
Joined: January 16, 2012
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 264345

Quotes by crystallized

Abandoning this account. I'm transitioning into something different. I'm not making "funny" quotes anymore (not that I really did before), instead I'll be doing more personal quotes. Please follow me at mortem (
Thanks to all of my current followers and fans of my previous quotes. xx
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before I die,
2. Go to my dream college. ♥

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before I die,
1. Disneyworld with the closest person in my life.

[Saw someone else do it, so I decided to try it myself. I'll try to do it daily, however I wouldn't count on it. It'll be a nice thing to track though.]

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so I'll throw my thoughts into the sea where no one will ever find.
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the brilliant mistakes that you seem to make Always push me away.
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please don't get tired of me
please don't get tired of me
please don't get tired of me
please don't get tired of me
please don't get tired of me
please don't get tired of me
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Cause lately I've been tired and uninspired.
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the strokes: you only live once everyone else: oh okay drake: you only live once everyone else: OMG THIS IS SO TRUE AND RIGHT AND SMART LOL YOLO YOLO YOLO
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Just a relationship vent, lol~
I didn't know that I had to give up everything I genuinly liked just because it seemed as if I'm being a try hard to someone.
I don't know how I should feel anymore. Last night, my boyfriend told me that I try too hard to be a follower of something. I responded by telling him how I really felt about that, instead of letting it blow over as I usually do. He told me that I was overreacting about the whole situation. I don't think that he should have said anything like that if he doesn't know the whole story. In my opinion, it was very ignorant of him to bring up. I didn't continue to argue with him about it, I said what I wanted to say and then we went our separate ways for the night. I'm not really sure how I should deal with something like this. I feel as if he doesn't even know me as well as I thought he did. I'm just so confused.
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with eyes shut, it's you I'm
thinking of.
- Little Bit, Lykke Li
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