
Joined: November 22, 2010
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hellothereitsmealexis's Favorite Quotes

Yahoo! Answers

Resolved question:

I hate my sister wanna get rid of her help?
Best answer:
Asker's Rating: * * * * *

pee into a bottle. every night when she falls asleep, pour the pee onto her, so she thinks she wet the bed.

every night.

after a week or so, start asking her whats up with all the sheet washing? don't come right out and say you know she wets the bed, this will make you look guilty. after a while of bugging her about it, you can start calling her a bed wetter.
make sure you spread it around school.

she will eventually go live in a cave out of shame.
Source(s): i met an old man and thesame thing happened to me if you dont believe me go to western pittsburg old cave he lives there.

Im not lying.. i actually saw this. http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101116104024AA8nMwR


you know maybe if was actually Pretty,

you might notice me

as something more than what we are now.


Live like Niall and laugh at everything.
Live like
Louis,  don't take things seriously.
Live like Liam,  and never give up.
Live like Zayn,  and be a child forever.
Live like Harry,  and love people for who they are  


I think all radio stations get together and say

"Okay, we will play an amazing song at the same time,
awful song at the same time and then
we will all have commercials at the same time.
Everyone got it ?"


One Directiofact #164
Harry said he'd happily pose naked at some point. 

format by PaperLung

T H A T   G L O R I O U S   M O M E N T

g  L  I  D  E

Torturinyourself with
sad depressing songs 

when you're alreadsad

In school, the only thing that

group projects ever taught me was

how much I hate other people

format by jimmy365

*A nerdy guy's phone goes off*
Jock: Who was that, your girlfriend?
*Everyone laughs*
Nerd: Nope. It was yours.
*Dead silence*.


If a cop

Ever pulls you over
And says, “papers”.
Say “scissors, I win” and drive off.