
Joined: August 25, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 122357

Hiiiiii. :D I'm michaelaaa.(: I love to write, sing, dance, act, draw,& paintt.(: my friends mean everything to me. I'm 14, 15 on december ninth. :D I'm a freshman; & I live in New Hampshire, but I LOVE going home to Mass.(: My cousin is my big brother, I love him.(: My best friend Jake means the world to me, I love himm.<3 Anywhooo; this is my second accountt, for stories. my other account iss xoxhollisterxox and i have onee moree; thefreshmandiaries . Comment with opinions, hate comments, suggestions. <3

Quotes by breathingbutbroken

Tell Me Lies.
Part Six

It was cold, damp, and pitch black when i woke up. There was screaming coming from the hallway next to my cell. Scared, I tried to hide under the blankets. I heard a shot, then a screech. I squeezed my eyes as tight as I could, and prayed.
Suddenly my blanket was whipped off of me and I found myself looking up at Chase.
"Hurry! We gotta get out of here." Chase whispered.
I grabbed the blanket and followed Chase out to an abandoned car.
"Seatbelt; it's gonna be a bumpy ride."
Two hours later, I found myself in another unfamiliar house. The walls were bright yellow. I sat up, trying to find Chase. He was no where. I got up and explored the house. The whole house smelt like old people. All of the furniture was navy blue. But when I got to the kitchen, it was different. It smelt like bacon and eggs, Chase's specialty, and the walls had paintings of flowers and a sunset all over the walls.
"Where are we?"
"You like?" Chase laughed.
"Uhm, yeah let's go with that." I grinned as I walked over to him and kissed him.
"Wanna play a game?"
Chase's eyes were an even brighter blue under the moon and the stars. "Sure."
"Okay," He began. "I have to match each star with a reason why I love you."
I smiled.
"If I win, I get to keep you forever."
"And if you lose?"
"Then you get to keep me forever." He winked.
"You're already keeping me forever, so don't waste your breath."
"Okay, whatever. I would've run out of stars anyways."
I laughed.
Chase rolled over on the green grass and looked me in the eyes. "Amanda, I love you."
I nodded, still smiling like a retarded seal. "I know,"
"So will you marry me?" Chase pulled out a small velvet box.
I was shocked. "Chase..."
"I just made a promise, and I intend on keeping it."
"Ahww, I love you Chase."
"And the answer to the million dollar question is..."
"Yes." I smiled wider than I ever had before.
And as he leaned down to kiss me, it was as if today had never happened. We would stay in this moment forever.
"Next month?"
I smiled. "Of course."

Tell Me Lies
Part Five.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs wafting into the bedroom from the kitchen. I slipped on my bathroom and wandered through the hallway into the kitchen; where I found Chase at the stove.
Chase laughed. "What? A man can't cook for his lady?"
"I'm impressed." I nodded. "But you do know that I'll never forget what you did, right?"
He looked down at his bare feet against the shiny linoleum. "Yeah,"
"But nothing will ever change the fact that I'm completely in love with you."
I walked over to the stove and pecked him on the cheek. "Easy there, lover boy." I whispered.
He kissed me.
And for a brief second, we were the only people in the world. Nothing else mattered. Every time we kissed, it was like the first time.
There was a huge bang, and then shouting.
I glanced at Chase.
He was completely frozen.
The police officers walked over to us with their weapons ready.
There was no way we could fight back, we were too shocked to function.
Chase snapped out of his little spell, and they handcuffed us.
My head was spinning.
I felt them pushing me outside into the brisk morning air, felt them duck my head as they shoved me into the cop car; even felt the jerk of the car as it lurched forward toward my death.
But somehow, I was completely numb.


Tell Me Lies
Part Two.

We drove for hours. Hours, and hours, and hours.
"Where are we going?"
"It doesn't matter where we're going, AManda."
"Well, it does to me." I paused, trying to catch my breath. The car was freezing; Chase had the AC cranked, and it was fourty outside. "So tell me."
"Tell you what?"
"Tell me where we're going, and why."
"Amanda, just stop worrying."
"Fine." I turned so my back was to him, brought my knees to my chest, and huddled up in a ball against the cold.
"Here," Chase handed me a blanket from behind him. "You look cold."
"Thanks." I turned around to face him. I had just curled up in the blanket and closed my eyes when Chase interrupted me.
"Mmm?" I was half asleep.
"I'm sorry."
"Good." I opened my eyes and glared at him.
"No, like, I'm seriously sorry. I was an idiot."
"I know you were."
"Amanda, I am so sorry. It was so stupid." I thought I saw a tear slide down his cheek. 
"You're right, it was stupid. It was also irresponsible, rude, and wrong."
"I know." He turned to me, revealing his pale, tearstained face.
I just stared at him. I'd never seen him cry before.
"I just want to make it up to you."
I was speechless. He really meant it...
"Please," His voice faded, and he leaned down to kiss me.
I kissed him back, and it was different. It was like our first kiss all over again; sparks and all.
He kissed me like he's never kissed me before; gently, but with power. With ease, but full of emotion.
And in that split second, I knew he was truly sorry; and I forgave him.
He kept kissing me; it was as if we couldn't stop. An addiction so powerful.
He kissed me one last time, pulled away a little, and stared into my eyes.
All of a sudden, there was a CRASH.
And then nothing.

    thanks to xxBestDressFearlessxx
              the new title is...

Tell Me Lies

don't know what to call it; comment with suggestions or opinions.(:



I storm into the front door of Chase's quiet house. His mom is in the kitchen slicing vegetables.

"Chase is upstairs in his room; you can go ahead up." She smiles at me.

I nod and keep walking. I tiptoe up the stairs so he won't hear me coming.

I get to his bedroom door, and pause. I take a deep breath, going over what I'm about to say one last time. Breath deeply once more; kick open the door.

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. I guess I don't even have to ask him now. I already know what Kaitlyn told me is true.

Chase is sitting on his bed in his boxers, surrounded by three other girls in their bras.

I take in the setting, and walk out of the room. I start to go down the stairs, but Chase grabs my arm.

"It's not what it looks like Amanda."

"Oh really? 'Cause it looked like you were just having a sleep over." I'm furious. "Is that what it is?"

Chase just stares at me. "No, I -"

"Just shut up. I don't wanna hear your story." I'm holding back tears, trying to keep my voice angry. "You know, the funny thing is, I came over here to tell you that Kaitlyn swore you were cheating on me. What's even funnier is the fact that I didn't believe her. I came here to cry on your shoulder about how Kaitlyn was lying."

He opened his mouth.

"SHUT UP." I took a deep breath. "I lied to myself the whole time. I knew Kaitlyn was telling the truth. I just wanted to believe the lies. The lies you told me."

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"THE HELL YOU DIDN'T. Chase, you are such a player. You made up the rules of the game!"

"So I guess this means it's over...?"

"Uh, yeah."


"But, uh, before I go..." I lean into him, putting my mouth right next to his ear. "One last thing..."

"Oh, of course." Chase smiles.

"Can I ask you something..?" I ask as I run my finger across his chest.

"Anything, Amanda."

I blow on his ear. "Teach me how to jerk."

Chase laughs. "I don't know how."

"Oh, well that's too bad, 'cause you sure know how to act like one." I walk silently down the stairs, out the door, and down the street.


I'm quitting my story;
I think it's getting boring.
So I'm gonna start a new one soon.

Fave if I should quit it,
Comment if I should continue it?