
Joined: January 12, 2011
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 146052

Keep that beautiful smile with you at all times. It is the best look for you <3 
Hey! Im Noel and i live somewhere in new jersey. I have graduated from hogwarts with a dagree in Defense Against The Dark Arts. haha jk but i have read all the books and watched all the movies over and over again.

I have also read the Hunger Games and it will soon be one of the best movies that I will ever seen :) 

I do track, basketball, soccer, and cross country and I love them all. I suck at running though... 
I am also in stage crew for our next school play, Annie. I am part Asain and go to a chinese school on sundays. 

If you do read this, i have a question for you! 
how far do you think you will get if you where competing in the hunger games? comment! follow me too!  

may the odds ever be in your favor, my fellow tribute - Profile Counters <3 Profile Counters

Quotes by bluesongs

Hey everyone? Looking for a new book to read? 
Check out my blog!
ppppplllllleeeeeaaaassssssssseee? :3
Ran out of good books to read?

Check Out my Blog!

 I ran out of books to read  

comment your faveorite  

that one b/tch that can ruin your day... CHEERS TO YOU!
He is my best friend, a grade older.
he found out why i am so strong,
why noting insults me. 
and always force a smile
even when I am close to tears.
 we havent seen eachother
for a while. 

We crossed paths
and he pulled me into him
whispered into my ear, 
"I missed you" 
He wouldnt let me go until
I told him everything
Why I am strong
why I hide my feelings
Now, i know he

will always be there
He made my worries go away 
I felt safe, I made a real smile 
His words felt real. 
I realize, No matter how hard it gets
someone will always be

there for you . 

That awkward moment when
You realize that Katniss and Peeta's celebrity name is Peniss



Todays the oldest you've ever been.... 

and the youngest you will ever be again.  


                                  mind blown


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            n  m  f

Dear Wittian, 

My classmates and i made a music video for school 

I am trying to get more views and feedback on it so if you would take the time to watch it. It was really fun to make and i promise that it would be worth your time as well :)

link below


elementary school: sit behind your desk and dont break anything 
middle school: we are preparing you for high school 
high school: we are preparing you for collage/university 
collage/university: its harder in the real world 
real world/job: sit behind a desk and dont break anything


life has no outlines 

probably the best words that i have ever hear from a friend <3