
Status: Broken.
Joined: May 11, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: February 26
user id: 173241
Gender: F
Hello my name is Allie. I am 14 years young. I live in a small town in Maine. My birthday is Feburary 26(-:
My favorite things are Kid Cudi, Sour Patch Kids, Speghetti Tacos, Intense Talks, long hugs, pineapples, summer and photography(-:
I have a speech impediment, I hate it. I'm extremely insecure and I'm loving this guy with all my heart but I'm too afraid to tell him. But I'm me and I love me and never want to change who I am.If you have any problems or you just wanna talk I will be happy to talk to you(-: Just comment on my page! PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket />

Quotes by horsegirl98

Dear HIM,
 I like you. I like you A LOT. I've liked you since the day you've started talking to me. Maybe even longer. I remember everything from that moment until now. And I don't think I can ever forget. You made me feel special, you made me actually feel beautiful.
But I think I disapointed myself. Not all of it's your fault either.  Most of it's mine, because I thought you were different. I thought that maybe someone actually cares. But I mistakened you for being just like any other guy. I think the biggest problem is that I already fell for you before I realised that everything you were saying you didn't mean..But I didn't just fall for your words. I also fell for your brown hair, your slightly droopy green-brown eyes that glisten everytime you look in the sun. I also fell for you crooked teeth and your perfect lips. And for the words you say that can cheer anyone up.
Some people might think I'm crazy for still liking you. But truthfully I can't stop. I've tried so hard. But all our conversations keep replaying in my head.
I know I always say that your mean and stuff, but I only say that to trick myself into not breaking down right then and there, because I know I can never have you.
I don't think that you telling me lies was what broke my heart. But the fact that I can never have you tears my heart out. Everytime I look at you I hope you will catch one of my glances and realise how much you mean to me.
But I guess that's what birthday candless, 11:11, and shooting stars are for, to keep me wishing.
I just really hope this isn't love and just a crazy crush. Because if it's love I know I'll never forget. And I don't think I ever could.
But the good thing is, you've made me realize how much stronger I can be. And how I need to keep my eyes open and head up. And to forgive, everyone for everything. Because without you I don't know where I would be today. So thank you. It really means a lot.



Do you know how much it hurts, watching the person you love, love someone else...




I just want somebody to care.



Do you guys ever have those days you’re down for no good reason and feel like you have nothing to look forward to and everyday is just the same and you’ll never amount to anything or be important to anyone
Every . Single. Day.
brushing your teeth at night is a difficult thing to do because its like a semipermanent decision once you brush your teeth thats it you can't eat for the rest of the night and I just never know if im willing to make that commitment
It's not suicide if you're already dying.

i'm not even gonna get mad anymore.

I just gotta learn to expect the lowest from people

even the ones i thought the highest of