
Joined: March 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 287804
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It's hard to forget someone
who gave you so much to remember
 I'm a writer. It's just what I do.

Quotes by cupcakex2

and then you die.

Chapter 5-
 I stare back at her in shock, watching her expression observently to make sure I'm not being punked or anything.
I examine her brown eyes, subdued by a pool of crystal salt water, draining down her face.
Her once bright smile is now covered by her chapped lips, puckered up in an uncomfortable fashion.
"How." I manage to choke out.
"How did he die?"
My mom takes a few deep breaths, trying to hold back the never ending sobs as she rumages through her purse, pulling out a very farmiliar bag of pills.
"The police say he killed himself with these." She says, before quickly throwing the bag back into her purse.
"But I don't believe it for a second. My Nikko would never do that."
Everything is coming together so fast, at an unexpected pace,and I feel as though my throat is swelling up inside, forcing me to breath quick raspy breaths.
It would be so easy for the police to suspect Nikko would do this to himself, would actually want to harm himself.
With him being a highschool drop out, not to mention the drinking problems, everything was just too easy.
My mind wanders back to the note...
If you fail to complete a task, a loved one will die.
I hadn't completed the task, so one of the loved ones had died, coincidentally by commiting suicide with the same exact pills that I had failed to deliver earliar.
So everything was true.
I should have told someone while I had the chance before the threat to take my own life if I had told anyone came into the picture.
"Come on sweetie, let's go home." My mom says, snapping me from my thoughts as she wraps her fragile arm around my shoulder.
I nod quickly, trying to force a couple of small tears from my eyes, but I can't do it.
Of course you should cry when your brother dies, especially in my case considering that I am the main cause for his death, but my mind is too absorbed in fear to let down my guard, even with my moms protective arms around me.
I make a mental list in my head, thinking of people who would hate me enough to do this.
At the very top of the list, sits the hazel eyed boy, Javon.
No, it couldn't be him, he was in school all day today, so he couldn't have killed Niko,unless maybe he had assistance.
What if the whole school was doing this to me, turning against me.
The thoughts are all just too unbearable to think about anymore.
I am not safe now, and I can trust nobody.


and then you die.

Chapter 4-
   The first bell rings loudly, signaling everyone to clear out of the halls.
I watch Javon turn, his shiny brown hair bouncing around as he half jogs, half walks towards his homeroom class.
"Wait, please!" I say, grasping his arm.
"Please don't tell anyone, you don't understand!"
I suddenly want to tell him everything, the note, the list of people, but then he will think I'm insane.
I drop to the cool tiled floor, my head placed firmly into my hands.
I hear footsteps coming towards me, and I look up to see Javon, kneeling so he is level to me, his eyes filled with hesitation and concern.
He pats my back awkwardly, trying to comfort me, but I don't feel comforted at all.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone." He says, trying to pull me from the ground.
"You're fine."
Although I know he's right, but I can't help the bizarre tears that spill from my eyelids at a dangerous speed.
"Aw, come on, I'm really sorry Keely." he starts.
Before he can finish, I have my arms locked around his neck, and I feel his lips brush against mine softly.
I almost gasp as I feel my body tingling, the sensation of satisfaction overwhelming.
 His lips match mine perfectly, like two peices fit together in a puzzle.
I feel him pull away, his arms around my waist, pulling me up on my feet.
"What...what was that?" He asks me warily, running his hands through his mane of wavy hair.
"I don't, I'm not, I actually..." I can't seem to complete my thoughts.
"I just don't know, but I liked it."
I look up to see if he feels the same way, trying to hide my dissapointment when I see that he dosen't.
He dosen't try to cover up the mixture of shock and horror on his face, his mouth dropped wide open.
"Well, okay then." He mutters, pacing down the hall before I can respond, leaving me alone.
"Keely Stenton!"
I snap up from my thoughts, watching as Mr. Walker points his knobby finger in my deriction.
"Yes?" I ask nervously, hoping he won't ask me a question.
I'm usually so smart in science, but my head is stuck in the clouds today.
I can't seem to stop thinking about that tiny little kiss.
It ment so much to me, and nothing to him.
"They announced your name over the speakers." He says, sighing dramatically.
"Please pay more attention Mrs. Stenton."
I nod, walking out of the classroom, my stellitos making loud noises against the ground, like a branch being snapped into two.
As I walk in through the offfice, I find myself being wrapped in my mother's arms, her tears staining my new dress.
"Mom, what are you doing here?" I ask in a confused daze.
"Why are you crying, what's wrong?"
She bites her lips, trying to hold back a low sob rising in her throat.
"Your brother, he's....he's dead."


and then you die.

Chapter 3-
  "Niko, will you drive faster please." I complain to my older brother as I slouch in the back seat, narrowing my eyes at him through the rearveiw mirror.
"No way." He shoots back, motioning for me to buckle my seatbelt.
"I just got my licence back, I have to be careful if I want to keep driving."
"No, what you have to do is stop keeping empty beer cans in the back of the truck."
I say, leaning over to pick up a samuel adams, dripping out the remains of cheap smelling liquid.
"Hey, I didn't get my licence taken away for a DUI, I was speeding." He reminds me, although I know he's lieing.
"you keep telling me that." I tease.
"And maybe someday it will actually be true."
I sigh in relief as I spot the school parking lot in the distance, and I tense my muscles on the car door handle, waiting to spring out.
"You can let me out here." I mutter quickly, pulling my school bag over my shoulder.
"I'll make it on time."
"What, you don't want to be seen getting dropped off by your older brother?" He says, turning to give me a crooked smile.
"Oh you mean the alcoholic high school drop out older brother, I think not." I respond, immediatly wishing I hadn't said those words to him.
His smile turns to a tight frown, and I can tell the waterworks are about to start.
"Get out." He says, before clearing his throat.
I nod, ripping the door open, as I pace through the school parkinglot and into the old faded brick building, avoiding all eyes that are on me, as usual.
I pace through the school hallways, sighing as Brianna and Trinity scurry behind me, forming a tight V formation.
"Did you here?" Brianna whispers into my ear, her mango gloss covered lips puckering in jealousy.
"The new quarterback, Ryder, wants to ask you out."
"Oh, really?" I say, trying to sound excited.
"That's cool."
"I'm totes jealous of you." Trinity pipes in.
"Omg, he's coming over here right now!"
I turn to face the well built boy who stands uncomfortably close to me,his blonde shaggy hair parted to the side.
"Hey, so I heard your the head girl at this school." He says casually, giving me a wink.
His over self confidence makes me want to puke and I have to force a smile.
"Um, yeah, that's me...I guess." I answer, as I try to brush past him.
"Wait!" He yells, catching me by the arm.
Every muscle in my body is urging me to pull away but I relucnantly resist.
"How about we hit the mall after school, maybe see a movie or something?"
"Yeah, sure, see you then." I mumble, sliding past him towards my locker.
I fidgit with my lock, trying to get the right combonation before prying it open, watching a small ziplock bag fall to the floor.
I pick it up, examining the contents inside and my face turns pale as I watch the little white pills dance around on the inside.
I fumble through the rest of my locker finding a single envolope with my name on it.
I slice it open, ripping out the sheet of white paper, reading the note carefully.
Keely Stenton,
this is your first note.
Please read instructions carefully.
1. Read the client list posted on the side of your locker
2. Give three pills to each of these people (they will pay you money)
3. Put the money in the envolope, and return it to your locker.
4. The money will be gone the next day you return to school, along with the extra pills.
Remember, if you fail to complete a task, a loved one will die.
One more tiny detail I forgot to add before.
If you tell anyone, I will personally kill you.

My knees are shaking beneath me and I feel as though I might collapse at any moment.
I clasp the edge of the locker for support, staring at the metallic sides, grabbing a thin strip of paper that clings to it.
The client list.
I grab the bag of pills, quickly shoving them in my bag before I leave.
"This is joke, a sick joke." I whisper to myself.
"Stop worrying, you're fine."
I stop panicking when I run into the hazel eyed boy.
"Keely." He says my name like it is some type of disease.
"Yes, that's my name." I answer.
"I'm afraid I don't know yours."
"Never would have guessed that." He mutters.
"It's Javon."
"Right, Javon, I knew that." I answer casually.
"Well I have to..."
He cuts me off, his hand catching the strap of my backpack.
"What do you have in your backpack Keely" He asks accusingly.
"I saw you put something in there."
"Nothing, it's just..." I trail off, not knowing what else to say.
"It's just what?" He mocks me, pulling out the baggy of pills.


and then you die.

Chapter 2-
I clamp my hand over my mouth, biting my lip to hold in the scream that is itching to escape my lips.
He grabs my shoulder, giving me a shake that makes my insides rattle around.
A tear escapes my wide glassy eye, falling on the fern and grass covered grounds.

"Hey, don't cry, I'm sorry." The boy says.
He bends down so he is level with me, and oddly pats me on the back to comfort me.
"I'm not going to kill you or anything."
His own pathetic joke makes him laugh, as he helps me up.
"Why did you have to scare me like that!" I yell, ripping my arm from his grasp.
"I feel like I'm having a heart attack."
"With all due respect, that's not what I was trying to do." He says calmly, taking a step towards me.
"You're littering the school courtyard."
He takes another step toward me, and I cringe as he sweeps his hands across mine, pulling the strips of paper from my hold.
He crumples the papers up in his fist, shoving them in my shoulder bag that lies sprawled on the ground.
"Oh right, sorry." I mutter, finally meeting his gaze.
His hazel eyes are big, like a puppy dog's, the green and blue swirls putting me in a trnace.
"Are you, um, new here?" I ask him, pulling down on my gray blouse.
"No, I've been in the same grade as you since kidergarden." He says harshly, scratching the back of his neck.
"And I have triganometry with you too."
I nod, swallowing my guilt as I play with the ends of my hair, twisting them around until they form tight curls.
"Oh, yeah." I answer.
"I guess I just haven't noticed you."
"Yeah, because you think you're to good to notice me, or practically anyone that isn't a jock or part of your clique." He states accusingly.
"But I know everything about you."
"Oh really?" I shoot.
"Fine then, what's my name?"
"Keely Stenton." He answers without hesitation.
"Your favorite color is violet, you're best subects are art and science, and you suck at photography but you always take a class every year. You play every sport except swimming because you never learned how to swim, and you never wear jeans, only skirts and dresses."
I stare down self consciously at my short pink pencil skirt that barly makes it below my thighs.
"Yeah so what?" I challenge.
"I'm cool, your not, but you don't have to hate me for it."
"That's something you would say." He says to me before turning around, walking past the sweetpeas, pulling out an orange one.
"Oh right you like sweetpeas too, don't you." He yells in a mocking voice, attempting to throw the poor flower at me.
I sigh, slumping down onto the ground, not bothering to check if the grass is wet enough to stain any of my clothes.
I bury my head in my hands, my long hair falling in small ringlets around me.
My one safe place to go, has now been shattered by some over sensitive teenage boy.
How typical.


and then you die.

 Chapter 1-
I hold the thin peice of paper in my hands, stroking the ripped edges that cling to my skin, forming small paper cuts on my fingertips.
The material is light, atmost wet, with washed away ink that is visible, but not easy to read.
The paper is crinkled, probably formed into a ball many times.
I have to pry my eyes away as the bell rings, but I don't dare let go of the note.
I pull my faded navy blue bag over my shoulder, pacing from the classroom, down the hall, and open the heavy doors that lead into the school courtyard.
The only place I feel safe now.
I wander through the thick branches covered in colorful flowers with strong and distinguished frangrences.
I stop, enhaling the rich sent of my favorite flower, the sweetpea.
The glowing vibrant colors, and ruffled blossoms make them practically inresistable.
I find a bench to sit on, hidden by bushes and shaded by evergreen and pine trees.
I suck in a deep breath of air, forcing myself to stare down at the letter again.
Keely Stenton,
welcome to your new life.
You will be recieving 6 more letters addressed to you, with a task.
If you fail or refuse to do a task, a love one of yours will die.
It's sad really, but not in my control.
I'm just a messenger.
Thank you for your time.

what sick kind of joke is this?
And most importantly, who would want to do this to me?
My fear begins to wash away, being replaced by anger.
Obviously, this is just some horrible practical joke.
"Alright!" I shout.
"You can come out now, the joke is over!"
Nothing rustles, no sounds of snickering or shouts of joy, just the eerie sound of the wind blowing, making my aubrurn hair whip around wildly.
I begin tearing the note up slowly, peice by peice, letting the small strips of paper fly free in the afternoon breeze.
"What are you doing!?"
I turn to face the angered expression of the boy who towers over me.