
Joined: August 27, 2011
Last Seen: 2 years
user id: 212664
Ashlie <3
15, Single, Sophmore
Addicted to Witty
Directioner, Potterhead, Beleiber
Also check out

She lives in a fairytale
somewhere too far for us to find♥

Quotes by ashlieluvsjb

I AM THE BOX GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!
The awkward looks you get from relatives,
when you ask for a Weasley sweater for Christmas.
Josh: Hey I just met you.

Josh:  And this is crazy.

Josh: But my dad just married your mom.

Josh: SO
HUG ME BROTHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Witty has become even worse than facebook with all the hate and drama. What happened to the loving suportive family that was here not even a year ago? I know I'm not the only one on here who comes on looking for support or to put a smile on my face when things are rough so why are we all hating on eachother. Love is love, there a band, as much as you think other wise  and I much as I love one direction 3 years from now there will be somthing new, and why would you fight over a hazelnut spread?
Blonds might be pretty, redheads might be smart, But it takes a true brunette to win any guys heart.

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My Nana takes her wig off when she's drunk.


Finding Nemo 2
Because losing your kid only once is just too mainstream...

T h e r e  w a s  a  q u o t e  o n  h e r e  I  h a v e n ' t  s e e n  b e f o r e 
m a d e  m y  d a y!!

could you go here?

L a r r y  P l a t e  w a s n ' t  k i d d i n g 
w h e n  h e  m a d e  t h a t  s o n g  u p.  
  y o u  r e a l l y  n e e d  t o  g e t  y o u r 
p a n t s  o f f  t h e  g r o u n d!