
Joined: May 27, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 110217

Heyy everyone. So, i know over half of you wont read this so, i guess there is no point in making a decent bio... but what the hell. i guess ill just put a bunch of random words right here and see if any of you notice.. here i go... why isn't there a holiday for all of the gingers out there? they really deserve one, after all that they have been through. I say that 11/20 should be a national holiday where we celebrate gingers. If there is a real holiday for gingers, someone, please let me know. Next topic. I hate the smell of hair spray and nail polish and dog shit. expecially the dog shit. i wonder why dogs eat their own shit too. I know some pretty smart dogs but they are stupid enough to eat their own shit. DOG SHIT. The poopie that came out of their ass. Next topic. i really need to get a life. all i do every day is wake up. get ready for school. go to school. learn abunch of crap that i will end up forgetting. go home. WITTY WITTY WITTY. sleep. thats it. witty is a big chunck of my life. thats why its in all caps up there ^. cuz i like it alot. :) next and last topic. Why is Rebecca Black even famous? she can't sing. can't make good music. and she looks like she is four. people who have no talent don't deserve to be famous. Jeff Dunham is funny and thats his talent. thats why hes famous. Lady gaga is a freakshow and she sings (but no one cares about that) but her talent is dressing up like a drag queen everyday. Its her God given talent and she works it. Rebecca Black pisses me the fudge off. ITS FRIDAY! FRIDAY! GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY! (i bet i just ruined your day) (;

Comments to ildexter

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Steve 8 years ago
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Welcome! Let me know if you need help. I made this site.
Fourteen 1 decade ago
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OKAY. I can't even see you're picturee. :o Change that boo. ;D.
Fourteen 1 decade ago
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HAHAHA.♥ I hate the smell of dogshit too. Next topic.. Are you boy ? ;D.
GillyHicks 1 decade ago
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GillyHicks 1 decade ago
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nice bio(:
bayypointtgirl17 1 decade ago
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thanks for being one of my followers! means a lott! and i read your about me. your funny hahah. let me know if you ever need anything:)
Lauren3202 1 decade ago
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yeah, i would be the exact same way. do any of your friends know him or talk to him much??

also if you both have a Facebook, start talking there!! break the ice :)
Lauren3202 1 decade ago
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blah thats annoying haha hmmmm lets think for a sec here girl...
Lauren3202 1 decade ago
show buttons he like in any of your classes??
Austinlovesu 1 decade ago
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ha kk thanx
Matthew290 1 decade ago
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Matthew290 1 decade ago
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thank you for the advice (:
beccababy 1 decade ago
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What is it called!
Trevor14 1 decade ago
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thanks:) and i will keep that in mind;)
XStyleX 1 decade ago
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thanks for the follow gorgeous. (:
smilesXO 1 decade ago
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"dont give up; the beginning is always the hardest"
keep smiling! & thanks for the fave(:
love_struck 1 decade ago
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storygirl64 1 decade ago
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Thats chapter 10. It's really short because it was double the length but witty said it was too long, so I had to post it was two chapters. So here's the second one, chapter 11
Thanks soo much :)
storygirl64 1 decade ago
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Here is chapter 9! I'm sooooooo sorry I didn't post it sooner! More comming if ya like! Thanks soo much :)
[deleted] 1 decade ago
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thaaanks for following! i followed bacck