
Joined: March 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 156368

Quotes by iwrotethisforyou


and i'll bbyour side,
you fall;

in the dead of night, whenever you call.
andpleasedont'fightnd all these hands that are holding you.

- t e n t h   a v e n u e   n o r t h 


and i know it was me

who called it over, but i still wish you'd fought me 

Till your dying day.

don't let me get away.



are nothing but a competition.

and if you can act like you care the least,

i   t h i n k   i t ' s   s a f e   t o   s a y   y o u ' r e   w i n n i n g .


we cuddle daily, everytime you tackle

me. you keep me from killing people and we yell

at each other constantly. you're a loser and have no

other friends than me. i'm an expert at making people I

don't like cry, when they make you cry. i make you do

things you don't want to do and then listen to you

constantly complain about it. i introduce you to hot

senior guys,
and then bring you with me to there

parties. we embarrass each other every chance we get

and i wouldn't have it any other way. you complain

about your issues to me and i tell you you're an idiot and

what you're doing wrong. then you do the same

for me. you're absolutely insane and just so you know,

i'm about to chat you're boy and tell him what he has.

but most importantly, you'll always be my best friend

m a i n l y b e c a u s e y o u k n o w w a y t o o m u c h .

loveyoubestfriend :)


format credit to the amazing missanna

If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now And can't get them out of your head Then Re-post this within One Minute and Whoever you are missing will surprise you ♥"

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it means so much. thanks


there comes a time
to make a choice;

move towards the future, or remember the past.
you can leave behind all the ones who did you wrong.
>>or fix relationships that are long broken.
{when there's no such thing as second chances}
and sorry just isn't good enough anymore.



For every fave,

I will write a letter
to someone important to me

»»» saying all the things

I wouldn't say outloud.

seeing those:
"does your mom wanna talk to my mom" quotes

and thinking: well that still happens to me..

you should have been there with your arms wide open
for me to fall into 

every time i'm broken

i just wanna run to you