
Status: confused :\
Joined: February 16, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 350464
Location: USA
Gender: F

Hellur. My name is Heather and I'm a 14 year old girl who likes Emblem3 faces. If you don't know who they are then stop reading this and get out from under a rock. k thanks ;). I'm a tad flirty, a hint of shy, and a dash of puta. I like to dance and...yeah just dance. Mah main girl to ToWitty4You so you should go follow her! I'm from the small state Rhode Island and yeah. Okay I think thats all you need to know. Remember to follow me! 



Quotes by heather98xo

Bless me with a heart of gold

a positivity

and a story to be told 
"When it comes to doing what you wanna do and being what you wanna be, Its impossible to go wrong when you always do your very best."

-Drew Chadwick
. My boy side
[x] I love hoodies.
[] I love jeans.
[x] Dogs are better than cats.
[x] It’s hilarious when people get hurt.
[] Shopping is torture
[] Sad movies suck
[] You own a car racing game.
[] You played with hot wheels cars as a kid.
[] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[x] You owned a ds, ps2, ps3, n64, or sega.
[] You used to be obsessed with power rangers.
[x] You have watched sports on tv.
[] Gory movies are cool.
[] You go to your dad for advice.
[x] You Hate Drama.
[] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[] You used to collect hockey cards.
[x] Baggy sweats are cool to wear.
[] It’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[x] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[] Sports are fun.
[] You talk with food in your mouth.
[x] You sleep with your socks on at night.
[x] You have fished at least once.

2. My girl side
[x] You love to shop.
[] You wear eyeliner.
[x] You wear the color pink.
[] You go to your mom to talk.
[x] You consider cheerleading a sport.
[] You hate wearing the color black.
[x] You like going to the mall.
[x] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[] You like wearing jewelry.
[] You cried watching the notebook
[] Dresses are a big part of your wardrobe.
[x] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[x] You don’t like the movie star wars.
[x] You are/were in gymnastics.
[x] It takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up.
[x] You smile a lot more than you should.
[x] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[x] You care about what you look like.
[] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[x] You like wearing high heel shoes.
[x] You used to play with dolls as little kid.
[] You like putting make-up on others.
[] You like being the star of everything.
"Common-sense, Discipline, Perseverance are 3 simple traits that can get you anything or everything." 

-Wesley Stromberg
"Beauty is a type of art everyone is trying to perfect. But no one realizes its abstract art." 

-Keaton Stromberg
Trust is like paper. Once it's crumbled it cannot be perfect. 
You life is like a pumpkin. One minute your a tough, unbreakable person. The next someone is bashing on you. 
When in doubt. 

Sit down.

Nod your head.

and Simle :D 
"When I see a mirror I gotta check it twice, once for how I look and once for who am I" 
-Drew Chadwick
" Expect the best, be prepared for the worst, forget what others think & do your own thing"