
Joined: June 7, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 306614

Quotes by babiegirl503


~I laugh as if~

I fallen in love with you over and over again

 And when you smile. All I see

is a dream of you and I together, in the future.
I will love you Forever

as long as


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I Will Love <3
You Forever ....................
As long as you Love
-My inner thoughts

I always give
Second Chances 
to those who actually

Deserve It.

Maybe Steve should just get rid of Witty
Because all these tiny problems have now turned into a full out war.


Every time i see you
i laugh until I cant breathe♥

Format by Sandrasaurus

You all say that you hate whats happened
to Witty but you are the problems. You say you want it like the old witty, but no ones doing anything about it. Theres alot of reasons witty isn't the same. 1 all The 1D quotes........... 2 all the hate about the 1D quotes................3 everyone loving nutella..............4 nutella haters.......................5 everyone telling each other to kill themselves. What ever happened to good old witty where everyone supported each other, now its like the hunger games, an match to the death. And i mean people are actually dieing because of all this hate. So everyone just needs to stop. If you're gonna hate on people, just think about it first. And from now on try to support each other rather knock them down.Thanks for Reading

Who are you to tell me

 >> Who to be?


Does anyone know what happened to the meaning of Forever????


Because some people have forgotten.

One of m best friends. 
Started to Bully me.
SHe texted me all these rude remarks, And i cried for days on end.
I Told her to stop.
THat it would onnly get worse.
But soon she started to yell and scream.
After that I took away my own cellphone to make it stop.
So this went on for about a month of constant torture.

And now she acts as if were best friends again.

She trusts me more than ever now. But any time i see her......I have to plaster a fake smile across my face.

I feel somewhat proud of myself, but I just dont know what to do.

I NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!!!!
please comment me some!!