
Joined: June 22, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 311171
Location: Indiana
Gender: F
Hey there, fellow potatos!
My name is Madeline, Maddie, Mada, Moomoo, Aunt Pete (homeroom), or Debra Rose.

Quotes by besame13

Finally got my Spider Man and Mary Jane kiss.
Im tired of blaming it on my cat.
My heart goes out to everyone who was effected in the Connecticut Shooting today. What could make a person so evil, taking their own mothers life, alond with 7 other adults, and eighteen children. Innocent, sweet, little kids. I can't begin to imagine what that phone call was like.. learning that your child/sibling/neice/nephew/grandchild wouldn't see another day, another year. They were working their butts off to be on Santa's nice list, and their presents are still wrapped up, waiting for the child who will never open them. Rest Easy in Paradise angles, you didn't deserve this. That sick man is paying in a way we cannot imagine.
Now she's feeling so low since she went solo,
hole in the middle of my heart like a polo.
 And It's no joke to me, so can we do it all over again?
-Over Again, One Direction. <3
*watching zombie movies with my sister*
"Let's dress like zombies, go to walmart, and eat people."-me
"And ask them to play bingo with us."-sister
Woman trying to get another woman downstairs.
"If I was a zombie I would eat that chick first. She was hot."-sister
Me*dies laughing*
There's nothing that irritates me more then when people sit around and say "oh, it's just a book/movie. It's not real.' Well maybe I put myself in their shoes, maybe I become them to escape my own reality. Maybe that's the only way I'm happy. I know it's not real, but the fact that I wished it was makes me feel like part of it lives in me.
*sorry.. needed a vent.
I was there for you everytime you needed someone, but now that I need you.. you can't be there for me?
Hey fellow witty sisters.
I'm asking for some prayers.
I'm about to be admitted into a hospital for servere tummy problems. They say I may meed surgery.. and that's why I'm scared. Please pray for me, I love you all.
What's done is done. Instead of looking at past mistakes and trying to relive them, put your best foot forward. Don't look back, move on.

I'm done, I give up. Don't wanna pretend no more.

That's it, so what?

I've lost a friend before.♥
