
Joined: December 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 247270
Winnie The Pooh 3

Hi Im Gabi and I love meeting new people! My special day is October 28th. Im 14 and taken baken :). Follow me for a follow! lovee :D Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket
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Quotes by awkwardpenguin97

Anybody's finger tips get really cold after they paint their nails?

the early bird might get the worm,

but the second mouse gets the cheese...

[♥]  i f  you  get   i t ?


Friend: Spell toast.
Me: T-O-A-S-T
Friend: Say it 5 times.
Me: Toast toast toast toast toast
Friend: Say it 3 more times.
Me: Toast toast toast
Friend: What do you put in a toaster?
Friend: Really? Cuz I put in bread.

That awkward moment when

An emo kid goes into McDonalds and orders a happy meal.

Have you ever wondered why people brush their teeth and then say
"Oh I'm thirsty I'm gonna drink some orange juice!"

Everyone has done this at some point in their life.

That awkward moment when an automatic door doesn't open for you.


Does anyone have that light switch in their house that they really don't know what it goes to?..


Best day with my
boyfriend :)

Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants