
Joined: March 29, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 161565

Sorry guys, but I quit.
I don't like writing these real life stories anymore.
I'm so sorry to disappoint all of you, honestly.
I don't know if you would, but if any of you would like,
you can still talk to me on my main account, PurpleNinja_
I still love every one of you.
You all made me so happy whenever I was writing my stories.
So lastly, thank you so much for loving One Twisted
Love Story, and what I had of Stranded.
The comments you left for me will always be in my heart.
I love you. xx

- Rhiannon

Quotes by _rhi_stories_

hi, readers.
i don't know if you guys even check my page anymore
because i haven't been on in so long.
but, this is for the people that still do.
look, i feel so bad that i haven't been on here in so long.
school is keeping me busier than ever,
and i promise that isn't an excuse.
i think you guys already guessed this, but, Stranded is on hold.
no, this does not mean i stopped writing it.
it means that it's on a major hold.
i've actually been writing different kinds of stories on wattpad.
i'm not really feeling the regular life stories anymore.
but i still will probably finish Stranded sometime,
just so you guys know what happens.
i'm not that mean; i wouldn't leave you hanging.
but just warning you, Stranded probably will not be posted in a while.
i'm focusing on my wattpad stories at the moment.
and plus, like i said, school is preventing me
from writing as much as i want to as well.

 now, i have a question. or more like a request.
for those of you that would like me to comment you whenever i post a new chapter of Stranded, please comment on this quote.
just say something like "comment me" or
"unicorns are purple" whatever, it doesn't really matter.
i just need a comment.

if any of you are interested...here's my wattpad link
in case you still want to read some works of mine.

- rhi

Hey readers, I thought I should tell you why I haven't been posting "Stranded."

No, I didn't stop the story or anything. And I didn't die. xD
But anyways, school has kept me SO busy lately.
Today was the first time I got on my MAIN witty account in over a week.
I have also had a BIG writer's block with Stranded.
I'm trying my best to fit writing into my schedule, for you guys. :)

- Rhi xx
p.s. this wasn't meant to be pretty.



Chapter 14 ♥

I sang a few more songs and then everyone said I could stop if I wanted.  "You're an amazing singer" Oliver said to me once everyone cleared out.  "I never even knew" I said with a smile.  He leaned in to kiss me, and it was a longer kiss.  Our first long kiss together. < 3  I pulled away and smiled so big, kind of like if you just met a celebrity you're obsessed with.  I looked at my phone, and it is almost 9:45 p.m.  I looked around, and I noticed that the glow of the fire made everyone's face light up, but Oliver's lit up the most.  It was like a beautiful glow.  I wonder how the glow on me looks.  "Students, you should start trying to go to sleep" Mrs. Gomez said, loudly.  Does she even know teenagers?  We stay up until at LEAST midnight every night.  "Dude, wtf? It's only like 10! Way too early, bro" some guy shouted.  "Well you teenagers need to go to bed early instead of at 1 A.M. You know, going to bed later is totally unhealthy, especially on your growing bodies!" she rambled.  I just rolled my eyes and blocked her out.  But, then she said "I am your leader here, so I command everyone to go to bed."  She said it like she was the Queen.  Everyone started to lay back on the sand.  I was wondering what we would do for heat, since the fire isn't going to last all night.  People started putting their jackets on over themselves.  "Captain, we are going to freeze tonight if we don't have heat" Mrs. Gomez turned and said to the Captain.  "Yes, m'am, I'm well aware. There's some small blankets and tarps in the boat, hopefully those will suit your needs" he replied, and went to the boat to grab them.  I have a feeling that the boat isn't going to be there tomorrow for some reason.  After I thought that, as if the Captain read my mind, he called a few of the muscular boys in the class and they pulled the boat onto the sand more.  It looked pretty lodged into the sand, so I think it'll stay.  The Captain walked back over to the group and started tossing blankets and tarps.  Luckily, he tossed Oliver and I a blanket.  That's a good thing, because I don't think a tarp would be comfortable.  But the other students were going to make it work somehow.  I looked over at Millie and she was with one of her good friends, Selena, and they were figuring out how the tarp they got will fit over them.  I'm not that much of friends with Selena.  I mean we talk here and there, but nothing best friend like.  Millie always remembers that her and I are best friends, and Selena knows that.  "So how should we do this..." Oliver said, tossing around our blanket, trying to figure out how to lay it.  "Well, in a sense, we really only need it on our legs, because we have a jacket" I replied.  "True" he quickly said.  He was tossing the blanket a bit more, and it got bigger.  "Oh hey, it must have been folded over!" I exclaimed.  It was totally big enough for the two of us.  "This one is for sure the biggest one out of everyone else's" Oliver said to me with a smile.  "Maybe that's a sign? Like we're meant to be with each other? Because we're the special couple that got the biggest one?" I said with some hope in my voice.  We got in the position we were comfortable in, then we put the blanket over each other.  "Maybe" Oliver whispered in my ear, bringing me closer to him.  "Goodnight Oliver" I said to him.  "Night, Bridgit" he replied, smiling.  He kissed my forehead and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

i really apologize, i know i haven't been writing regularly.
life is getting tougher and school is getting harder.




Chapter 10 ♥

Everyone filed out of the boat with their backpacks and belongings.  I've been trying to think positive.  Maybe being stranded on an island will have a good impact on my life?  Something has been telling me that something big will happen on this island, I can just feel it.  I'm so curious what it will be.  Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough.  I took my first step onto the soft grains of sand.  My foot quickly sank into the sand.  I took off my socks and shoes and shoved them in my backpack.  I walked around a bit, and it was better.  Soon after, everyone started doing the same.  Mitchie took off her high stilettos like they were a priceless jewel or something.  She carefully put them into her bag, again like it was a priceless jewel.  I rolled my eyes.  Millie suddenly was by my side.  "Hey Mills" I said, trying to not sound worried.  "Bridge, I'm nervous. What if we're out here for a long time?" she said, her voice filled with fear and worry.  "Try to think positive. Try to have the idea in your mind that someone is coming to help us any minute. I mean our parents have probably called the school by now, since it's practically 5:30 and school gets out at 3. So we're going to get out of here soon" I said, hugging her.  "I hope" she whispered.  "So," she began to say all happy again, "how did things go with Oliver? Did he ask you out yet?!"  "Things went great. I learned a lot more about him, and he's so sweet. But he hasn't asked me out yet. I'm hoping he will soon, even if we are all on an island" I said, hope in my voice.  "What if he doesn't ask you out, Bridge? What if he doesn't want to be in a relationship again so soon?" she asked me.  "Well, by the way he looked at me when we were talking and everything, I could tell he was probably trying to be flirty. I know most guys flirt a lot, but he said when I asked him about girls that he only flirts with girls he knows he likes" I replied, happily.  "Oooh, so you have a chance" she said and winked.  I just chuckled.  "Oh hey, did I tell you, Parker asked me out again!" I exclaimed.  I forgot to tell her.  "OH MY GOD! He did?! What did you say?!" she said, panic-ey.  "Yeah, he did. He said that maybe he likes me again then he asked me out. I said no though" I replied.  "Oh gosh. I always knew that he's liked you" she said.  I nodded and Oliver came out of no where and put his arms around me.  "Heeey Bridgit" he said, spinning me around a bit.  "Well, I'll leave you two alone. Have fun" Millie said in a semi-sexual voice and winked.  I laughed and she walked away.  Ahh Millie, she's a funny girl.  I turned and face Oliver so we were face to face.  The awesome thing is that I'm like an inch or two shorter than him, so it's like perfect couple height, if that makes any sense, haha.  I looked into his eyes, and his eyes were looking into mine.  This is such a perfect moment.  But of course there's always an interruption, because Mrs. Gomez suddenly shouted "Students! Huddle over here, now!"  Everyone made their way towards her.  "Since we are stuck here, for who knows how long, we should go over some things. First, no drinking the ocean water! I know you all know this, but if you drink saltwater then you'll get dehydrated. So don't do it. Second, don't panic. Someone will eventually come out here and find us, but until then, don't panic. Third, use your food wisely. I'm uncertain if there's fruit or anything on this island yet, so save your lunches for now. Fourth, when you go exploring for essentials, please make sure someone is with you, just to ensure safety. Please do not be gone longer then a hour tops. We do not want to have to send out a search party. Fifth, stay safe. This is common sense, but don't go around anything that looks suspicious to you. If you see a threatening animal, back away slowly, trying not to make any noise, then run back here. Sixth, at least four people have to be right here. There's 26 of you, plus the Captain and myself, so out of 28 total people I'm asking at least four, or more, to stay here. Most likely, I will always be here to watch our things and such. Now, the people that want to go explore the island can, but be safe" Mrs. Gomez explained slowly.  Everyone nodded their heads.  "You wanna go explore?!" Oliver exclaimed, excitedly.  "Haha, sure" I replied.  He took my hand and we started walking away from everyone.  Well, wish us luck.

~ < 3 ~



Chapter 9 ♥

Mrs. Gomez told us to only eat a little bit of our lunch because we don't know how long we'll be out here.  Well, this boat probably isn't going to run much longer.  It's already 5:00, and we've probably been going in circles.   I talked to Mrs. Gomez a bit before and she said that this Captain isn't the regular one.  Which probably explains why we're all lost at sea.  "Land Ho!" the Captain suddenly shouted.  Everybody instantly ran to the front of the boat to see what he was talking about.  Before all of our eyes was a gorgeous island.  Big and tropical.  I guess we are going to have to settle here.  How long though?  How long are we going to be stranded on this island?  Days?  Months?  Weeks?  Possibly forever?  I tried to push those thoughts out of my mind.  "So, we'll be spending the rest of our lives here?" Oliver said from behind me.  I turned around quickly.  "Gosh you scared me" I said, my face getting warm.  "Haha, sorry. So do you think so?" he said and laughed a little.  "I sure hope not. I mean I love the beach, but being stranded on one and a tropical forest with nothing is just nerve racking" I said.  "Well you've got meeee" he said in a little kid voice.  I just laughed.  I looked out and every second we got closer to the island.  "I sure hope there's food on this island..." I said.  "I hope you like pineapples, bananas, and coconuts" Oliver said to me jokingly.  I laughed again.  This day has been really unbelievable so far.  I mean first, Parker kisses me on the bus in the morning.  Then, we get on this boat and Millie tells Oliver how I really like him, Oliver realizes he's been wasting his time with Mitchie, and he breaks up with her.  After that, Mrs. Gomez tells us we're lost at sea.  And Oliver puts his arms around me.  Next, the Captain says there's land, which is an island.  Now, we're getting closer to the island.  Today has been a nervous and happy day.  I'm still wondering if Oliver is going to ask me out though.  I am really dying to know if he's going to.  Maybe he's waiting for a special moment.  Or maybe he doesn't want to rush things.  Though I hope he wants to rush things because I really really really want to date him.  I hope he asks me out sometime today, even if it's not going to go how he pictured it, since we'll be on an island and not at a restaurant or movie theater or something.  A few times during these past hours, Mitchie looked at me, then sometimes Oliver.  She gives us evil glares, and Oliver told me to just do it back, but more "eviler" as he put it.  Parker also looked at me a few times.  I sort of feel bad for him.  But he probably hasn't changed, and it probably just is an act.  He can go date Mitchie for all I care.  Actually, I can imagine Parker dating Mitchie to try to get me jealous, now that I think about it.  I wonder if he's thinking that.  Well, we're going to see, aren't we?  The boat got to the island, and the Captain got out and docked it and everything.  "Come on out everyone!" he shouted.  "Everyone, grab your things because the Captain over here looks like he doesn't know how to dock boats, and this boat will possibly float away" Mrs. Gomez said while she grabbed her purse and teacher bag.  I saw Oliver get into his backpack, write something on a piece of paper for about a minute, then he set it on the floor of the boat.  "What's that?" I asked, walking over to him.  "Oh," he began to say, "I just wrote down 'S.O.S! We need help. I'm Oliver, a 16 year old boy that's stranded with his classmates on the big, gorgeous, and tropical island. If someone is reading us, can you please send help to this island? This wacko Captain turned this fun field trip into a disaster. Thank you so much.'"  "Clever boy. I hope someone will find that" I said.  "Yeah, I hope so too" he replied, with an unfortunate tone.

sorry for the late postings. :L



Chapter 8 ♥

Everyone gasped.  "What?!" I shouted, and many other started to say that as well.  "The Captain has just informed me that he does not know where we are at because his GPS broke" Mrs. Gomez said.  "Can we call for help?" one person shouted.  "Check your cell phones, but honestly I don't think there will be service out here on the ocean" Mrs. Gomez said nervously.  I looked at Oliver with fear.  Everyone started whipping their cell phones out to check.  "No bars" and "No service" were heard all throughout the boat.  I took out mine and checked, and of course, nothing.  I looked at Oliver, fear written across my face.  "What if we are stranded out here for ages?" I asked Oliver.  "Don't think about that, think positively" he said, trying to cheer me up.  He put his arms around me and I cried into his chest.  All of a sudden, Parker ran up to us.  "Bridgit, I-...oh I'm sorry to interrupt..." he said.  I looked in his eyes, and hurt was all I saw.  "Parker, what's wrong?" I asked him.  I broke free from Oliver and whispered "I'll be right back."  He nodded and I walked over by Parker.  "What's wrong?" I repeated.  "Nothing, what makes you think something is wrong?" he asked, trying to sound happy.  "You saw me with Oliver, and I saw hurt in your eyes, and I can still see it" I replied, looking into his eyes once again.  "I don't know. Something has been up with me today, I know" he said.  "Parker, I really feel like you like me again. When I asked you if you liked me again this morning, you didn't say something rude like you usually do. You kissed me, then you said that you had been waiting to do that for a long time. Now, when you saw me with another guy, I saw hurt in your eyes" I said.  "Maybe I do like you again..." he said, looking down.  What do I say now?  "I see" I replied.  "Will you go out with me again, Bridgit?" he asked me after a minute of us standing there.  Oh. my. God.  "Oh gosh Parker...uh I'm sorry, but I can't" I said quickly and I walked back over by Oliver.  I looked back at Parker, and tears were filling his eyes.  He walked away, to the back of the boat.  "What happened?" Oliver asked me once he saw the sad look on my face.  "Parker...he's my ex-boyfriend...and he just asked me out again" I said, quietly.  "You mean the Parker that likes to hurt girls? And the one that is mean to you on the bus every morning?" Oliver asked me.  "Yeah...but he's been acting different today, ever since the bus ride here. H-he kissed me on the bus, and he hasn't been rude to me. Hurt was in his eyes when he saw you with me. He said he liked me again, when we were over there" I said.  "If you want to date him, you can" Oliver said with a bit of sadness in his voice.  "I said no to him. But he looked so sad, and he walked away. Maybe he finally got some sense into him, and learned that being mean to me doesn't solve anything. Part of me is still wondering if it's an act or not though" I said.  "It's probably an act. I've never liked that guy" Oliver replied.  "Ever since him and I broke up, I've hated him" I said.  I looked at the time on my phone and it was 2:30.  We left the school at 8:30, and arrived at the pier at about 9:45.  We boarded the boat at 10:00 I think.  Wow, it doesn't even feel like we've been on this boat for practically 4 and a half hours.  "I'm starting to get worried" I said to Oliver.  "Yeah, me too. I'm starting to feel like the Captain planned all this" he replied, with a bit of nervousness in his voice.  "I sure hope not" I whispered.

you guys may get chapter nine today too, if i can finish it. :)