
Joined: January 1, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 97565

Quotes by hopelessromanticxx

heyy guys im posting my story on wattpad.com
right now its the same as what i have here but ill be adding soon
its called "when i fall" and my user is "xoxsay"

I have a really good story mapped out and id love to have my witty girls supporting my writting

Part Eight

When i walk into the piano room I lean against the piano and pull myself on top of it, dangling my legs and tilt my head towards the piano bench to cue Nick to take a seat. He walks over and sits down while saying, "I'll play it once all the way through so you can get a feel for it, okay?" I agree and as he starts to play I watch him. Well not really him; his hands and fingers and the way his body leans forward ever so slightly when he pushes a pedal. When he was done with the song he slid over on the bench a little and started to play a tune I didn't know. Hopping down off the piano i took a sit next to him; well it was more like on top of him because to bench was only made for one person. Nick played to first few measures a few times until I thought I remembered them. I played them with only a few mess ups which he corrected right away. When he were half way through the song Kennedy walked in and said he was back with Wendy's; which I think is weird because I hadn't even realized he left. Taking a dinner break we all sat at the island in my kitchen and ate. I had a chicken salad and fries with cheese on some and ketchup on the others, Kennedy had four of the junior bacon cheeseburgers and five of those spicy chicken nugget things off the value menu thingy, Nick had a bunch of fries and a few cheeseburgers. We were laughing about how much Kennedy just ate and how he was looking through the pantry for a pop tart when I turned back on my cell phone which I had off since I got home from school. 16 messages. I read them all through and reply to Effy, Sammi, Tony and my friend Rose who we all call Roe. When I was texting back Roe about how Tiffany Monahan looked extra chunky in her outfit today-I know this sounds mean but trust me if you knew the crap that went down with all of us you would think 'fat' was the nicest thing to call her-when Josh called me from Ross's phone to tell me he left his phone somewhere at my house. I told him I'll for it and for him to stop by and just come right in. Nick said it was getting late and he should get home soon, so Kennedy offered him a ride. Nick accepted and we said good bye and how we will pick this up again later in the week. I head for my room to look for Josh’s phone and while I was in there I heard the front door slam shut. Just as I started to yell for him to come up I heard another man’s voice, my father's....
Hey guys I really don’t like the title for this story anymore because I changed my idea for how it's going to go. So if you can suggest something new to call it that would be great!!

Part Seven

Taking a deep breath I plaster on a smile and say, “I told you already I'm not that great at playing since I haven't really even look at the thing in five years. So no making fun of me if I don't pick it up that quickly okay?" Totally ignoring what he just said. "I'm going to go grab a coke. Do you want anything?" I ask when Nick opens his mouth to say something. He nods and says, "Thanks Ellie Joan I'll take one but--" Cutting his off I babble like an idiot, "Okay you want a coke or water or what? We have orange soda, ginger ale, some Dr. Pepper; but that stuff is uber nasty its like legit vomit in my mouth worthy but yea; so you can have that or oh! I think we have some peach ice tea and we deff have some milk and orange juice; the orange juice has no pulp because pulp is uber gross; unless you like pulp...wait no regardless of your feelings about pulp it is still gross; but so yea I'm babbling and you didn't tell me what you wanted so I'm going to stop now." Laughing Nick rolls his eyes and says, "Damn Ellie Joan you really just made like ten sentences one big run-on. That takes some legit babbling practice." I feel the red creep up my neck and on my ears. Smiling big he walks over, puts his hand on the small of my back and sorta pushes me forward saying, "Don't worry it was cute. And I didn't really catch everything you said so I'll grab my own drink. Let's go." Nodding I let him guide me to the kitchen even though it is my house and I know exactly where to go, but I really like how his hand on my back so I don't move anyway. When we get to the kitchen I grab a can of coke for me, stepping out of the way I leave the door open for Nick to pick his drink. But the way we were both standing I had to press my up against the other fridge door, however I only took a tiny step back. Nick had two options; 1)Walk around me, or 2)Brush up against me to get a drink. Giving me a knowing look Nick brushed up against me and reached into the fridge grabbing a water bottle. Then he reaches for the fridge door with water bottle in hand, takes a step back and he leans towards me and bends down; pausing for less than half a second in front of my face he moves his mouth to my ear and whispers, "I know your avoiding telling me what you and Ken where talking about. And that's fine, you don't have to tell me, but if you want to talk you can talk to me. I'm already invested in you enough as it is." Straightening up he gives me a timid smile and I smile back and say, "Thanks but I have a problem with you." Nick's face drops just as fast as the smile and confusion is all over his face. Looking down at me coke can I pop the top and say, "Well you call me Ellie Joan all the time but call Kennedy 'Ken'. He gets a nickname but doesn't ask for it? Kinda gets me upset." I look up tucking some hair behind my ear and see a crooked smile appear on Nick's face. He twists off the cap of his water bottle while saying, "Well I apologize profusely for that, but I hardly know you I can't just jump right into nicknames with you. That's something you have to earn kid. Once I know you, I might be able to call you EJ...maybe" He pours some water into his mouth (yes pour not sip) and I once again notice how amazingly good looking he is. Lifting my chin up I say, "And who gave you the impression that I want to get to know you?" He pours some more water into his mouth, and replies with, "No one. But I have a feeling you will eventually." When I smile back like an idiot he steps back towards the way we came in and says, "Come on Ellie Joan you have some work to do." Rolling my eyes I walk ahead of him taking him through the house, past the basement door, the sun room and the TV room to the mini room we have set up with the piano in it....

Hey guys I really dont like the title for this story anymore because I changed my idea for how it's going to go. So if you can suggest something new to call it that would be great!!

Heyyy everyone So I really want to re-name my story but I need some ideas for a new title. Please any suggestions are amazing. Thanks and I will deff be writing again soon!!!!

Part Six
When I walked into my room Josh was sitting on my bed with the text book open and a notebook on his lap. I apologize for keeping him waiting and jump on the bed grabbing the notebook and pen from him saying, ``I’ll write or else it will take us an extra two from me trying to read your chicken scratch.`` Josh smiles and nudges me with his shoulder and starts to point out all the fact we need to include on the poster. About 50 minutes pass of us finding facts, but mostly joking around before Kennedy is at my bedroom door. He knocks on the door when I am trying to draw on Josh’s face with a marker and clears his throat because his knock didn’t stop me from trying to pin Josh down in another effort to draw on him. Giggling I look up and ask if their done yet. ``Yep Nick’s ready to teach you the notes and melodies and stuff now.`` Kennedy answered. I look at Josh and tell him I’ll call him when he can come back over. But Kennedy said he could stay and watch if he didn’t want to have to walk back and forth. Me and Josh looked at each other and shrugged at the same time and jumped off my bed. The three of us walked through the house into the basement. In order to get to the studio we got put into the basement you have to pass the gym. I started to do back hand springs until I ran out of mat, while Josh did some tumble salutes. Kennedy rolled his eyes but I know him and he knows me; he knows what I am doing. I opened the door to the studio and said in a chipper voice ``Party’s here!`` They all smirked and rolled their eyes at my Jersey Shore reference but I could tell they knew I was going to easy to get along with. Kennedy walked in all ‘cool’ and stuff and ruffled my hair; I punched him in the stomach. All the guys started to laugh. I skipped over to the couch and popped a squat telling Josh to join me. He did, he just sat on my lap instead of the couch. ``Ouch! Butt head!`` I yelled trying to push him off. Once he finally got off of me I jumped up and asked, ``So what song are you guys covering that you need my wonderful voice for?`` Nick, who was sitting on the drum set was the one who answered, ``It’s Mayday Parade’s Miserable At Best.`` He got up and handed me the sheet music while saying, ``Instead of ‘Katie don’t cry’ it’s going to be ‘baby don’t cry’. You know this song right?`` I nodded. Nick smiled at me and said ``Okay let hear this beautiful voice you keep bragging about.`` When I smirked up at him he keeps on smiling and said ``Alright so you take the first verse and I’ll sing the chorus. Got it? `` ``Yep sounds easy.`` I responded and cleared my throat extra loud and completely exaggerated. `` Baby, don't cry, I know you’re trying you’re hardest and the hardest part is letting go….`` When I am done with the first verse I look around the room everyone seemed impressed, so did Nick. He continued with the chorus then I took the next verse, we continued with the song. For some reason these next few lines were very powerful and meaningful when I am singing them. ``And the hardest part of living is just taking breaths to stay because I know I'm good for something I just haven't found it yet.`` I looked around again and everyone was staring. Josh spoke this time. ``Oww oww yea EJ! I never knew you were this good.`` After a few more times singing the song, with Nick giving me a few pointers, the band started to play while me and Nick sang. About three hours passed by the time we were happy with the outcome. All the guys in the band said I was what they need for a few songs and that when I should follow in my brothers footsteps and write a song or two. Thanking them for being nice and telling them I’ll get right on that I said my goodbyes. And when I realized the time I told Josh wed finish the project tomorrow no excuses. I walked him out the door and gave him a hug goodbye. When I shut the door I noticed Nick didn’t leave yet. Pausing for a moment I just stare and then say ``When do you want to teach me the piano part?`` Smiling shyly he said, ``In a little bit I need to know something first.`` Oh CRAP. He is going to ask me what happened before with Kennedy and my dad. DANG

Part Five
The walk with Josh to my house was so much fun. We joked around and threw all our books into his backpack so we can give each other piggy back rides. We pushed and shoved each other around like we did when we were in 6th grade on the playground. The walk ended up taking a hour instead of 45 minutes because we fooled around so much. {While Savannah and Effy are probably my two best friends I still prefer to hang out with Josh. With the girls we just joke around, shop, sing, and be goofy all day. With Josh I am totally carefree and we legit just act like we're 11. He tries to teach me how to play COD and I try and teach him how to do flips on the mats in the gym we have in my basement. (I was a competitive  cheerleader when I lived in NY---and by competitive  I mean as competitive  you can get when your 9 years old. But hey I did learn some pretty cool tricks.) And oh jeez when its all four of us together I can't ask for a better time.} When we finally make it to my house its 4 o'clock. We didn't realize this until I opened the door and Josh and I ran screaming through the foyer, family room, rec room and into the kitchen to see all of Feedback in my kitchen. Josh was ahead of me so when he stopped short I bashed into his back and lost my balance. I grabbed onto his arm to keep myself from falling on the floor. The entire band saw this and started to laugh. If it wasn't embarrassing I'd be laughing too. Kennedy looked at me and gave me a look that said 'If you weren't so entertaining I'd be embarrassed to be related to you'. I told Kennedy to call me down later and that they should practice for a while without me because as much as I didn't want to do this project it really needs to be done. I grab a bag of BBQ chips(my favorite) and some ranch flavored rice cakes(Josh's favorite) from the pantry and two cans of coke from the fridge and make my way out of the kitchen. We walk back through the foyer and front room to the study/library. I turn to Josh and say, "Hey grab the poster board and marker basket on the table in the corner. We can work in my room and then the sunroom in the back because we MUST put a tiny bit of glitter on it." When Josh quickly turns around and opens his mouth to object I quickly say, "Just to make the planets shinny." When he closed his mouth for a second and opens it again I added, "You know Miss. Kingston grades better if it looks cute." When he realizes I'm right he just shrugs and grabs the stuff. "To your room we go." Josh says rolling his eyes because he knows my room is like me; cute, bubbly, totally girly and kinda a mess. As we get to the main stair case the band is leaving the kitchen and walking down the hallway which leads to the back of the house and the basement door. Kennedy tells them all to meet him down there and tells Josh to go wait in my room as he pulls me aside almost making me drop a can of soda. "Yo Ej," he starts,"We are going to run through a few songs then Nick is going to start to teach us the song he adjusted. After that we are going to call you down to hear what we have so far and Nick is going to teach you the song first then some of the piano part." "Okie dokes sounds good." I say and take a step towards the stairs when Kennedy tugs at my arm a little I look up at him with a question mark look on my face. He sighs and leans down to whisper in my ear, "Dad was home a half hour before you got home to grab a over night bag. He said he's going to be spending the night in the office because theres new evidence in his case.--" I roll my and cut him off asking, "Why are you telling me this Kenny?" He sighs again and continues, "He also said that this case is going to court next Thursday and then he has four days off." My heart stopped in shock. Like complete mouth open, totally still, not even breathing shock. "Bu-bu-bu-but his work schedule said he wouldn't have off till next month!" I said terrified sitting on the floor and putting down the food in my hand to play with the hair tie on my wrist. Kennedy sat down next to me and pulled my chin up so I looked into his eyes while he said,"It's going to be fine I'll be here the whole time. Remember I got you. I never left you alone before have I?" When I don't answer right away he repeats himself, "Have I?" I shake my head no. "Okay good. Nothing is going to happen to you okay?" again another nod, "Alright EJ the guys are waiting for me and Josh is in your room. You better get up there before he goes looking through your draws." I half smiled and get up off the floor then grabbed the food and started walking up the stairs. "Hey EJ," Kennedy said, I turned to look at him, "I'm sorry for telling you now but I just really thought you should know." Putting on a brave smile I said, "I know. Love you Kennedy." He smiled and said, "Love you too little sis." When I turned to continue walking up the stairs I thought I saw someone at the basement door. I do a double take and see that I was right its Nick in the doorway looking up at me totally confused. I turned and ran up the stairs because I am sure he heard the entire conversation between me and my brother. When I get to the end of the upstairs hall , the one before the hall that leads to my room, I stop and take a few deep breaths,  shake my head, straighten up,  put on a big smile and  skip towards my room so that Josh will think nothing was wrong. At all....

Mistakes Lead to the Best Memories
Part Two
Nick slammed his locker shut and started to walk over to us. April let out a low whistle and I couldn’t hold in a giggle. Maxxie rolled his eyes and mutter “Girls.” Josh nodded his head in agreement, I smacked him again. When Nick walked up he asked, “Where are you heading? I have gym now I can walk you to class.” Feeling the pink creep up my neck and on my ears, I un-tuck my hair from my ear to hide it. Looking at my friends I reply with, “Uh we all have math now so we walk together.” Turning on the charm I ask, “What’s with the sudden interest in walking me to class Nick?” Throwing his head back laughing he says, “Don’t be too flattered now, Ellie Joan. I have a question for you” He puts his hand on my lower back and half pushes me forward to start walking. “Okay,” he continued once we all started walking, “so your bro told me you have a pretty decent voice and that you have some knowledge of how to play the piano. We cover this one song and I was thinking that I could teach you the piano parts for it and sing with us. I re wrote the song a little and it would be great with a girls voice on it.” Completely taken back by his request I sorta have a shaky voice saying “Uh I don’t know. I haven’t played the piano since I was 9.” Seeming shocked by that Nick says, “But there’s a piano in your living room? Kennedy doesn’t play so I assumed it was yours. I mean didn’t you guys move here five years ago?“ When we get to our math room, I turn to my friends and tell them I’ll go in at the bell so I can finish talking to Nick. Looking down I say “Uhm yeah its my piano I guess. My dad bought it for me two years ago to apologize for…” pausing because I didn’t want to say that, after a second I shake my head ever so slightly and look up again smiling saying, “I mean a present. He remembered I use to play and wanted to surprise me with it. I never jumped back into it though.” Looking at Nick I know he knows I just covered up something but I could tell he had no clue what I was covering up. So I quickly added, “But I mean if Kennedy is okay with it I could give it a try. It might be hard for me to pick up but yeah I’ll try it.” smiling big to change the subject. He looked at me funny for a few seconds but I just kept on smiling. The bell rings and as I take a tiny step toward the door he says, “Yeahhhh that would be great. I’ll start to teach it to you later today” Nodding towards my class he says, “Your late.” “Okay sounds great!” I say extra peppy as I turn and walk through the door. I feel his eyes on me as I walk away…

Heyy guys thanks for reading!!! this is actually suppose to be longer but I thought it should be broken up like this lol.....Once i type up the next part ill post it so that should be soon! and okay  I kinda want to change the title so if you could make some suggestions that would be great!

Mistakes Lead to the Best Memories
Part Two
At around six foot six, athletic build, dark brown eyes, almost black shaggy hair, and a amazingly white smile, he is defiantly the cutest guy in the school. We all laughed when I smashed into him, including Nick, however there was something different about his laughter; sorta nervous, identical to mine..."Fuckk." That was Sammi breaking up the laughter. When I glanced at her she was looking at the car clock. 7:38. "Oh shiz seven minutes till the bell" I said stepping off the curb, pulling open the back down and pushing Josh over until I could squeeze in. "Shiz?" Nick repeated with an amused tone turning around in his seat to meet my eyes while he pulled the door closed. Savannah spoke up explaining "EJ only curses when she is really mad. So she only says shiz, crap, heck, dang, and fudge." Nick, still stareing at me said, "But 'crap' is still a curse word there Ellie Joan." I start to turn pink now for two reasons. One he is stareing at me! And two no one calls me Ellie Joan. I mean no one, like the first day of school I am sure to inform my teachers of calling me EJ. Still half blushing I say," Well my five year old cousin says it so it can't be that bad." "I guess you have a point." he said turning around in the seat as we pulled into the school parking lot. "And uh you can call me EJ by the way." I added as Kennedy pulled into a spot fairly far from the door. When we all got out of the car I started off with my friends when I heard Kennedy yell "EJ you dumbasss you left your books up front." When I turned around to grab my books from Kennedy I was surprised to see it was Nick who was holding out my books to me. "Oh thanks Nick I completely forgot about them." I said grabbing the books from him while brushing my fingers against his in the process. When I looked up at him he grinned, so I smiled back and turned around to meet up with my friends because they just yelled that the bell rang. Nick shouted after me,"Silly sophomores always got to be on time huh Ellie Joan?" I yelled, "My apologizes I didn't realize following the rules was frowned upon," which earned me a grin, "and its EJ" as I spun around and walked backwards towards my friends. When I reached them Josh grabbed my hand and pulled me through the door. With a small smile I twisted my hand so I was the one grabbing Josh's hand. Pulling Josh in one direction I said "Josh, come on lets go to our lockers. See you later girls. Mwah." I blew them a kiss and they returned it. Thank goodness my last name is Stonem and Josh's is Stone so our lockers so close to each other. "So," Josh began," we have that science project due on Thursday. Can we work on it at your house afterschool?" "Okie dokes but we might have to do it in my room because theres band practice at 4 today." I replied while opening my locker, throwing my books in and grabbing my spiral notebook."Great, something else to distract you EJ" Josh said. I replied with "Jerk." as I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around it was Josh's twin brother Ross. "Move over EJ gots to gets to me locker." he said while shoving me aside. I noticed again just how similar they both look. Brown shaggy hair, strong jaw line, six foot one, and green eyes. Josh has a beauty mark on his left ear lobe, and Ross's eyes have a bit of brown in them you would never be able to tell them apart otherwise. "So did you get a ride from Vicky's parents today?" "Yeah I did. Oh there she is, I'll see you two later." Ross said and slamming his locker and walking towards his girlfriend. "Aw super duper," I started,"Presh." me and Josh said together. I glared at him and he laughed and nodded towards the staircase down the hall. We walked to our English class room. We got there as the first bell rang. "Seats and Do Nows,"screamed our teacher Mrs. Sparks as me and Josh made our way to our seats. We read and discussed Of Mice and Men and what we thought of George and Lenny's relationship. When the second bell rang I had to shake Josh who feel asleep during the lesson. We waited by the door for our friends April and Maxxie who sat at the other side of the room. We all have math next down stairs so we walk together. "Josh," April said,"I swear I heard you snoring the second your head hit the desk." Grinning he turned and said, "Sorry but I didn't realize a hundred page book could have suck a deep plot. I mean those guys are so close! 20 bucks their gay!" April laughed; a bit too loudly almost like a crush laugh. Me and Josh thought the same thing because he looked at me with raised eyebrows. When I shrugged he winked at me and smiled at April who blushed. As we turned the corner I heard my name being called. Right away I knew who it was because this person yelled, "Hey Ellie Joan! Wait up!" I glanced over to where I heard that being called and confirmed my guess. It was Nick....