
Joined: December 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 249635
Hey so im 13 years old and I model. I love my family and friends and all you wittiers!

Quotes by briner45

Can I confess something
I love you! <3
Is there something wrong with your space bar?
No there is just no room for me to not love you <3
Just about died when he said this to me <3
Every time I see you with her
I loose hope everytime....
I just wanna lay on my bed and cry till I runn outta tears :/
Is it wrong to not want to be hurt again? </3
I am afriad of 27 out of the 72 common fears.

[ ] the dark
[x] staying single forever
[ ] being a parent
[ ] giving birth
[x] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[] heights
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] fish
[x] spiders
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched
[ x] fire
[ ] silk
[x] the ocean
[x] failure
[ ] success
 [] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] my boyfriend's/girlfriend's dad
[ ] my boyfriend's/girlfriend's mom
[x] rats
[ ] wind
[x] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain
[x] crossing hanging bridges
[x] deep water
[ ] heaven
[x] death
[x] being robbed
[] falling
[ x] clowns
[ ] dolls
[] large crowds of people
[ ] men
[ ] women
[] having great responsibilities
[ x] doctors (including dentists)
[x] tornadoes
[ x] hurricanes
[x] incurable diseases
[x] sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] ghosts
[x ] poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[x] being alone
[x] becoming blind
[x] becoming deaf
[] growing up
[x] creepy noises at night
[ ] bee stings
[x] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[x ] needles
[ x] blood
[ ] dinosaurs
[ ] the welcome mat
[] high speed
[x ] throwing up
[ ] falling in love
[ ] super secrets
I just read that last year,
4,153,237 people got married...
I don't want to start any trouble,,
but shouldnt that be an even
Me: Can I go to the bathroom?
Teacher: I dont know, can you?
Me: Do you really think Im 13 and can't go to the bathroom
Ugh fine....... MAY I go the the bathroom!?
When you have a heart attack
Because your missing your straw to you

Capri Sun

I do what I want
Wherever I want
Whenever I want
With whoever I want
If my mommy lets me......

I t will get better 


I promiss (: