
Joined: April 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: December 31
user id: 294785
Location: In front of my computer
Gender: F
I love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
My Favorite Is Michelangelo

I Love Skrillex.

I Roller Skate, Skateboard, and play GaGa.
GaGa is a ball game that you play in an octagon sand pit.
I love laser tag.

I Say The Word Chicken Alot And I Don't Know Why
I Guess I'm Just Being Myself
I Love Myself Just The Way I Am.

And I Follow Everyone Back!
So Follow:)

Quotes by buby3

Don't Worry If You're Single.

God is looking at you right now saying,

“I’m saving this girl for someone special.”


I wonder where I left my keys, I wonder how I put on weight, I wonder where my money went, I often wonder why I wonder.


Some people look for a perfect relationship,
  But all I want is a cheeseburger that looks like the ones on commercials...
 My Childhood<3

"Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many pieces do you wish?"

*7 Numbers Later*

“If you watch Home Alone backwards, it’s a story
about two men who are helped out of traps by a
young child, who then cleans them up. Then, the child’s
family comes home and yells at him.”
I Don't Understand "Silence is golden"

When Duct Tape Is Silver.
I’m great in bed.

I can sleep for days.
I’m gonna go take a hot shower.

It’s like a
normal shower,

but with
me in it.
Some People  Just Need A High-Five.

In The Face.

With A Chair.
Fav For A Follow??

And If You Could Follow Back Please
? :D


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