
Joined: January 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 147944

Quotes by eliese


Stayed single almost the whole year? eh its complicated

Were involved in something you'll never forget? a lot

Tripped over a coffee table? almost daliy.

Came close to losing your life? nahh

Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live? YES

Did something you regret? yes but i couldnt change it even if i could

2011: Friends and Enemies

Did you meet any new friends this year? a few

Did you hate anyone? YES

Did you lose any friends? yeah .

2011: Your BIRTHDAY!

Did you have a cake? pssshk no pie duh

Did you get any presents? yuppers

Did you get what you wished for last year? more pie?

2011: All about YOU

Did you change at all this year? yeah

Did you change your style? a little more girly

Were you in school? unfortunately

Did you get good grades? yes all A's

Did you drive? no

Did you own a car? iwish):

Did anyone close to you give birth? eh no not really anyone close

Did you go on any vacations? no.

Would you change anything about yourself now? yes everything

Did you dye your hair? NOPE

2011: Wrap UP:

Was 2011 a good year? i suppose yeah

Do you think 2012 will top 2011? wont know till 2013 so uhh .

Best thing that happened in 2011? him<33333


Kissed in the snow? no, well not yet ;)

in the parking lot? at the beach ? in secret ? secret yes and a parking lot

Had your heart broken? yes

Painted a picture? in art class

Wrote a poem? for english , it was an awful poem .

Ran a mile? no im lazy .

Visited a foreign country? nope ..

Cut in a line of waiting people? not that i remember

Told someone you were busy when you weren't? all the time ..

Cooked a disastrous meal? lmfao yeah

Lied about how old you were? um......yeah

Cried yourself to sleep? too often </3

IN 2011 I….

Broke a promise? nope never

Lied? yeahyeahyeah

Disappointed someone close? i sure hope not ..

Hid a secret? rather large one

Pretended to be happy? im a good actor .

Slept under the stars? layed under them, yes. sleep no 

Met someone who changed your life? no not in 2011 in 2010 yes

Changed your outlook on life? eh

Sat home all day doing nothing? im homeschooled so yeah

Lost something expensive? nope

Learned something new about yourself? yes that i can break easliy

Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked? nope

Made a change in your life? eh idk

Found out who your true friends were? YES .

Met great people? eh

Stayed up til sunrise? ahah yeah

Cried over the silliest thing? yep

Had friends who were drifting away from you? yeh, and me drifting away from them

Spent most of your money on food? um probally

Gotten sick? a few times

Liked more than 5 people at the same time? ahahah no  .

Became closer with a lot of people? only one =D







 Wow this him....

 has alot of girls after him


when your mom is texting more then you are XD

When this is the most over-used awkward moment format, which makes it more awkward because you just realized that.




    next time i get a

    call fromn a
resrticted number



    im  going  to  answer  it  i n  a 

    britsh  acceint





   HAHA YOU FAILED!" "Yeah, so did your Dad's condom."





   I l i k e  y o u , y o u  l i ke me

   Why the hel l  a rent we dating!?





                      I just watched my dog chase his tail for ten minutes and I though to myself, "Wow dogs are easily entertained..."

Then I realised, I just watched my dog chase it's tail for ten minutes...  




Format by Sandrasaurus


 I could be mean
I could be angry I could be fake
I could be stupid I could be cold
I could be ruthless I could be weak
I could be senseless You know I could be just like you





Format by XxprettixX



     If permanent marker was actually permanent we'd ALL be screwed!


Format by XxprettixX Removal of this credit is punishable by death.