
Joined: August 27, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 28429
doesn't it totally suck when you finally realize that you wanna be with that one person and then you find out that they don't like you? it hurts sooo bad...

Quotes by brokenx3heart77

AlL i WaNt Is YoU .. bCuZ I cAn't HaVe YoU, i WaNt YoU eVeN MoRe ..
i CaN't WaiT fOrEvEr fOr YoU EveN tHoUgH YoU aNd I AnD eVeRYoNe eLsE kNoWs I WiLl
it WiLl NeVeR Be ThE sAmE aS iT wAs .. It Is aLwAYs GoNnA be DIfFeRenT
him: you need to eat.
me: why? i do eat.
him: no you don't. if you don't eat then i won't eat and we'll be sick together.

(this really did happen and i thought it was sooo sweet, except it was a little weird .. lol)
you say you aren't good for me .. that is not true bcuz you are perfect</3
friend: why do you like him so much?
me: if i explained it to you, you'd like him to.
why can't life have rewind buttons?
friend: what did you do last night?
me: cried.
friend: why? what happened?
me: one word-him ..
d0n't b3 @fr@id t0 f@ll in l0v3
yOU sAId yOU lOvEd mE .. whAt hAppEnEd ?