
Joined: December 9, 2009
Last Seen: 2 years
user id: 95553

Quotes by imissjoe

You know you love Witty when... #3

Your having an amazing conversation with your friend and you randomly shout "Thats going on Witty!"

You know you love witty when... #2

When you would rather spend hours picking out a quote for your Facebook status than do homework.


You know you love Witty when... #1

You look at Top Quotes and think "Why didn't I think of that?!?"

hey you

remember that thing i gave you?
it was a... whats it called again?
oh yeah

I waheart.

 maybe if you looked close enough
you would see a word on it.
yea that word, with the small letters.
it says


but its not like you would care anyways...

&+ I can finally see

that i deserve so much better

The other day 
the guy I was in love with 
told me he loved me...

I was absolutely ecstatic 
until i realized something...

There are way too many  <<Witty Girls>> 
who  d e s e r v e  this.
I was so incredibly lucky that day.
I didnt take advantage of it at all
because I know what it's like to love someone so much
--> and not be loved back.
so heres to the Witty Girls...

I hope you find love like did.  

  & I know...

that I'm not the only teenager that's 
scared of the dark


I'ts just a word that people use when they 

// k
now your right \\

but just don't want to

--> a
dmit it. <--

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