Baby Haku *

Status: Vayne is the bae.
Joined: May 25, 2014
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 382455

instagram // // twitter 
Season 3 Veteran for HYPE Academy League. I'm an AD Carry main. Come follow me on other social media sites!



Quotes by Baby Haku *

Thank you to those who supported me during Season 3 of Academy League! 
It was my first season playing for HYPE! I appreciate those who gave me the opportunity to play. :)
I will be playing again for Season 4! Thank you so much who supported me, it really means a lot. <3

Please follow me on my social media sites to stay tuned with me! 
>> Facebook: Baby Haku
>> Twitter: @lolbabyhaku
>> Instagram: @babyhaku
>> Twitch: 
>> Babyhaku 
Attention to the wittians that have been w/ me for a while.
I wanna just write something real quick>>>
I'm not dead, I'm okay! Just wanted to let you guys know that
I've been associated with League of Legends and currently in a team now. :)
Thank you for all your support and don't forget to keep in touch with me <3. 

>> insta: babyhaku
>> twitter: lolbabyhaku 

Those are the only social media sites that I've been using lately. 
Don't be afraid to DM me any questions or chat with me :D 
So I posted up my Vayne build. You should go check it out. :^)
Heya, so anyways-- I'm not necessarily back, but I just wanna leave my links here if people
still wanna talk or keep in touch with me. I play league so, I'll probably add you on skype if
you play too. Just ask me for it though. 

Instagram: @gosu.x
facebook: 이재현 (or type in facebook link and put /jaebboki 
tumblr: anonymous-pontentate 
kakao!talk: jaekimchii 
line id: iamgosu
snapchat: @trollzayaaa
kik: trollzayaaa

Hello everyone!! Thank you for the lovely feedback on my blog! I really appreciate
those who are supporting me and using my builds! It really makes me feel great by
knowing people appreciate my generosity!! It's been great having you all giving me
tips and more ways to become a great player on LoL! I am trying to earn money for
a desktop so I can stream on Twitch! 

*Anyways, I have a few announcements to make before the season four ends!!!*

1.) Builds- I have not put some builds for RIVEN, KATARINA, and LEBLANC yet. ;----;
I'm very sorry for the inconvenience!! I will try to post them up as soon as I can b4 
season 5 starts. If not, then please be patient! 
    >> After a whole lot of testing and strategy conducting, I have changed Vayne's
    build. I will post more information down below and new tips for you guys. 

2.) PBE is now putting up new skins for testing! For Chinese New Year, they will be
bringing back Dragon Blade Riven, I believe. Also, there will be a new skin for Jinx!
It is currently being tested by players in PBE. For more information, you can go to> for more info. 



Alright, so like I have stated above, I have made a few changes for my main: Vayne.
By changes, I mean changes in her build, and just a small change in her runepage...

Anyways >> Phantom Dancer is no longer part of my build. I now stick with the Shiv.
[Statikk Shiv]. Phantom Dancer is now part of my situational item list. Statikk Shiv is
just better for most situations/games. The Shiv does take care of minion waves a lot
better and it also does really good initial magic damage when you're entering a large
team fight. I don't think it is really necessary for two attack speed items since it will
just decrease your attack damage selections. 

So, instead of using the Phantom Dancer, I have switched it to the Guardian Angel or
the Last Whisper. <Note> Build the Last Whisper if your enemy team has a tank, and 
it'll grant you 35% armor penetration. Or >>> if you're going against a whole lot of AP
champs, then I suggest you get a Mercurial Scimitar for that bonus 50 MR and a good
80 attack damage. It also has an active that functions the same way as cleanse- also
like Youmuu's Ghostblade. If you want to build the MS, then build it instead of a BT.
[Blood Thirster]. You don't want to ruin the balance of loading too much attack dmg.
You also want some protection too. 

As for the runepage >>> 


This is a good tweak because you can put another Greater Quint of Attack Damage!

Instead of getting the Quint of Life steal, you can put the quint of attack damage so
you can go full AD. Besides, your starting items are a pot, and a Doran's Blade. Since
Doran's blade has 7% life steal, there is no need for the Quint of Life Steal anymore. 


Those are all the changes I've made! I hope this benefits your plays! I also hope that
this helps your way of thinking when going against someone. What you should learn..
is how to counterbuild. Counterbuilding is a way to win your lane even though your>
opponent counters you really hard. Even though I go against a Caitlyn, I always know
how to counterbuild her and how to play smart against her! 


Alright Summoners! I hope this post is very informative. Please do give feedback and 
don't be afraid to comment any questions about builds! I'm definitely open, and able 
to help you out! 

I don't know if anyone still uses this site anymore, so I'll just post it because it might help some people--
Uh, so some people have been asking me about my builds and stuff for LoL (League of Legends). Just

So to start this off, I main ADC. (Yeah, I know. xD) Well, I started to main ADC like a few weeks ago and 
I find myself better down botlane. I'm not higher than GOLD V. Because I'm stuck in this elo hell which
is so definitely annoying because I can't carry my own team and they suck so hard. xD 

Lol that was mean but anyways. 

I main Vayne for ADC. Riven on top lane and mid. (Basically it depends on the situation I am in.) Aaand
for mid lane I play Lux, Katarina, or LeBlanc. (I know crazy hard champion. But I'm good with the jukes.)

So if you want to ask me for builds just go on my website right here: Leagueofnez(dot)weebly(dot)com. 
If you have more questions, just send it to me and I'll probably answer it in one of my blog posts. 

Dear Crush,
I get flustered around you and I hope you understand that. 
Because everytime I see you, you get me going crazy and it's annoying me. 
Oh yeah, I hope you didn't see that post about you on instagram. (lol embarrassing) 
I didn't think my friends would translate it and put it in English for you to understand.

I pass by you at lunch time, and you always gave me that look. 
I don't know if you're trying to tell me something, I just with you would come up to me sometime.
I didn't believe I would have a crush on you. I didn't want to. 
But since I see you everyday at the bus stop makes matters harder for me.
Every single day, I start to fall for you even more and it's getting to me.
I don't think you actually like me back. 

I'm glad I can make you smile sometimes. 
I'm also glad that I can talk to you when I can. 
I honestly get jealous when you talk to other girls but me.
Are you shy?

I want to sit next to you on the bus.
But you're so hard to approach. 
You roll up your jeans. 
I'm like way out of your league.

Sometimes, I fantasize about you and me together. 
And I don't know if you know, but I have a crush on you.
Not to mention-- I'm CRAZY about you. 

Just a little food for thought. 

"i'm 13 and my parents do my washing. it isn't sad that people's parents do their washing. 
you can't move out until you're 18 anyway so you don't need to know how to."

Well, to be honest-- I do not oppose people who have parents still do their washing. I just think
that it'd be nice if you learn how to do your own washing at this age of like 13 or something. But
saying that "you don't need to know how to" just contradicts the topic that I'm going to explain 
right now. 

You have hands and arms that are capable to fold your own laundry. So, learn how to be independent.
I mean, I started foldin my laundry even before I was thirteen. I just started to fold multiple loads in 
a day when I was thirteen. And now, 14 going to 15, I already know how to issue my own check if I 
needed it, learn how to help pay the bills at least in case my mom needed to pay bills through the 
computer. 10 years old, I clean up the whole entire house. Mopping, sweeping, dusting, you name it. 

Your mother and father will not be there to help you when you've flew out of the nest. It doesn't matter
if you're not 18 yet. You should learn how to be independent and start learning how to do things on
your own, rather than learning it last minute. We are young and your brain can take a full on capacity
of so much knowledge. 

At least cut the slack for your mother and father. So when they get home from work, they don't have to
worry about anything but relax. It will at least show how grateful you are and considerate to at least let
your parents rest. Because next thing you know, they're not gonna be folding your laundry and you'll be
doing that yourself. Nobody is gonna cook for you when you move out. Nobody will wash your dishes or 
clean the house. That's all on you. 

So basically, what I'm trying to say is: it's better to learn right now when your capable of doing things. 
Don't wait until you're 18 to be independent. Learn how to be independent now instead of just waiting
till the last minute. If you move out without learning any of these essential chores/skills, then I don't know
how you're gonna make it out alive. 

Hey guys!! Sorry, I won't be on very often on witty!!
I recently started high school and now I have to really
focus on it! ^^ But I will reply to your comments! You
can kik me too if ya want! xxx -Jae Hyun

kik: trollzayaaa


Weeaboo: Someone who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese Culture/Anime, etc.
and attempts to act as if they were Japanese, even though they're far from it. They use Japanese
words but usually end up pronouncing them wrong and sounding like total ásshōles.

*Please stop calling yourselves senpais and samas, you're no higher rank, thanks.

Koreaboo: Someone who is obsessed with Korean culture/Kpop/Kdrama, etc.
and attempts to act as if they were Korean, even though they are far from it. They use Korean 
words but usually ends up pronouncing then wrong and sounding like total ásshōles.

*Please stop asking me to "sarang" you and notice you. You're not cute if you call me oppa and fail at talking in Korean.