
Joined: November 14, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
Birthday: January 22
user id: 238655

Hi guys :)

I'm Juliette, 15, Australia

My friends and family and church are my life and
sometimes i write songs as a release.
I think hugs were the best thing invented and
thats me really :)
format by julietechoecho



Quotes by juju1

Heres to the kids who:

Grew up with Bananas in Pyjamas & Bob the Builder being made with people dressing up in suits- not being animated

Sheridans happy again :)
she called me today laughing, shes started this acting thing now and sounds so happy :)
Thank you :)
<3 Sheridan
Conversation between my friend and her 6 year old brother at Christmas time :)
My Friend: Dan get out of the pool area u might fall in
My friends brother: no I want to be a big boy with you
My Friend: I'll tell Santa Claus 
Her brother: no u won't, u don't have his number!
My friend: how do u no that I don't?
Her brother: umm...
(slowly walks out of pool area) 
He is adorable
 <3 cute little kids
Today i realised I am friends with two of the most amazing people in the world, even though I don't see them everyday, (different schools) I still think they are two of the awsomest of my friends so this quote is for them…  Jayda and Immy. They're sisters that I've known since I was a baby. Jayda is 21 and is one of the nicest people I've met, she treats me like her daughter and is always there for me when I need help, she's my go to person when I have a problem with life or godly stuff & her answers are always helpful, she can be extremely fun or serious depending on way u need her to be :D
Immy is 16 and she is the most tolerant person ever. She only ever sees the good stuff in everyone and only sees what u want her to see. She is also an awesome hugger. If u are ever feeling sad, she will make u feel extremely happy :D I hope I never loose them ;)
I love my friends fave if u do to <3
this is random :)
Look For The LOWER Case 'L' And You Will Be Kissed tomorrow: LLLLLLLLLLlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL . Now Look For The Q And Your Wish Will Come True! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Now Look For The 'N' This Is Really Hard! MMMMMMMNMMMMMMM. Now Find The Mistake: abcdefghijklnmopqrstuvwxyz Now Wish For Something You Really Want After The Countdown! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Now Close Your Eyes And Make A Wish! ****** *** *** ****** *** ****** Now post this again. Your Wish Will Come True! You Have 19 Minutes! Or What You Wished For Will Be The Opposite
Sheridan was the smartest, happiest, prettiest person i know

she hasn't had an easy life: her parents divorced and then her dad refused to keep sending her to the private school she was at, but let her brother stay there. she moved to the closest public school and was fine there. her mum clearly likes her younger brother better. this year she started dating one of her bestfriends but it was to weird cos she knew him to well, so she broke up with him. he was really mean to her so shes been really sad lately and feels like no one notices her

i didnt see her for a few cos she couldn't make it to youth group (where i met her and see her every week)
when she did eventually come back, she was extremely skinny, her face looks tired and she has started getting scans cos they think somethings wrong with her brain

she started tellng me that she has nothing to live for and that she might as well kill herself
i'm really worried for her
i no you dont no who i am or she is but please pray for her, i dont want to loose her
This isn't mine but its so sad but the ends cute/cool...
A dad comes home drunk and mad, he pulls out a gun and shoots his wife and turns to the gun himself and pulls the trigger. The little girl sits behind a couch crying. The police came and took the little girl to a new family, and she went to her first Sunday school at church. She walks past the building and sees a picture of Jesus on the cross. The little girl then ask's the teacher "How did that man get off the cross?" the Teacher replied "He never did" then the little girl argued "Yes he did. Because the night that my mommy and daddy died he sat next to me behind the couch, telling me everything was going to be alright".

Fave if you have red hair (natural or dyed)
comment for others :)

Fave if you WISH you were still young enough to believe in Santa :p

Fave if u believe in Santas Magic :P
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