
Joined: March 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 287922
Follow & I'll follow back! Thanks! I appriciate it!

Hey! I'm Jordan a.k.a. Jordi. Call me either one. I chill somewhere in North Carolina.
I'm 12 years young. I have the most perfect boyfriend. Carlos. If you need to know anything about me,
Just ask. I'll be happy to answer it for you.  I'm secretly in love with Harry Styles. Shh. c:


yo. c; so, hi. it's chloe, also known as the sexiest person alive or if you want to be formal, iamamockingjay.
so, jordan is a pretty awesome person. we've been friends since 3rd grade and all i can say is tht i don't know what i'd do without her. she can be a bit weird at times, but that's okay, because i am too. we do some pretty different stuff but yolo. i regret nothing. ;3 she's my special snowball and i'm her special snowflake. i know everything about her and no one shall replace her. we get in some pretty stupid fights, but whatever. whatever you do, follow her, because you won't regret it.
thanks, bye. 


Thanks for visiting!

Quotes by iamajabberjay

Mom: "Do you see this F? What do you have to




Follow for follow. I'll also fave 10 of your quotes

Format by Sandrasaurus

Wanting  to  get  everyone  on witty  

To give this "MsStyles" girl a taste of her own medicine. Someone making a fan page for 1D and she gets bullied for it? Some people.. I just wonder. How would you feel if someone told you to go kill yourself? Stopbeing such a bully and open your f*cking eyes. Seriosuly, the world doesn't revolve around you hun.
Get your life straight.

All of us who have hearts.

IHey   you,   yeah  you,   no,  not  you,   the   other  guy. YES !!!  YOU!!
do   you  like  tacos  ?

Format by Sandrasaurus

From now on, whoever faves my quotes, I'll follow, because

I'm just that nice. :3

Free follows! No need to follow back if you don't want to!Just fave and/or comment and I'll follow! :)
Follow and I'll follow back!


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hey!

Stranger: hi

You: I'm a panda

Stranger: asl

You: I live under a rock/

You: 6/Panda/Under a rock, i told you!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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To the window (/'_')/ 
To the wall \('_'\)
All these girls crawl.
Brb. Changing my pants.