
Joined: January 29, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 65351

Quotes by alicia_xx369

if they left they left
dont try do things beyond
your power to bring them back
because them leaving
may just become the best thing
 that could happen to you
i miss you

why couldnt it be
everything you had ever said to me
went down the drain with those few words
i never thought someone could break
so many promises
in such little time
telling me to forget about everything that happen
was impossible.
between us there were some of the best things ever in my life
things that i don't want to throw away
you'll always be apart of me
even though i'm nothing to you
was he even meant to be there?
because everything he ever did to me
was hurting me so much inside
he pretty much broke me
though i never really noticed at the time
i was heart broken for months on end
until that other guy came along
though he had always been there
i never realised what he meant to me
he mended me
he always knew what had happened to my heart
but he didnt care.
he knew me for who i was before.
and did anything to fix me
maybe this just shows that everything in life happens for a reason
because otherwise i would never have realised that this guy
would be the best thing that could ever happen to me.
my teacher asked me the deffinition of love
so i turned around
---> looked at him <---
turned back and said
"love is a big word. & it can mean alot of things.
 but one thing i've learned about love is it's confusing.
 falling in love is hard to get out of. so the deffiniton of
 well... it's [needed someone] in your life. i love my bestfriends 
 & i can't live without them . i love my family, too. " ... then i said
 "... and sometimes you might not know it but you could love the
person sitting right infront of you. " 

      right then he dropped his pencil and looked up. i turned my head
and he was looking at me speechless. all he could do was smile, so
i did the same.  my teacher looked at me, then looked at him & said

now that's what love  is. "

not myn.
and everynight i sit by my bed
but all i can do is think of you
you said you loved me
but i knew it wasn't true.
You were in love with her
though you didn't want me to know.
so now i sit here all alone
with tears running down my face
but never letting you know

how i really feel
full credit :)
yesterday is history.
tomorrow is a mistery.
and today is a gift.
thats why we call it the present. !

no credit :)