
Joined: July 8, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: April 16
user id: 192384

hello there gorgeous.<3 if you are reading this then you've stumbled across my witty profile.<3 so, WELCOME!(:  well i guess i should introduce myself. i'm Jennifer, but everyone calls me Jenn..which ever you prefer! i'm short.(: 5 ft 1 1/2 inches, but i like being short! well i'm a cheerleader, cheer is my life.<3 i love music, of all types!  I love my friends, they mean the world to me.<3 i look forward to hugging lauren (xxnevershoutnever) everyday.<3 Confessions_of_a_cutter is my inspiration.<3
Love is Louder than the Pressure to be Perfect.<3

oh&& i guess i should mention..i cut. i burn. i scratch. i've attempted suicide more times than i can count, but i never succeed. something in my mind always stops me from succeeding. i self harmed for 2 years straight, every single day, atleast once every hour. this year i've been getting better. i don't self harm nearly as much as i used to. don't get me wrong, i still self harm. but i'm slowly getting better.

Disorder Your Score
Major Depression: Very High
Dysthymia: High-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Slight
Cyclothymia: High-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Slight-Moderate
Postpartum Depression: N/A
Take the Depression Test

asdfghjkl. <333333

the kid in these pictures below is my bestfriend. his name is Zachary but i call him Zachariah. he is literally the ONLY reason i am still living. he's talked me out of so many suicidal attempts. he is the most amazing guy i could ever meet. i would die without him. i love you bestfriend.<3

"When we first talked i knew we would always be friends. Our friendship has kept on growing, and i'll be here for you to the end. You listen when i have a problem&& help dry the tears from my face. You take away my sorrow&& put happiness in it's place. We can't forget the fun we've had, laughing 'til our faces turn blue. Talking of things only we find funny. People think we're insane- if they only knew! I guess this is my way of saying thanks for catching me when i fall. Thanks once again for being such a good friend&& being here with me through it all." ♥


Quotes by jennlove1998

therapist; "why did you try to kill yourself?"

me; "you told me to be happy."
because when people ask;
"how are you?"
they don't expect a reply like;
"suicidal and depressed."
i didn't even know i was addicted...until i tried to stop.
last night.....
i cut again.
it's all over my stomache&& up my sides...
i never realized how much i love cutting.
ALL CREDIT GOES TO confessions_of_a_cutter. i just really liked this quote.

I always thought night time was

the worst. Turns out, mornings

are the worst. It's in the morning

that you realize you're still here,

you've woken up, and you're still

breathing. You wake up, and

everything feels normal. Then you

are filled with grief. You're

grieving you and your lost

happiness. In the morning, you

realize you're exhausted. From

sleepless nights, tossing, turning,

and emotional toll. You're

exhausted from the problems you

face with people and the ones you

face by yourself. In the morning,

you're forced to drag yourself out

of bed and survive another day.

You realize you have to spend the

rest of the day making everyone

think you're okay, when you're

actually falling apart. So the night

time isn't the worst part at all.

That's when you can finally break

down, and not have to pretend

you're slowly destroying yourself.


all you'll ever be is the fading memory of a BULLY.
make another joke while they hang another rope; so lonely.
push them to the dirt 'til the words don't hurt...
can you hear me?
i hate when girls are like, "i miss my boyfriend SOOOO much. i haven't seen him in 3 hours!" but they still get to see him everyday. i'm like b*tch please. i haven't seen my boyfriend in 5 months. if i'm lucky i get to see him every 3 or so months.

i hate it. i hate it so much.
it doesn't help with anything.

i hate when people make a quote saying, "according to witty this quote will get 967 faves&& 87 comments." or something like that.
you can't see that information until AFTER you click the preview your quote button. 
you just want faves&& comments.
so, shut up. 
my parents found out about my self harming&& suicidal thoughts...i'm finally getting help.
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