
Joined: March 3, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 280254

Hey Wittians, I'm Isabella, here's a little about me. I blow my candles out on July 20th, I'll be 15 this year. I have great friends especially Sophia<3 I'm really trustworthy and I am great at giving advice. So if you need help comment on my profile. I love soccer!!! I also dance, because my mom makes me :/
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. 
Read my quotes and follow me(:
I still love you!! Scrolling

heartbroken_life's Favorite Quotes

Dear future daughter,

Please talk to me. I know I'm old and weird to you right now, but this letter is proof that I was once 15 years old too. I fell in love, and I've had my heart broken. I've been a cheerleader and a theater geek. I've been up and down. I've been back stabbed, and I'm gonna be comptly honest with you, I have back stabbed one of my friends. I've gotten good grades and bad ones. I know that one teacher who is a b.tch to you only, and the other cool teacher that is young and fascinating and you sort of have a lil crush on him... I understand music is your life right now. I know that your friends mean the world to you. I also know what it's like to be alone and cold, but baby girl, you have me to hug you and hold you close. And darling, you're gonna hate me at times. And you're gonna cry into your pillow at night because of a dumb boy who thinks he's too cool for you. Well darling, he's not. He's an idiot, and someday you will see that. Dream big dreams baby girl! Dream of New York City, London, Paris, the world. Dream and live your dreams baby girl! It's gonna be hard, but you can do it.

All I ask baby girl is that you feel free to talk to me, because I've been there. I've been lost and I've been found. Up and down. Falling in and out of love. Making promises I couldnt keep, and vows I would have to break. I understand more than you think I do, baby girl.

Your mom. (at 15 years old)

reading a book of every conversation where people have spoken about you.



f o r m a t  j i m m y 3 6 5

when guys
wear that one cologne
where all you want to do is
bury your face in their chest and sniff because
they smell that damn good


me: i am not allowed to like that boy.
me: i am not allowed to like that boy
me: i am not allowed to like that boy
me: ...
me: ...
me: ...i like that boy.


Do you ever

just stare at really attractive people and think

“how” ?

"I think I missed out on the “neat and cute handwriting” gene that every girl seems to have and this is unfair"
Intelligent people have messier handwriting because they think fast. When you think and process things faster, you can also write quicker, but it’s going to be sloppy. People with neat writing are usually (no offense) not as smart. So, I embrace my sh.tty writing.

Me: son of a b/tch
Dog: don't you dare drag my mother into this
Dog: she had a tough life
Dog: You try being a single mother to 7 kids
Me: Sorry
Do you ever go to school confident in what you're wearing and you actually
get there and you're just kind of like, "Wow. Well, this was an awful idea."?

Earlier this year I was in one of my classes, and this one really nice girl asked to use the restroom, but the teacher told her no. Well the girl politely asked again, and he said no again. A few minutes later she said it was an emergency, and he still turned her down. You could tell she was obviously annoyed, but then about three minutes later asks again, and tells him it is a serious emergency, and she has to go, but he still says no. So the girl stands up in front of everyone, and her face is all red because she's embarassed, and she says to the teacher in front of EVERYONE that she just started her period, and she literally needs to use the restroom. At this point everyone is staring. The teacher STILL told her to go sit down and didn't let her go. Everyone in the class was confused and shìt, then OUT OF NO WHERE the kid next to the girl, a varsity football player, stands up and says "Don't you have a wife? Didn't you grow with your mom or sister's? She's started her period, and she needs to use the bathroom, and she's going whether you let her or not!" Then he walked over, pulled the girl with him, and walked with her to the bathroom. When they came back the doûche bag of a teacher called security on them, and the guy got suspended for standing up for the girl.
I will never forget that day. A dámn football player was man enough to stand up for a girl against a teacher and defended her on a girl problem she was having. Not many high school guys are mature enough to even say the word "period" much less do what he did.


Can you imagine
if someone sent you
a list of all the reasons
why they love you?


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