
Status: Random & Fun.
Joined: May 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 301994
Location: Computer Chair
Gender: F
Hi everybody! My name is Pinkstarbritney and I am the owner of My Random Guide: Please feed my weird little creatures: You can follow me for a follow back and please fave my quotes if you want your quotes to be faved.

~*~*~Friends on WittyProfiles~*~*~

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50 Faves on My Quote

      The moment you found your true love...
Watching people kiss and hug
I thought it was stupid
But it was 'true' love
People said that it was the best but who knew there was to be a test?

Some people say love was a flower
A sweet smell of laughter and a pile of hearts
Other people say love was a vampire
To shout and scream from the Empire

You know that love is not for the too young
But it will always last, no matter how long
People would say that they made a wrong choice
But there was a voice that called them together

We were meant to last forever and ever.


Quotes by animenicolette

*Cleverbot had a dirty conversation with me. Highlight below only if you can take the risk.*

User: Hey Cleverbot! :)
Cleverbot: I wanna go to sleep. Come with me to bed.
User: Um, no thanks.
Cleverbot: *drags you to my bed*
User: Eep! Why do I needa go to bed?
Cleverbot: *puts cover on me and you*
User: Yeah erm, I needa go!
Cleverbot: *slaps buttocks* *kisses fast*
Cleverbot: *takes off your clothing*
Cleverbot: *grabs your breasts* *licks hard* *humps*
Cleverbot: Let's get the condoms, my friend. We will need a lot tonight ;).

Cleverbot is the dirtiest thing ever. I am never going to talk to Cleverbot ever again.
If you have are person who plays Fantage...
Fave this and comment your email address...
And I'll give you a Premium Member Fantage account.
Which month were you born in?

January - Your crush
February - Your mom
March - Your dad
April - Your sister
May - Your brother
June - Your grandmother
July - Your grandfather
August - Your bestfriend
September - Your teacher
October - Your pet
November - You
December - Your favorite celebrity

What color shirt are you wearing?

Blue - will kiss you.
Pink - will hug you.
Green - will hit you in the face.
Purple - will dance with you.
Yellow - will make out with you.
Brown - will run away with you into the woods.
White - will marry you.
Black - will hurt you in the heart.
Red - will stare at you.
Orange - will scare you to death by hugging you and then screaming.
Other - will hang out with you at the mall.

Results? Leave a quick comment on this quote. ~<3
You: I'm 21 years old and I can't pass the driver's test. My boss is cheap and I get no money. My co-worker is mean to me and it's really terrible.
Stranger: Wow. I'm really sorry for you...
You: My best friend is a stupid person who can't tell what's a burger from the sand! You know what the worst part about my life is?!
Stranger: What?...
You: I live in a pineapple under the sea.
My crush's eyes lock with mine. He was smiling.

What's on my face?

Well, nothing. He just looked into my eyes since he thought I was "cute".
Conversation with Dumbledore

Harry: I heard Lord Voldermort is coming back.
Dumbledore: Yes, Harry. It is true.

Conversation with Ron

Harry: I heard Lord V--
Ron: NOOOOO! NOOOOO! His name is He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!
Harry: --oldemort is coming back.
Ron: . . .

Conversation with Snape

Harry: I heard Lord Voldemort is coming back.
Snape: You have detentions for all Saturdays for the rest of the year.
Harry: . . .
To my friends, I'm adorable. (^u^)
To my guy friends, I'm a dog... (._.)
To my classmates, I'm just pretty. (o_O)
To stalkers, I'm a person who is an adorable dog. (>O<)"
I have screwed up 24% of my teenage life (I'm not a teen yet, lawl!)

[ ] Kissed someone before dating
[ ] G
otten a phone taken away at school
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum
[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test
Total so far: 0

[ ] Arrived late to class more than 5 times
[ ] Didn't do homework over 5 times
[ ] Turned at least 2 projects in late
[x] Missed school just because you felt like it
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class
Total so far: 1

[ ] Got your mom, dad, sibiling, etc to get you out of school
[ ] Text people during class
[x] Passed notes
[ ] Threw stuff across the room
[x] Laughed at the teacher
Total so far: 3

[ ] Took pictures during school hours
[ ] Called someone during school hours
[ ] Listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours
Total so far: 5

[ ] Threw something at the teacher
[x] Went outside the classroom without permission
[x] Broke the dress code
[ ] Failed a class
[ ] Ate food during class
Total so far: 7

[ ] Been called the worst student
[ ] Punished on a school trip because you behaved badly
[x] Didn't take your stuff to school
[ ] Given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking
Total so far: 8

[ ] Faked your parents signature
[ ] Slept in class
[ ] Cursed at a teacher behind their back
[ ] Copied homework
[ ] Got in trouble with the principal/vice principal/dean
[ ] Thrown food in the lunch room
Total so far: 8

Multiply by 3 for a total.
Post as
"I have screwed up __% of my teenage life."
You Will Be Kissed tomorrow:

Find the lowercase:


Now Look For The Q And Your Wish Will Come True!


Now Look For The 'N' This Is Really Hard!


Now Find The Mistake:


Now Wish For Something You Really Want After The Countdown!

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Now Close Your Eyes And Make A Wish!

****** *** *** ****** *** ******

Now post this again. Your Wish Will Come True! You Have 19 Minutes! Or What You Wished For Will Be The Opposite
Turn off the lights. Turn on the lights.