
Status: Just another awkward potato..
Joined: November 24, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 242540
Location: Rapeville
Gender: F


I'm just another one of those pictures that God took and posted on the web. How to make yourself a individual ? - .Brightness .Sharpness .Blemish .Whitener .Filter .Crop .Text .Contrast .Saturation .Orientation .Stamps
body{background: url(http://data.whicdn.com/images/11894132/tumblr_lo868bnjZp1qalqi6o1_500_large.jpg) repeat; background-attachment: fixed}


elleisabeast's Favorite Quotes

I wonder
how many people lose the only person in their life
that will ever get their whole heart.
I wonder how many people just let go
because they think it will be easier.
I wonder what it is like to have to move on,
but knowing that you will always want him over anyone else.

Well for all those people I have some advice;
When you finally find him,
when he makes you happier then anyone else,
never let him slip away.
Hold on with everything you got and fight till the very end.
Because all your life you will have him in the back of your mind.

Sure you’ll love again, but will it be the same?
Because he was the one.

Cleverbot: Why do you like harry potter?

User: I don't.

Cleverbot: Yes you do.

User: No I don't.

Cleverbot: Yes you do!

User: No I don't!

Cleverbot: Yes you do!

User: OKAY I DO!

Cleverbot: I thought so.

True story.

How's it going today, Raina? 
Going to go jump off a cliff. Literally. Farewell everyone, this is for you.




When I was little, simply a kid in elementary school who was oblivious to the many problems in the world, I liked to dream. I'd like to dream that one day, I would meet my prince charming. He would be everything I look for in a guy-- sweet, funny, intelligent--and we would fall in love instantly. I'd imagine my dad walking me down the aisle, and my mother would be in the front row, sobbing with happiness. I dreamed that I would have children with him, and we'd grow old and wrinkly together. That we'd never fall out of love. I dreamed of so many things, actually believing that one day in the near future, this would all unfold. That my life would turn out this way.
But it wouldn't.
My name is Raina Murray and I'm seventeen years old, in my last year of high school.
My father is dead, my mother is emotionally damaged, my friends have ditched me and my  brother is too caught up in popularity to ever really take notice of me anymore.
This is the story of how I almost jumped off a cliff, 
and this is the story of how the bad boy stopped me.


Pleeease like if you'd actually be willing to read this c:

How's it going today, Raina? 
Why don't I just kill myself already, that's the real question. 



Chapter One

The day that I attempted to commit suicide started off like any other.

I woke up at seven o'clock sharp , leaving for school thirty minutes later.
But, not before checking on my mother, who was
laying in bed and would stay that way for the rest of the day, like always.
My brother, I also noticed, had already left to mingle with his football friends and cheerleaders.
That meant that he had took the car, leaving me to walk.
Not that I minded, but it was as if he had forgotten about his own sister, who 
just so happened to need to get to school , too. 
When I came to school, the first thing my eyes landed upon, as always, was them.
They were all either laughing or smiling, continuously giggling with their new friends.
They were all happy without me as cheerleaders, and that really stinged. 
We had been so close, which left me confused as to what had gone wrong. 
Sighing, I walked along towards the front doors of the school, feeling their eyes burn a hole 
at the back of my head as I passed them.
"Hey girls, look who's arrived!" 
I frowned at the sound of that familiar high-pitched voice, bracing myself for what was coming. 
"It's that loser with no friends," the captain of the cheer squad said with a giggle. Glancing at them slightly, my eyes watered a bit at the sight of my old friends laughing along with her.
I sighed, wondering why my life had turned out this way. 
"God, nobody needs her around. Why doesn't she just kill herself already?"
I froze.

And that, my friends, is how this story really begins.


Heres to the parents who will have to work this Christmas.
Credit: Jahyvie

...uh, i'm jewish


Why being a girl isn't working out for me

Oh, guess what time of the month it is!!
Me: Please, no-
Brain: I quit. I quit. Kittens and cupcakes and no one loves me. Oh my gosh. Salty snacks. I am furious.
Me: Please, guys, calm down-
Brain: And now I'm ugly! asdfghjkl;
Torso: Time to practice labor. Cramp this mess up! Let's GO GO GO GO GO.
Stomach: Lol, clothes can't fit you anymore. You are bloated. You are now a ballooooooooon!
Me: I hate you all.
Brain: I KNOW EVERYONE HATES ME. I'M SO DEPRESSED. We need to procreate.
Face: Lol. I'm not done yet.
Uterus: What did I ever do to deserve this?
Brain: You just wait uterus. They're going to make you carry a baby for like 9 months straight.
Uterus: You bastards.

Me: I quit being female. I am now a llama.
Brain: Me gusta.


Anyone else realize that the clothes for girls are getting sluttier and sluttier by the decades?



Friend: Do you have a pen I can borrow?
Me: No.
Me: *Looks down at pencil case full of pens*
Me: *Evil laugh*

There are no weather conditions where simultaneously wearing
shorts and uggs is acceptable or appropriate.