
Status: I ish mexicankat named Katnip or kat
Joined: June 28, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 312991
Location: Houston,Texas
Gender: F
I am done with this thing i screw it up to much....XD


Quotes by christa1441

"Username or Password incorrect"
Well Atleast tell me which one it is!
 If your talking about me behind my back
obviously means
my life is way more
than yours  
Either Japan and China is smart
America is Lazy 
(I mean seriously everything is almost made in japan or china) 

We Live in a era where there are 
Smart Phones

stupid people


Friendship is life without life there is no friendship.

Some things hurt and make deep cuts in your heart

It also depends on what you think
that makes your heart hurt more depending on what you are thinking


Say your Co_Owner for a server and your going to be tested and you don't know and the people start doing stupid stuff and u  have a head ache and u tell them and they wont stop.So you tell owner.He says he told them and they no listen to them.So u start raging because u head hurt a looot. And the owner doesn't practiall give a damn about it. And u fail and get deranked because of that thing. This happened to me ;( I lost my christmas spirt. What should i tell him???


A fart
Is a wish

Your butt makes



"Hey dude she just called you fat!"


"Hold my cake!"


Me and you is friends

You smile,I smile....

You hurt,I hurt....

You cry, I cry....

You jump off bridge

I gonna miss your ....


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