
Joined: August 10, 2012
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Quotes by ineedfrandz

Me: Shoutout to my parents for combining their genes to creat the most unattractive, weird, annoying, and awkward person ever. Thanks guys.

Me: *Puts in ear phones*
Me: Oh yeah...
Me:  *Plays Music*

Me: *Making a quote* Oh yeah this quote is gonna get SO many faves! I might even get a top quote!! *spasms*

*Quote gets like 2 faves*

Me: *making a quote*Ehh... I doubt this is gonna get any faves...

*quote gets 8734025725870587 faves*


Following Everyone who faves this. I promise. c:

"Go Kill Yourself."

I never understood how someone could tell someone else to go kill themself. Why doesn't anyone take into consideration that they might actually go do it? How could you possibly hate someone so much that you would want them to take their own life? Chances are you don't know what that person is going through, or what they have been through. Chances are you don't know much about them at all. Even if you are saying it jokingly, it is NOT a joke. Even though they are just a few simple words, they can be taken very seriously.

Before you say "Go Kill Yourself" Just think about it. Think about if they actually did do it, and honestly, how would you feel if you knew you were the one that pushed them over the edge?

How would you feel if someone told your brother, to go kill themself, or your niece or nephew, or your best friend, or someone close to you, and they did it?

You don't know if you're taking someones life into your hands when you say it. You don't know how seriously some people take things.

So before you say it,

Think about it.


I support Gay Rights.

Do you?

Everyone deserves to be happy.
And I think your mouth should be quiet, because it never tells the truth.
Diet  Tip:  Eat whatever you want, and if anyone tries to lecture you about your weight, eat them too.


Everyone should have the right to be able to walk down the street holding hands with the person they love without having to feel scared or ashamed.


You the closest to heaven,  that I'll ever be. 