
Joined: July 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 196250

Quotes by dancer0105

Please follow me on Twitter and I'll follow back
---------> @kendakaye

You never really know what you have until...

                            You clean your room

Depression is not an act.
Eating disorders are not phases.
Suicide isn't a cowards escape.
Homosexuality isn't a disease.
Self-harm is not a cry for attention.
Mental disorders do not make you stupid.
So why judge someone for how they feel or their life style,
When I guarantee yours isn't perfect either. Stop judging before you really know someone and take time to listen to their story.

Maybe then you'll understand the reasons behind their actions.

Some people call it Valentines Day

But I call it Tuesday

                                So Happy Tuesday Everyone! :)

As Girls,
We set ourselves up for heartbreak. That’s why we test you guys.
We ask you where have you been because the worst runs through our heads.
It’s not that we don’t trust you, we just love you too much to lose you.
We walk away and get mad when you don’t follow after us,
but it’s not that we’re trying to confuse you,
we just aren’t confident in ourselves and we think you don’t care if we leave.
We lash out at you not because we’re mad,
but because we want to see if you can handle our mood swings.
We tell ourselves you won’t pass the tests we throw at you
not because we don’t want you to,
but because if you do fail we want to be ready for it,
because the most painful thing any girl can go through is heartbreak.


                        The Way I See It

    The more people who dislike me, the less people I have to please.

Dear fellow girls,

 Most boys aren't going to run to your house at three in the morning
throwing rocks at your window,
or proclaim their profound love for you
by screaming it to you from across the hall.
Most boys aren't going to randomly text you
to remind you how beautiful you are,
and they probably aren't going to
sing and dance with you in the rain.
Yes, they lie and screw up, but so do girls.
So stop setting such high expectations
and get over the fact that they're not perfect,
and neither are we.

I fell off a 50 foot ladder today
and almost broke my leg,
but luckily I was only on the second step(:
Honestly why do girls feel the need to be mean on Witty?
Like seriously.. get over yourself

Don't waste your time and energy putting someone else down when your not perfect either.

Witty is a place for quotes not mean girls so take your crap some where else.
 Dont you ever wonder if a boy has ever truly saw you and thought, "Wow, shes beautiful.”