
Joined: October 12, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 56022

Quotes by bmw123

loving someonerequires a leap of faith
xand a soft landing is never guaranteedx
Oh My My My.
i still wish we talked.
time fades too fast,.
fRieNdS aLwAYs TeLL mE;;
Be careful... I never listen.
Because when it comes to guys,, I fall easily.
Too hard too fast.
&& No OnE iS tHerE To caTcH Me.
walk into walls
trip down the stairs
stay on the phone til 3 a.m.
cry over boys
get in the stupidest fights
can see when you’re sad
and can tell when you're in love
push you down instead of help you up
laugh at you till they cry
and most importantly
are there for you when you
need them most(:
I try to act normal.
But it gets boring… so I just go back to being ME.
It’s the words you don’t say that hurt the most.</3
if I reach for your hand...will you hold it?
if I hold out my arms...will you hug me?
if I go for your lips...will you kiss me?
if I capture your heart...will you love me?
&& im so tired of seeing you with her. it breaks my hearevery time. </3