
Joined: August 31, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 88044
I'm madison, 16 on september 14th. I'm a blonde with sparkling blue

eyes, a killer body, and tons of friendss (; ahaha be jealouse!

i hate jockers, so don't even go there. My quotes
are personal, they come

from the heart.


Quotes by ilove69ing

I m      s i t t i n g      h e r e      c r y i n g
x__Tears are pouring out of my eyes, and__x
the wxoxrxsxt pxaxrxt is, I can’t tell you why.
*---I can’t tell you why because it would---*
tear you apart if you l*e*a*r*n*e*d that the
reason I’m >>suffering<< so much is you.

It seems like when all is normal
and   everything  is   alright
there isn't a worry in my mind
and no heart ache  to be found
right in   t h o s e   moments

I dont have any real inspiration
because   i n   5 0    y e a r s
it's not going to even matter

Am i the only one who

goes into a room, then forgets why I'm there?
suppose I called you up tonight
([    A N D    T O L D   Y O U   T H A T    I   L O V E D    Y O U    ])

It's that [[feeling]] that you cannot [[control]].
[[Every]] time someone mentions
[[his]] name,
Y o u  g e t the
[[butterflies]] in y o u r stomach,
a n d y o u can't h e l p but
[[blush]]. It's w h e n
y o u can't s t o p
[[daydreaming]] about every
[[aspect]] that you love about h i m. Maybe it
is his [[gorgeous]] eyes, or his [[personality]].
E v e r y n i g h t, b e f o r e you go to [[sleep]]
you think about
[[him]]. You can't help but go
and look at his [[status]] to see if he b r o k e
[[up]] with his evil [[girlfriend]] yet. Its about
[[loving]] this person so much, that you'd d o
l i t e r a l l y [[a n y t h i n g]] f o r  t h e m.
wouln't life be great if;
junk food was good for you, sweat pants were sexy,

and  g o o d b y e s   were   only  until  tomorrow.
What the helwaGothinking?
Hmm I think I'll make girls bleed through
their crotches monthly.  That seems fair.

i hated going to weddings.
all   the    grandmas    would   poke   me
and say " you're  n e x t " they stopped
when   i  started   doing  it   to   them  at

f u n e r a l s .

we stalk hot guys

care to join our organization?
the FBI is pretty jelous :)
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