
Joined: December 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 343949
Gender: F
Hello there!
My name is Julia.
I'm pretty much addicted to the computer, and I have no social life.
I love to read and write.
My favorite band is One Direct
My favorite color is blue or green, I can't decide!! :)
I love the song Little Things by One Direction, and I absolutely LOVE MUSIC!
I play 5 different instruments, including the piano.
I probably won't be able to come up with any good quotes, so I'm just gonna write stories.
Alright, that sounds good.
See ya beautiful! :)


Quotes by cookiemonster68


Love Me

Chapter 3: Part 2

Walking away, I looked around the lunchroom for another place to sit.


Hey, Kristin!” a voice rang out. I turned towards it and saw Jake waving his arms at me. I had learned a lot about him during classes. His favorite color was green, he absolutely hated Mrs. Henderson for treating us like little kids, and he loved baseball. We had all these things in common, except for the fact that he liked the White Sox and I liked the Cubs. I walked over to the table he was sitting at and looked at him expectantly. “Do you want to sit by us?” he asked, gesturing to the other two kids sitting there.


Sure,” I replied, trying not to sound too excited. I sat down between Jake and another girl who was busy reading a book. I took out my lunch and took a big bite out of my tomato and turkey sandwich. I listened to the conversation Jake and a guy sitting across from me were having, and found out that he was also in band which I had next period. Why is he in so many classes with me? I thought.


So Kristin,” Jake started, looking at me. “Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?”


Okay..” I said, thinking. “I really love music and art, I live with my step-mother, I'm an only child, and...” I thought. “I love baseball!”


Jake smiled. “Me too! Baseball is like, my life.” I laughed. We spent the rest of the lunch time all just getting to know each other. The girl who was reading was Jessica. She was really quiet and barely said anything while I was there. The guy across from me was Bryan, and he was the complete opposite of Jessica. He was blabbing away the whole time, talking about various things. The bell rang, and me and Jake walked to band class together. At the end of the day, I went to my locker smiling. I really liked Jake, and I was happy that we were friends. During band he had told me we should hang out sometime and he gave me his number. I took the slip of paper and shoved it into my backpack, along with tonight's homework. I ran outside to find Jen, but having no luck, I ended up just sitting on one of the benches in front of the school. Where was she? As I was waiting, I saw Jake walking out of the school, and he must of noticed me too because he started running towards me, smiling. I had a feeling we were going to be great friends.




Love Me

Chapter 3


As I walked into the classroom, I felt a tear slide down my cheek. Wiping it away, I quietly sat down at a seat in the back. As more and more people poured into the room, I put my head down, wishing I was alone. I'm not really much of a people person, and I sometimes enjoy being by myself. It gives me time to just think. Suddenly, a voice interrupted my thoughts.


Excuse me, can I sit here?” I lifted my head to find some guy standing over me, waiting for a response.


I guess..” I breathed, not knowing how to say no nicely. He sat down in the seat next to me. He had brownish hair with steaks of blonde in it, brown eyes, and a black hoodie on.


So what's your name?” Please leave me alone.


Kristin,” I replied.


My name's Jacob, but you can call me Jake.” I just nodded. I really didn't feel like talking.


Are you new here? I've never seen you around.” Of course he hadn't. I was practically invisible: I only had one friend here. And I wasn't even sure if she liked me anymore. Before I could respond, the bell rang, and a plump woman, probably in her mid thirties, walked in. She had short blond hair and a huge smile planted on her face.


Good morning, class! My name is Mrs. Henderson,” she said cheerfully. “We are going to have a great year together.”


My classes all went by quickly, and soon the bell had rang for lunch. I found out that I had history, calculus, and gym with Jake. I guess it wasn't too bad, at least I wouldn't be alone. I walked into the lunch room carrying my plain, sky blue lunch box, and looked around for a seat. Most of the tables were already full, but I saw one empty seat by Megan. I walked over, hoping she would let me sit there.


Hey Megan, do you mind if I sit here?” I asked.


Sorry Kristin,” she said awkwardly. “Um, my friend asked me to save her a seat here.. so...umm..yeah. Maybe tomorrow?”


Uh, yeah. Tomorrow.” I smiled weakly. I doubted she would let me sit there tomorrow, either, since she had so many other friends who needed seats. Walking away, I looked around the lunchroom for another place to sit.

This chapter is going to have to be in two parts, sorry about that. The stupid website won't let me add the whole thing. Anyway, I'd love to hear feedback from you guys! How do you like it?



Me: Seriously, were you dropped as a baby?

Friend: Yeah, in a POOL OF SEXY!

Me: Well, it was obviously empty...


Love Me

Chapter 2

Taking a deep breath, I walked to the front door and went inside. The hallway was packed with kids, and I weaved my way in and out of them until I made it to my new locker assignment. Number 54, and it was right next to my first class, chemistry. I put my combination in and started to unpack my stuffed backpack.

Hey Kristin!” I heard a voice say from behind me. My heart skipped a beat. Megan? I twirled around and found myself face to face with another senior girl. She had strawberry blond hair and bright green eyes, the same color of mine. This girl was small and thin, and surrounded by a group of others I didn't know. But she wasn't Megan.

Sophie?” I sighed. Sophie had made my life miserable since I was a freshman. “What do you want?”

I just wanted to drop by and say hello to my friend. Is there anything wrong with that?” Her smile was sickly sweet.

You are not my friend,” I spat at her. I turned back to my books and continued to unpack them.

Well. Then I guess I'll just be going. Come on, girls,” she said, addressing the group. “And Kristin, have a good first day.” With that she turned around, but not before she slammed my locker shut.

What a loser,” I heard one of the girls saying.

Just ignore them, Kristin,” I told myself, but the words still hurt. Opening my locker once again, I grabbed my chemistry books and quickly walked next door. The bell rang a few seconds later, and I sat down at the first open seat I saw. Standing in the front of the room was a tall man. He had brown hair and with a buzz cut. He was a bit on the chubbier side with a big belly, and he also had the lightest blue eyes I had ever seen.

Good morning class,” he started off. He had a really gruff voice.

Good morning,” half the class mumbled.

My name is Mr. Pierski. Before we begin, I'm going to need to take attendance. When I call your name please say here.” He started to read of a list of names.

Lucy Albert?”


Jack Barrens?”


It went on like this for a while, until he came to my name.

Kristin Mckay?”

Here,” I said. I felt eyes on me, and put my head down. I hated being the center of attention, even if it was just for a second.

Megan Quinn?” I heard him call. My head shot up. Megan was in this class?

"Here!” I heard Megan shout. I turned my head towards her voice and saw her sitting in the back row. She didn't even notice me, she was too busy chatting with two other girls. Had she really replaced me? I focused my attention back to Mr. Pierski, but that thought still hung in the back of my mind.

When the bell rang, I walked straight towards Megan to try and get an explanation.

Hey, Megan,” I began.

Oh, hey Kristin.” Kristin? What happened to Krissie?

So, umm, how have you been?” I asked, hoping the real Megan would start to show.

Good,” she said. I could tell she was distracted, she kept looking over my shoulder at who knows what.

Uh, Kristin, I have to go. See you later?” She still wasn't making eye contact.

Um, yeah. See you later.” By now I was sure she had replaced me. I watched her run around me and jump into her other friend's arms. Choking back tears, I went back to my locker and got my books for my next class, calculus. Had my best friend really abandoned me? I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I walked into the classroom.

Thanks to everyone reading it! How do you like it so far?