
Status: don't fear.
Joined: April 22, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 357911
Location: neverland
Gender: F
And when I'm feeling sad, he looks me in the eyes, thinks for a second - then lies:
"Everything is going to be alright."

I'm Kristina, and I'm awkward.
I have bad habits, and a very strange, unhealthy obsession for body modification.
I'm stretching my left earlobe to 6mm
But I'm currently at just 2mm.
I'm an atheist, but I don't have a problem with anyone, as long as you don't force your beliefs on me.


Also, I forgot my old Witty's username; but, hola at anyone who knows me from there!
That's all I can think of for now ...

Quotes by detentionseries

hey (: comment your twitter/instagram usernames and i'll follow you! please follow back :s @larakristinadm
why does everyone judge me for smoking?

i'm not violent, i'm not mental, i'm not dangerous.

i just enjoy getting high.
and i'm not saying everyone must smoke weed, or even agree with me smoking; but at least recognize the fact that smokers deserve respect, too

just saying
when you try to help someone and they just go all b//tchy on you ..

Right now, there is a kid finishing Parent's Evening,
in the heat of a discussion with his mother.
Asking why he would have to study subjects he would never,
ever use in his life?

And she will look at him, blank-eyed,
let out a sigh, think for a second - and then lie.

She will say something along the lines of ..
"You know to get a god job, you need a good degree; and these subjects will help you to get a good degree. We never had these opportunities when I was younger."

And he will reply:
"But you were young a long time ago - weren't you, mum?"

And she won't respond;
although what he implies makes perfect sense:
That society's needs would've changed since she was sixteen.

But she will ignore him, grip his hand more sternly, and drag him to the car.

But what she doesn't know; is that she didn't ignore him, just to shut him up.
She didn't lie because they were just returning from Parent's Evening, and an argument on the hallway would look bad on her resumee.
She won't lie because she just spent the last one hour convincing a stern-faced teacher that she will ensure that her child studies more at home.


She will lie, simply because she doesn't know any better herself.

Although her entire adult life, she has never used or applied a pythagram therom, perfected fallacy, and still does not know the value of x.

She will rely on society, to tell her that her child, who has one of the sharpest minds in the school, is hyperactive, unfocused, easily distracted, and dead weight.


How many equations, subjects and phases did you memorise just before an exam - never to use again?

How many A grades did you get, which were never helpful when you applied for a job?

How many times have you remembered something, just five minutes after the teacher said 'stop writing', only to receive your results one month later, to realise you were only one mark short of the top grade?

Does that mean remembering five minutes earlier, would've made you more qualified for a particular job?

Well, on an application form, it would've.

We all have different abilities, processes, experiences and genes; so why is a class full of individuals tested by the same means?

So does that mean Shantel must be dumb, just because she couldn't do a couple of sums?

And if this issue is not addressed properly; it then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; that every school has the audacity to have a policy on equality.

Hah, the irony.

Exams are society's methods of telling you what you are worth.

But you can't let society tell you what you are, 'cause this is the same society that tells you that abortion is wrong -  but then looks down on teenage parents.

The same society that sells products to promote natural hair, looks, and a smooth completion - with the model on the box half-photoshopped, and has fake lashes, and hair extentions.

With pastors that preach charity, but own private jets.

Parents that say they want, "educated kids", but constantly marvel at how rich Richard Braxton is.

With governments that preach peace, but endorse wars.

That say that they believe so much in the importance of high education; and further learning..

Then why increase tuition fees every single year?

I believed Miss Jefferson, when she sat me in her office and told me that exams would be imperative to my success.

And we were told to always follow what Miss Jefferson led;
but then I took Jefferson out of the equation, and learnt to think for myself.

I realised we were told to always follow what misled.

Test us with tests, but the finals are never final.
'Cause they never prepare us for the biggest test, which is survival.

And what I suggest is fairly outlying;
so I don't expect everyone to understand this,
except for the kids who know what it feels like, to be worth no more than that D or that A that you get on results day.

And the one who's best stories were never good enough for the english teacher;
'cause apparently you missed out "key-literal" techniques, did not follow the class plan, and the language was too informal for him to understand.

But then he'd reference Hamlet & McBeth, and you'd fight the urge to express your contempt, by partially clenching your fist, with only you medius finger left protruding in the middle of your hand.

Then ask if he was aware that Shakespeare was known as the innovator of slang.

Or, the kid in the back of the class, who thinks
'Why am I studying something that feed my drive', but then when confronted with a mass problem his eyes come alive.

So this is one for my generation:
the ones who found what they were looking for on google;
the ones who followed their dreams on twitter;
pictured their future on instagram;
accepted destiny on facebook.

This one's for my failures and my drop-outs, for my unemployed graduates, my shop assistants; cleaners and chashiers with bigger dreams.

My self-employed entrepeneurs;
my world-changers and my dream-chasers;

Because the purpose of why I hate school but love education, was not to initiate a world-wide debate, but to let them know that whether a seventy-two, or an eighty-eight, fourty-four, or sixty-eight,

We will not let exam results decide our fate.


day one: chapter one
I woke up to a ding-dong echoing around the house, and my brother gone.
When our parents died, my older brother was 18 and I was 13. We lived with an aunt for awhile, but then he got a steady job and I'm now under his custody.
He has his own apartment nearby, he's quite successful running his firm, and has quite a steady income flow, and since we didn't want to sell/rent the house, he let me live here and he checks up on me a few times a  week. Unusual for a 16 year old..
But it was 8A.M on a Friday, I was on vacation and I was being woken up.I went downstairs and peeked through the peephole, just to see Mark on the other side.
I opened the door. "What?" I asked.
"It's day one!" He exclaimed, all excited. "And you look like you woke up drunk on a couch."
He pushed himself past me into the house. "Hey, I never agreed to this." I complained.
"You never disagreed, either, and as far as I care, silence means consent." He continued, sitting in the kitchen.
I sighed and threw him a green apple. "I'll make breakfast after I shower."
I spent the next 10 minutes in the shower, then threw on some harlem pants and a tank top.
"That was fast." I heard Mark state sarcastically.
I opened the freezer and pulled out some frozen brownies, and set them to defrost in the microwave.
"So what's the plan for today?" I questioned.
"We're going to the beach." He said. "To the boardwalk."
"Boardwalks are lame.. And mainstream." I replied, serving us each two brownies, and gaining a smirk from him.
"These are nice." He said smiling.

We left the house after awhile, and walked to the beach. I only had driving lessons next month, and Mark's car was in the mechanic, apparently.
I kept staring at him whilst walking there. I don't know why, nor how my eyes kept finding their way right back to him, but there was something about this boy..
Something worth discovering. He was so mysterious, yet so.. Captivating. And I hated to admit it, but I loved it.
We got to the beach after around thirty minutes, and sat on the sand for a bit, not even talking. Just sitting.
"I feel weird." He started.
"Weird how?" I questioned.
"I feel like I'm made of tiny hot ice cubes, and my heart's pounding." He continued. "I'm not sure whether I'm sick, or just really excited to be with you."
"It's the brownies." I said, then burst out laughing.
He sat up, and his eyes widened. "You drugged me!?" he yelled.
"Shh. It's okay. I thought you said it was good stuff, anyways." I replied, smirking.
"How am I supposed to go back home like this!?" He continued, looking at himself on his phone's frontal camera. "My eyes are red as the devil's d//k."

We walked ended up walking back to my house, given how paranoid Mark was.
We were sitting on the couch watching old episodes of Tom&Jerry, and eating pringles.
It was rather amusing, to say the least, how he just kept rubbing himself all over the couch and claiming he was laying on cotton.
"Alex?" I heard him mumble in a tired voice.
"This is a lonely videogame ride."  He yawned.

Okay.. So this is chapter one :3  By this point you've probably noticed that this isn't the usual bad boy meets shy girl. In fact, it could be the other way around :b
But yes, I hope this doesnt fail.
(And I just had to include the videogame ride thing because someone filmed me high and I said that, and I just thought it was hilarious).. Not that you care xD


I lazily dragged myself into the detention room, taking a seat in the third row from the back.
"Again, Ms.Prometti?" Questioned Mr.Smith, looking up from the papers I assumed he was checking.
"Well, it really isn't my choice, Sir." I replied in an arrogant tone.

I had been in detention twice already this week.
I really was short on patience. I hated being told what to do, I hated it when people tried to tell me how I feel,
I hated being put out of my control, I hate it when people claim they know better than me regarding things which are of no one's other than my very own concern.
I reached into my pocket to pull out a packet of blueberry dentyne, as I heard someone inch up closer to me.
"Hey." I heard a voice.
I turned to my left and saw a boy, tall, tan skin. He was wearing a navy blue hoodie, and he had green eyes.
I stared at him blankly for a second, just studying him.
"I'm Mark, I'm in your biology class." He awkwardly continued.
I'd seen him around, but never in class. I remember I'd always check out the roman numerals he had tattoed right under his inner elbow..
"Cool." I replied bankly, trying not to sound too excited. I didn't want to feed his ego.
He's always been really cute, and rather popular. Many girls are into him, but I've never really seen him hanging around much. He's always just smiled and kept on going.
I felt like he was barely ever in school. Not that I regularly was.. But I don't like to give too much confidence to guys like him.
"Alessandra." I said extending my arm when I noticed him just looking at me, as if waiting for something.
He shook my hand, and I focused my attention on more important things, like beating my high score on Temple Run 2.
I started getting impatient when I heard his deep voice again.
"Hey." He whispered.
"What?" I sighed rudely, looking back at him.
"You might not want to talk to me, but you dropped something earlier.." He continued, lifting up a bag full of weed.
My eyes widened at the sight, and I frantically checked my pockets for the bag of goods.
"Give me that!" I demanded, but it was rather pointless, as I saw a smile form upon his face.
He lifted the bag to his nose, sniffing the bag. "Good stuff." He continued, mockingly.
I snatched it up from his fingers and the bell soon rang. "Ms.Prometti, Mr.Gabriel, you may leave."

I stood up, keeping the green in my pocket and glaring at Mark.
"Prometti, ey." He began. "You Italian?"
"My father is." I replied. "..Was." I corrected myself.
"Is he dead or something?" He proceeded to ask.
"Yeah, actually, he is. But that doesn't matter."
He looked at me with a saddened look in his eyes.
"Let me walk you home."

I ignored him and kept walking, but I heard his footsteps behind me.
"What do you want?" I asked abruptly. "I want to get to know you."
"You seem different. I rarely see you around, and when you are around, you're either alone or barely talking to someone." He said. "We'd make good friends."
With that I just looked at him, not sure what to say.
"Well then you'd also know that-" I tried to say, but was cut off. "That you don't like making friends?"
I let silence give him his answer.
We soon got to my house, and he pulled my arm as I went to unlock the door. "Please. We have vacation, give me this month."
I unlocked the door and pushed it, as he waited for an answer "To make me your friend?" I questioned, rather confused.
"To make you mine." he replied, sending shivers down my spine.
But I shut the door.

Hey guys! I've tried to write stories on witty quite a few times, but I ended up having to quit.
But this story is really close to my heart because Alessandra is based on me (for the most part), and everything is just really deep to me.
It gets better, I promise.
Please give me a chance and let me know what you think!