my milkshake and I just sighed when he gave me the empty cup.
“Thank you, Shelby,” Bryce said, wiping his mouth with the napkin I handed to him.
“Okay, now shh. I’m sleeping,” I replied and closed my eyes. That’s all I did the entire trip. Eat, drink and sleep. Occasionally, I would put in my headphones and listen to my iPod or put in a DVD on my laptop. We stopped a few times at rest stops to go to the bathroom or load up on food but other than that, we drove straight through. We finally got there after many, many, MANY days of travel.
“Wake up, we’re home!” my mom yelled to me and Bryce in the backseat.
“Yeah right. Home? This place will never be home,” I told myself. I took a look at the house we were standing in front of. I saw the ocean in the distance, so I ran to the back of the house.
“It’s a BEACH HOUSE?!” I screamed as I ran onto the porch. I looked out and saw a huge patch of a grass and sand mixture which I guessed was our backyard, and then a ledge. Over the ledge was the beach. A huge beach. Bigger than any beach I had ever been to. I ran down to the beach and into the water. I was wearing flip flops so it wasn’t a big deal if I got them wet. I sat down on the sand and put my feet in the water. The salty water gently soaked my feet. I stood up and ran back to the house. I ran inside and found my bedroom. It was bigger than Bryce’s, but smaller than my parents’. I noticed all of my bags had been brought in. I quickly grabbed my laptop from my suitcase and turned it on. I immediately logged onto Facebook. But sadly Carina wasn’t on. I decided to go on MSN and see if she was on. Nope, she was away. I messaged her anyway.