
Joined: December 30, 2010
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 143065
Location: umm, earth?
Gender: F
Hellurrr, i'm amanda. You are granted a hug for visiting (>^.^)>. I'm 15 years old, and a christmas baby, and no, i dont get extra presents):. Umm, i like the winter, cuddling in fluffy blankets ftw<3. Sour skittles &guitars are awesome too. Drama sucks, along with random bruises. No follow for a follow here, so if you follow me anyway, another 1000000x hugs for yooou:D Alrighty soooo, you have a good day now, go chase a rainbow or something:3.

Quotes by axp96

When I was little, being the line leader was
the best thing in the world.

Thoughts when I can't sleep
Ugh, i cant sleep, but i'm tired.
Me: I don't wanna go to school tomorrow.
Me : Oh god, what if i have a pop quiz and fail cause I got no sleep?
Me::Then I'll never get a good term grade, and flunk for the term.

Me: Then I won't graduate, and I won't get into college.
Me: Then my parents will kick me out, and I'll be forced to become a hobo on the street.
Me: Shut up brain. Maybe if you get some sleep we wouldn't have that to worry about.
Me: Wait, why am I talking to myself?
Me: Am I crazy? Should I check into a mental hosptital?
Me: Maybe i should try counting sheep.
Me: 1 sheep
Me: 2 sheep
Me: 3 shee- This is a load of crap, i'm more awake then i was before.
Me: Ugh, now I have to pee. But, i dont wanna get up.
Me: But, what if i dont go and end up peeing myself while i dream?
Me: Yeah, i'm not getting any sleep tonight-_-,


I don't want to be normal.
I want to be me.

j a y c i e c u t i e 0 1 's format
That voice you use when talking to a pet.

 I can delete your facebook,
 & your number,

  But, I can't delete you from

my memories.

The deadliest of all responses.

format credit to Marissa123.




"Bad things happen to good

I'm starting to think that's true.

Not my format.

Yes I Can Be A Freak;

But, stop acting like you're too cool for me.

Things I Hate:
1.) When a beautiful boy has an    ugly name-___-